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Sunday, July 08, 2007 ah yes. social order has been partly restored since i last got my sundays back. saturdays are still spent at ndp. with greater responsibilities and more scoldings. which totally sucks. it's great meeting up with people. until it dawns upon you how out of touch you are with their lives, with what's going on around you. and them. so yes since the last entry, i met up with zul & chang, at this extremely weird cafe that was pink but cheap - and bought the game which i thought was hilarious, but otherwise useless cos it wouldnt work for me; there was ndp combined rehearsal 2 which i got tickets for and which totally sucked because they shortchanged us of the fireworks - cos too much was used for cr1 apparently (the fireworks at cr3 however was spectacular - it dawned upon me that i have never seen fireworks that close before, and the formation, the designs were extremely pretty - yes when you though fireworks only came in different designs. i hope i get to bring my camera next time!); found out that suhas has received his pink ic and is partaking in the inbreeding programmes of ______; had lunch with 'my singh friend' (as my pc noted when he saw me haha); had a sortof gathering cum farewell lunch for dani and found wheelock place to be da place for ex rj dudes haha. then yes lunch with zul today. ah social order is more or less in place. but yes i think i am a boring lunch companion because i always never fail to complain about how i am the lowest ranking rear echelon dude around and how we get pushed around all the time. i guess it's just how stupid, incapable people piss you off. and you may work under them, so what does that say about you. that you are very tolerant. but whatever lah. i think i am just a very angry person. haha but yes i am very pleased that i have completed shopping for bday presents for most people. and proud of my choice of gifts. haha excitations. junyi! posted at 11:42 pm.
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