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Saturday, April 16, 2005 i kinda realised tt this blog isnt as updated as it ought to be -- given the previous 2 entries per week kind of thing. Yea. But havent exactly been free - or rather at home much this week ... Not much happened i guess. Jeanne walked out of class yesterday. U14 came and went on wed. Ppl were campaigning 2 get our votes 2 get into council and the boys just won uwc at jgs semi-finals on a 3-2 split. Besides tt, u cld say nothing much happened. O yes, i did chem mock spa and failed to do any calculations watsoever after doing titration for a grand total of NINE TIMES! After a whole series of rejections (with another one juz adding to the list) ... it seems funny how ppl r coming to me commenting on how i had 'decided to concentrate on debates' or expressing bewilderment in me 'choosing not to join council' ... i dun really care much anymore ... n i shall juz b a normal student of raffles. Ppl have come and gone giving all sorts of theories abt y some of us (mostly debaters) din get in ... yea ... but i guess there is not much of a use now is there? i hv lots to say abt the entire council elections set-up ... but juz in case ppl accuse me of being a sour grape, i think i shall reserve my comments to myself -- all i hv to say is, i simply dont agree wif the choosing of the house captain - and hearing how the campaign setup is like for other schools, i muz say ours seriously lacks a lot of stuff. Like it means a lot. Ytd was particularly memorable - since it really brought back memories for we ppl hu in ajit's words, hv '2 weeks more' before we no longer r called the defending champs. haha. but yea. great to see the 7 guys from the batch of 04 coming down - of course unless u count the one gautam hu has never been down part of us. But yea, chatted among ourselves abt everything and anything - from the serious to the not-so-serious, cheered and sang on the roads of sengkang - yea and many other stuff tt we debaters r crazy enough to do. ri vs acs(i) finals. I hope the boys win - again. Wheeeeee. jc life seems so short. __________________________ It was funny how when jeanne called zwitt 'sharon' and we all expressed surprise on how jeanne was sharon's teacher, she-who-should-not-be-named-but-noes-hu-she-is said 'but tt cant be true, sharon says she has a good econs teacher!' Unfortunately, jeanne din find it funny. But tt was on mon and tt wasnt y she walked out of class __________________________ I found this in time and indeed, found it pretty good 'We're not supposed to know when we peak. It might have been when you still had a job, or when you were 16, but we always soldier on by fooling ourselves that the best is still ahead' 'And even though I know in my heart that my greatest seuccess will always lie in my past, there's till a part of my brain that hopes I will one day achieve such great things I'll be rich and famous' Indeed, well said. __________________________ A week or so left b4 i turn 17. Maybe things will get better. Maybe all tt hv just happened r all blessings in disguise. Or maybe, i get too optimistic sometimes. junyi! posted at 11:49 am.
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