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Monday, April 24, 2006 OK. In a few minutes time my birthday ends. Being 18 means ... INCREASED responsibility, and the chance to exercise my discretion better haha. and of course u get to do the things that just seem so ... illegal a DAY back. haha. but i shall u noe, ensure that i use these privileges with much though ahem and because i m by nature a good kid - ok not anymore, i will very likely not succumb to these. haha. o. it is legal to smoke to. ok random. legal to drink to. haha. NVM. I AM NO LONGER A KID. haha pek said i dont look 18, but it's ok cos the people who matters look only at paper qualifications so as long as it writes tt i am EIGHTEEN, then i AM eighteen. haha. and i retain my youthful looks. whee. As you can see i am rather high at this point of time. ok. nvm. (reminds myself i am 18 alr) so i shall act 18. I TRY at least haha. anw, really really many thanks to everyone who made these one of the most enjoyable birthdays ever. ok the MOST enjoyable, memorable, interesting, happening birthday. given how the previous 2 were held over weekends haha and birthdays have never been big affairs for me for the past 17 years, really quite surprised, sometimes embarrassed, but everything made me happy. AND OMG. the photos from nav's camera super unglam. haha. so anyway, because it has been a really interesting day i shall start detailing it. i have econs to do and chem to do and bio to study. but it's my birthday! so i shall do whatever i want. haha. so anw, thanks to those with their well wishes - those who did remember and were reminded haha. congrats to dnet yap for the 2nd consecutive yr being the first person to wish me over msn haha. but she cheated. she insisted my clock was slow. haha. ok lah she wished again 2 mins later. but i dunno who was first in the end. haha. ok yups the rest of the ppl - nav, suhas, ajit, snee, jean, steph, zhu (AND FANGYAN! haha), mt hse comm - dani, leslie, james, samjo, glenL, jerry (wah everyday wish haha), bel, nash, 2so3w - kwan, amy, audris, donna, peixuan, (o my birthday officially ends here), yangbin, nadjad, wyns, kenneth nah, kanghao (after much very hilarious promting from yangbin haha), liheng, jinging, a01a, shiyun, roland, ben cai, benng, xiuwen, yanyuan, singyean, brian, jianliang, jonkang, aysuria, zul, junsheng, eevie, philk. o gosh. seriously, i m losing count. shucks. haha. ok i m sorry if ur name doesnt appear. er o yea ms chen, ms hor, mr seah, mr chan, mrs asha. o gosh. ANW ... those of you who gave ur well wishes. THANKS. =) i have a feeling i missed out many names there cos i keep adding names as i keep typing this post. but anw. yups ... special thanks esp to NAVJOTE - for doing so many really amusing things. and the banner thing - mus b u lah. omg. so embarassing. and the shirt. absolutely funny. haha. and mt hse comm + all the ppl involved in the cake. thanks a mil. so paiseh lah. dani boss madam also nv do anything like tt. wah. =S ok mus do sumthing. leslie too! and then dnet! and then james, glen too! wah. 3w. a very amusing day really. haha thanks for the medal thing. and gosh. the one in the chem lecture. 500+ ppl. i mean yes i m an attention seeker, haha, but i so hamji lah. so very malued. haha. o thanks for the cake. it melted. i tried to salvage it. and kenneth. haha the chengthng. haha. thanks nash & jonk for the very interesting choice of books haha thanks jade & kwan for the delicious strawberry. i ate them. my family loved them too. haha. thankyou everyone else! it has been a good day. several unexpected things. plus the fact tt some ppl got trapped in the lift. ok will anyone read until here? so long alr. haha. but anw. my birthday very special u see. people got like trapped in the lift. but i shall continue this another day. and photos to b uploaded soon. grins. junyi! posted at 6:46 pm.
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