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Tuesday, January 01, 2008 happy new year ladies and gentlemen. perhaps it is at the time of the year that we make resolutions (that half the population on this planet - or perhaps even more - doesnt keep anyway), make wishes and simply hope for the best. but given how the start of a year marks the end of another, i guess countdowns have always put me in a pensive mood, reflecting on how the year has been. and i must say it turned out ok, given how the impending enlistment was a dampener to my new year's day last year. but ultimately it turned out ok. i mean, n s still sucks but through it all i have learnt quite a bit, somewhat pushed myself, become fitter and would like to think have looked better haha and most importantly, took away some pretty good memories and made some pretty good friends. cliche as it is, it was a year filled with ups and downs, but i SURVIVED! i am pleased as well that i managed to keep in contact with quite a number of individuals - although it could have been better i suppose. ANYWAY, i have decided to come out with a list of 16 (yea a random number) of the most memorable events (happy, sad, irritated, or just plain memorable) that happened to me in 2007 - it was something i came up with during a marshalling duty while waiting for the stupid run -which started only an hour later- to start some time ago and was awfully bored and was thus typing it into my phone haha. SHHHH. then subsequently added to it to make it the current list of 20! in no order whatsoever: 1. my birthday party! haha what a huge surprise that was - until like 3 hours before the party when snee spilt the beans - and i had to act surprised when i arrived. it was cool and surprising and touching that navjote had planned it for me. but what's even more memorable was how much of a jerk i was before the thing. due to the admissions exams the next day and all haha. 2. collection of a level results. bad just bad. i mean, yea they arent exactly BAD results, but they fell short of expectations so it was just sad. i remember clearly the moment when i took my results slip and couldnt first believe the b3 for gp and then the grades for the other 2 subjects. and i remember too the state of shock, anger and sadness that i was in before subsequently going with suhas for a semi-binging session at nydc. 3. trip to sydney. was a later addition. and thankful to ex-pc for that opportunity really. cos even though i went with some apprehension, it turned out really really well and still recall it with many fond memories. there was thomas, those drinking sessions and r&r which was really good. and the DIARY haha. of course there were the irritating and lethargic flies (not my words) and training, which in all honesty was moderate lah. like what i always tell people who ask me about it, the best thing that has happened to me in n s. 4. running, just running. it's amazing i think. the total distance i covered in my 18 years before i enlisted probably does not even add up to the distance i covered for my stan chart trg! i have always hated running, and i still do, but it is the only thing i can still do ok with more training - unlike all other sports that i still suck at haha. i think i just shocked myself that i took part in ahm & stan chart - and all the more so since i wasnt exactly forced to take part in stan chart marathon. WELL the timing's not everything haha. 5. pillowman. first actual play. damn good. and i totally enjoyed myself for that. 6. getting into law school. imagine reading articles about stiff competition for uni places and it being reported that the cut off for law is 3 As. so when you are given a second chance you are even more determined to prove yourself. it was quite a hassle from the beginning - the extra essays and personal portfolio but i guess they all paid off. and i actually enjoyed the interview process! haha. yea i was really quite happy when i got it. well perhaps ays is right, birthday wishes do work after all. 7. ndp support. the fireworks were cool and memorable. but hrm other than that all the saikang and all made me feel so er useful and waiterish and now capable of serving water quickly. 8. soldier of the month for the month of august. i was pretty amused by it actually. a year ago i would never have thought that i would have gotten it but i like the sensation of winning (something good) and having something to put by my bed haha. i mean there're souvenirs leh how can it not be memorable haha. 9. tekong. tekong was weird, just weird. i never liked the ferry trip there. hated all the pt, and i was toilet ic summore haha. i remembered being like totally possessive of the toilet it's quite funny. then there're the stupid queues at the toilet all the time, senseless punishments that were even worse than my course, having to cut botak like every month, failing ippt, consistently not being able to climb up the stupid low rope. zul popping over from v coy. those phonecalls to different people every night. the 5 minute phone calls! haha. the 'suicide' after a levels! 10. stand-by area at the parade square. urgh, that's just painful. come to think of it though, it is probably one of those whack them into shape initiations. nevertheless i will never forget the running back and forth, packing everything into the duffel and dashing down the stairs. how could i forget? i have unmatching sandals to remind me of it. 11. trying to pick up games. i never bothered i guess but the plt has been kind enough to be patient with me so just learn i guess. although calvin's right in saying "i thought you were a sportsman, but when i saw you play i realised you have no ball sense" haha. the second part. o well, learning can be fun. sometimes. though somewhat humiliating. haha. learnt cludedo and all sorts of weird games too haha. that we only played like a week for each only though haha. 12. roaming the streets at midnight. haha. that was samjo's sleepover. i remember all the photowhoring and the particular one outside the istana when the camera turned to face us. that was pretty scary. haha. it was also the first time we queued for doughnuts! haha. 13. zul's bday party. that one was pretty queer. din really know the people there to begin with. though truth or dare was er pretty revealing haha. 14. people starting school! it's weird to see people all starting school and you dont actually exercise your brain cells. not in their way anyway. and then they all disappear, flying off to various places or are all too busy for you hurhur. but yea there were still quite a few opportunities to meet up and those were always good (: 15. cruise! ok i talked about it in the last entry and since it warranted one entry and lasted 5 days, i think it does count as a memorable time. 16. (thereby making the total number to be 16 because it happened most recently and is the latest addon) sharapova vs chetvatadze. i still think they're very mean to chetvatadze (i hope i spelt it correctly), promoting the whole thing as "maria sharapova live". i mean like the chetvatadze is world no. 6! but it was a great match. i dont even watch tennis, so it was an experience learning all the rules and watching some pretty great strokes. and the players of course haha. thanks sj for the tix! so there, 16 of the most memorable events in 2008 - i am sure there're more, a chunk of which are from the institution called the army, but i suppose things like lessons learnt etc etc etc should be left for a more significant date like ONE YEAR SOLDIER hurhur. which is coming real soon. and which marks a rise in pay haha. so what's there to look forward to in 2008? liheng asked me this question yesterday and for now though there really isnt much to look forward to, there is above all - ORD! and that's enough isnt it? haha o well, it doesnt matter i guess, because as we take things as they come, we will constantly be surprised and surprise others. for after all, a new year is just another day, and we are only stopping to remind ourselves of the things to come and things we have done because we want to. and today my leave ends. junyi! posted at 12:59 am.
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