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Sunday, August 08, 2004 Time flies, doesn’t it? It really has been some time since I last blogged and you know – some people say that a short period of time can transform a person. From rags to riches or vice versa. From success to failure or vice versa. Ah. The wonders and challenges of life. So, seriously, what am I coming to? Was just trying to bring across the point that within a few days things and changes do happen. In just these few days, I am no longer vice-capt of Moor, Moor is still first though ((: and I am SUPPOSED to do full-time mugging now.
So what really happened over the week? I must say it has pretty eventful - this great man you are reading about fell sick and is still sick (but is getting ok … so thanks for your concern :P). Hence, I couldn’t catch much revision over the 4 days of school. Then there was cross-country – which worsened my condition – with the cheering and all – but all have been worth it in the end (you will hear about it J). Friday came and there was national day celebrations AND moor house meeting cum handover. Finally, Saturday rounded up the whole series of events whereby there was the NPCC farewell party for the sec 4s (me included!). So yeah … I guess this will b a pretty long entry, for attending functions like such really bring many memories and thoughts to you. 4 years of life spent in RI … will I miss it? I say, definitely, I will. (duh!) Ok … So first up, there was cross-country. Had to stay back for chemistry practical first, so decided to turn up later with jonk, navjote, alan, sam jo, nash, ben, wen jie etc … late for xcountry since it is basically optional for sec 4s to turn up. Went for lunch at 3:30 and spent the time talking cock and watch ben cai frown & think deeply into a physics question (1st time :P …). Went over to xcountry only to realize that there is only the sec 2 race left but yea we stayed on to wait for the results and all … after all, the sec 4s are technically still in charge. Guess what? WE CAME IN FIRST … finally. All the hard work had finally paid off. OUR FIRST MAJOR WIN IN 4 YEARS. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Of course, we were ecstatic, with Ilman, Jonk and I giving our last speech to the house, inspiring them to work harder and all … b4 we introduced our new house capts and all. Overjoyed, we took a couple of fotos, briefed the sec 3s and of course jx and ben and many others tried to pull me into the reservoir … but did not in the end (whew …) Walked an extremely long route home since I did not bring my ez link card and so walked wif the rest to bishan MRT station. Wow. In the words of Chen Seong … ‘what a good way to go …’ O well. Nothing much happened on Thursday, except tt there were many who showed surprise over Moor’s win (sec 4s only knew it on thurs … though word DOES go around). Then there was Friday, national day celebrations. Was really looking forward to a break. So we had these little goodies and were put through this ‘musical’ sort of thingy and of course had our ears tortured with he-who-should-not-be-named very, very ‘fantastic’ singing. Of course, we do applaud his showmanship, don’t we? And Ilman got first in this Singapore quiz … of course I cheered him on, starting the ‘moor, we want more’ cheer! Haha. But, tt definitely was not the highlight on Friday. The sec 4s passed the baton of house leadership to the sec 3s after the celebrations … and I must say it was a most memorable and if I can say, poignant meeting for most or us … or at least for Ilman, jonk & myself. I mean … we led the house from 5th to 4th and then from 4th to 1st is one thing. But what really mattered for us was the friendships that we all carved over the 1 year or so working together. Thanked every1 present and had this funky handover whereby we tied an armband on the new captain (my idea :P) … jonk for shaun (according to those present – the cute, quiet, efficient one), me for Kaiyang (once again, according to those present – deep and dangerous, deep thinker and ‘need to know him better’) and finally, Ilman for jerik (the sexy and like mrs chong’s son – charismatic one). O well, gave our farewell speech, and for once, I was lost for words, but I really thank u guys for ur show of support over the past one year … (despite my sometimes extremely straightforward remarks). Then had photo taking with an extremely unclear camera, coz some extremely smart asshole exposed the film and my battery got exhausted. What to do? Ah ha, then Saturday came whereby our dear NPCC sec 3s showed their thanks by planning a party for us. Functions like this, are really difficult to plan, for it involves lots of guys and u cant cater to every1. Keeping this in mind, E5 (Lawrence, zihan, Edwin, the non-existent ngiap and myself), nash and financed by dear woo chiao booked the karaoke room … only to find 1960s records available. What to do? Both Lawrence and I decided to host our very own talkshow and it was an immediate hit! The details are too scandalous to be published, but for the details u can find me ((: [those interviewed include the unstraight HO, woo chiao, hsien yao, ming jie, Jason lau, zeyan, Gerald, baiting (ahem), weijie … and a couple more tt I have difficulty remembering]. We later moved over to the functions room where we had a bigger audience but still … it wasn’t tt nice after that as we HAD NO MIKES! Boo hoo hoo … Lawrence had to leave, so woo chiao became my co-host and yea … we did cause some riot! Woo Chiao, Hsien Yao & Ming Jie were dunked b4 we all went home after tt … and all in all, I must say guys (sec 3s), TKS a lot for planning this get-together session for the sec 4s. Woo Chiao says tt we will miss NPCC … but will I? I really don’t know. Sigh. Once again, I move on in life. But before that, I really need to thank this 2 very very impt people – Jonk & Ilman. Jonk: My fellow vice-captain, I never knew what to expect since the day u gave me the phonecall and informed me that I was vice-captain alongside with you. I mean, I have never worked with you before and I really, really did not know what to expect upon taking up the challenge. But, you were really great (yea, despite u often looking down on us 8-subbers – both literally and figuratively) and I seriously appreciate u covering my duties during my debates season … Actually, I am really quite glad that thru this experience, we got to know each other better and I seriously hope that we will be able to work together again in the future ((: Who knows? All the best 2 wtv u do, for I seriously managed to learn a lot from you over the past 1 year and of course … u always shook me back into reality when my ideas went too far and yea … sorry for always keeping u waiting during meetings or gatherings … haha. U were and still are a joy to be with and work with – both as a working partner and as a friend. Ilman: My dear house captain. We first started with me as monitor and u as asst but we never did got to know each other better despite that, did we? You came in as capt with the most no. of recommendations & most amt of support from the house. But u never made urself a figurehead captain … u worked as hard or even harder than us and I could see tt it never was easy – balancing ur hse duties, mcc and rugby stuff. And of course academic. Unfortunately, u with ur busy schedules haf resulted in difficulties for me to meet up with u over non-moor stuff, but I did get to know u better and I seriously salute u with u being a friend, a superior and a working partner. Ur never-say-die, work attitude and attitude to life never never at one moment failed to amaze me. I did not manage to work with you as much as I did with Jonk, but nevertheless, we did spend a lot of time together and it has been a great experience to have this experience. A most diverse group, as you can see. Religion wise, race wise, subject combinations wise, cca wise. But I must tell you the 3 of us have lots of chemistry together (maybe coz of ms grace?). Haha. But seriously, I couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with. Because of the presence of the both of you, I never ever thought of giving up, and have never regretted applying for my vice-captain position. Thanks a lot dudes! I seriously hope that our friendship and ‘partnership’ will not end here. Ah. The NPCC gathering today sparked off some thoughts too. ‘Surely, u will miss NPCC? Surely, there were times that were good? Surely u will miss ur squadmates, and the sec 3s?’ Some one asked me that at the gathering. And so I began thinking about these questions. I guess, if u were to ask me, NPCC wasn’t THAT bad. I noe I do give quite snide comments about it, but I guess there were great times. I mean, E5 was formed, and I would always cherish our moments together, but it is quite sad that our interactions seldom go beyond NPCC – as Lawrence rightly puts it. And my relationship with the Sec 3s? I guess I am only remotely close to a few of them – the group tt I was in charge of for the NCO camp (G1 – Jason, Kaiyang, teddy, wei jie, Gerald) and ppl like matthew … but maybe it is an npcc thing, but my interaction with them also never go beyond NPCC. There was never the kind of spark among us (unlike the moor hse situation) and I guess there was some sort of professional gap – sigh – But it has been nice working with them, and who knows … there are full of uncertainties in life, and I may very well work with or even under these dudes in the future. Guess there will b some things I will miss after all. I have always been a firm believer of strong leadership renewal. For u live your dreams through your successors. Seriously, what really can u do in a short 1 year? But are ur choices always the right ones? For moor house, I guess it really is difficult to comment, since there really is too little time for us to see wat the 3 new captains and their crew is made up of. Nevertheless, I have full faith in them, since I did have a hand in choosing them ((: O well. One of my longest entries thus far – 2000 words or so. It is time for me to move on. To mugging, and to being one dude wif zero life. AH … but still hafta do some saving of money & shopping over the next few weeks. Gotta buy gifts for a couple of frens and teachers’ day coming real soon … and it clashes wif prelims. So better plan early. Written so much – but some tt I am referring to may not read it. Nvm. It’s a ‘load’ of my chest. And after such long essays, I think I shall flip open my bio textbook and learn more about … erm … nephrones? Actually, I shall mug SS … in tandem with National Day! ((: PS/ apologies for the long windedness, bad English and messy organization! junyi! posted at 10:12 pm.
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