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Tuesday, May 31, 2005 hello every1. i AM BACK! ok. 1 day late. but yea. i m back. i m sure u missed me. haha. o well. lots hv happened over the past few days. starting from daisy, with an amazing set and cast with very fine acting indeed. Like i wld always do, i wld refuse to do any review on a production since i m no expert n writing one wld probably not do any justice to it. haha. yea, n i admit tt i m feeling lazy n tired after ccal camp n writing a review wld take up way too much time. but it was good, i admit. then there was ccal camp @ bintan, which i thoroughly enjoyed. Yea, despite having slept in a tent tt was sloping downwards due to some brainchild of some geniuses (btw ... i really dun noe hu they r given we built tents b4 being allocated to the tents), the place being somewhat mosquito infested, the bad toilet facilities (or rather, lack of), having to constantly wear the irksome wet shoes tt i threw away after the camp, the blisters tt i hv, the burnt skin tt i hv, the lack of lighting and the fact that SOMEONE constantly bullied me into giving her food, lending her many random stuff (fine, juz kidding. haha), i had loads of fun. i mean, seriously. haha. those were just some complaints i had with the camp but the camp was a rather interesting experience. Spirits in my group especially were rather high, given tt many teachers hv been impressed by us (haha). It was also fun rafting (though we failed despite having been so confident about it and having taken such a long time in building it - the longest in fact. haha.), going on the high ropes challenge (where there was one physically demanding station tt i attempted to complete - the tyre one, which i had to give up coz my harness got entangled. grrrr. but i did complete another station in the end), then there was night orienteering (where we took eons to find station 3 and was later asked by dear mr kan the TRIGO FORMULAS! holy crap), we went trekking on the coastal rocks too (where i did a running commentary abt the terrain coz junyi is always helpful and also because he cant stand NOT talking and the only way for him to keep awake is to talk. haha.), we also went on the wakatobi jungle trail (with a funnily stupid cheer tt ben came out with. and with soft soil tt made 4 guys sink into. and with us nevertheless having spirits so high. and with me having to help lead chork when siva made him 'blind'. WE were so GOOD tt we impressed the mellifluous melissa lim with our motivation! wow. haha. we were called best group tt they hv seen k ...) yea. n there was kayaking which wasnt anything new but still somewhat interesting when he had to do tasks lyke forming the words RJC wif our kayaks. of course, n the singing tt we did. o yea. there was the campfire too. beach games too. war games wasnt as successful as it cld hv been n beach games, which i was helping out in for limbo rock - in which certain things certain ppl did made SOMEBODY's ego extremely big. haha. o yea. n campfire was qte a creative effort. i hope i din forget anything. but even if i did, they r not really worth remembering anyway - unless u want to talk abt suhas malhotra actually pissing me off at the end of the camp. but i feel seriously tt i hv come out of this experience learning a lot - given i wasnt expecting much in the first place, but it was all a learning experience which i enjoyed n more importantly, got to noe many many more ppl. my 2 cents worth, really. i juz joined a moblog samjo requested me to join. n in my opinion the review was an excellent one, more info on the adventure at bintan can b found on this address: http://www.campusmoblog.com.sg/group/blog.asp?gid=1B034DE6-5C44-46BE-8694-F1110E3D97A6&bid=E49CB92B-9631-4575-A409-E8600D18E7A9 yea. n as for today, despite me being so tired and lazy, i managed to drag my lazy self over to rj for the may camp for the little children at whispering hearts. screaming children and uncontrollable ones. but it wasnt time wasted - at least it told me NEVER to even think of setting up a childcare centre. yea. tt's abt all i guess. had fun wif my group in camp. really cool bunch of ppl. haha. quoteworthy moments: 1. SOMEBODY knocking on the panels of an obstacle wall more than 2.5 metres tall, saying 'there ought to b a secret panel for us to climb up' 2. 'eh, u son of a bitch' - a 7-year-old kid to senthil 3. someone (a different person this time - a he) face turned beetroot red when asked by a little boy if he had a girlfriend - coz he was constantly msging. which was funny when u actually see his face turn REALLY REALLY RED as he tried to deny. haha. n mean n unscandalous ppl lyke navjote n me started making him go ard asking other guys abt it. haha. but of course no one reaction can beat this certain he. haha. i cant think of any other stuff at the moment, if i rmb, wld add on. n hopefully pictures the next time too. econs lesson 2ml. wat a horrendous way to start a day. junyi! posted at 7:14 pm.
(0) comments Friday, May 27, 2005 o well. this shall b a quick post. lots of stuff has happened. there was common test. which i guess was ok but not fantabulous. then there was ytd where ppl were all dying for lessons but yet on a high otherwise; coz school was closing (n has now closed... haha). 5 finals ytd. 3 golds in total. watched badminton n rugby finals. i guess the ruggers did try their best. not bad. i think hse comm is fun. haha. we get to go support finals LEGITIMATELY. hoho. yea. n ytd during lecture a funny thing happened. apparently some1 pasted labels tt said reserved for a couple. which was quite funny when u c their reactions n when u c it for urself. haha. i m getting incoherent. coz m in a rush n for qte a few reasons. m going for daisy in hardly an hour time. so yes. i havent had my dinner n my dad has did weird concept of dine wif ur family day which really din make sense since we dine together almost everyday n we dont talk or interact much anyway. so yea. m going to bintan for ccal camp for the next 3 days. it seems lyke fun but i can forsee us all being dirty, sticky n wet. o well. we never noe until we find out for ourselves eh. haha. o well. DONT MISS ME WHILE I M NOT AROUND ... haha. At the same time, enjoy the peace n quiet while i m not around, coz when i m back, THE NOISE WLD RETURN. haha. n there's this rubbish ccal thingy on personal best experience tt i hv to do b4 i go 4 the camp. wat personal best experience when everything i do is at my personal best? hmmms. haha. i m on a high these days ... Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. haha. bye. junyi! posted at 6:03 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, May 24, 2005 haha. despite common test lurking round the corner, i still found the time to chat. And this indeed, is one of the funniest thing i have ever heard someone say. [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: hahaha sheeeet. you know what he said [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: he was like "you're at the stage where you can break a lot of hearts. jst make sure yours isn't broken" [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: i was like wtheck?! [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: so i was like "don't worry nobody wants me" [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: and he was like "yeah i know but sometimes guys yr age can suddenly develop bad taste which passes quickly" [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: "which is why i tell you not to get yr heart broken" [dennet] - ignorance is bliss nothingseverworthitsoletsjstkeepitthatway says: and i'm like "okayyyyyy." - Dad giving advice to a girl on how to handle her love life. haha. junyi! posted at 8:55 pm.
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o well. i shouldnt really be blogging given common test is tomorrow. Yet, given that it is GENERAL PAPER tomorrow, GP is all about writing, and thus this SHOULD be good practice. Hence, I shall attempt to write this entry with as few Singaporean Lingo (also known as singlish) as possible. haha. Well, today was not exactly the best of days. Given that there was the Economics test which I fell asleep while studying for (a clear reason why you should not be studying on a bed) and tried studying for while speaking on msn to individuals from my class and the dear chairman. I was assuming that Jeanne Lim would be friendless and would not have teachers who would be nice enough to sit in and give the test to us. Well, apparently I am semi-wrong since I am only right about the having no friends part but I am wrong about her not having anyone come in - given she was a supervising teacher to a trainee teacher and thus she probably got the trainee teacher to come in in return for her passing him. Of course, this may not really be true. It is all based on what I THINK, so please do not sue me if you see this MS LIM. I blabber. In short, the test was bad because I did not study for it and I had no idea what exactly I was writing on the paper. We had AGM next - for debates no doubt - that Suhas had this warped idea we should be excited about. Team's out - js, suhas, shang, chere, mark. Rather predictable, undoubtedly. No comments. Just hope that you all would win. And kick ass too. And oh yes, I would be there to support you. haha. As mentioned, GP common test is tomorrow. I should thus start revising - of some sort I guess. The how part I shall think of -soon-. _______________________________ Here's a photo to end the entry. It has my face in it so I am not sure if it would brighten your day... yea but here's to debates once again. As we all remember it to be. ![]() JGs 04 [april]. champions. junyi! posted at 6:47 pm.
(0) comments Monday, May 23, 2005 Yep. spent my vesak day holiday having a meeting which in my opinion was rather productive. so yay! The rest of the year seems rather exciting for moor-tarbet wif lots of new ideas coming out which i cant really divulge. but i hope tt the hse wld b extremely receptive to the whole thing! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee. Stupid jeanne lim just has to give us a test b4 gp common test. and ESSAY TEST some more. this when we dont understand anything abt production and costsssss. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i m almost certain tt i m going to fail this test. What's new anyway? Anyway, in lieu of the fact tt i juz had a hse comm mtg, let me upload 2 pictures tt has its roots in hse. well this uploading of pictures seem so boliao. but nvm. it's fun. And safe. At least i wont b sued or something. (so far at least) ![]() Batch gift 2004 for Moor junyi! posted at 5:46 pm.
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junyi! posted at 5:45 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, May 21, 2005 Given that founders' day has juz ended, i shall now upload a picture from my years in ri after writing an entry. these pictures hv all been taken last year (with this being an exception) and hopefully, they can bring u some fond memories too (if u sooooooooo happen to b in them) but not make u recall tt i havent given u ppl the pictures yet. haha. ![]() debates new yr party. 1.1.2005. i hv no idea wat the christmas tree was doing there. junyi! posted at 5:46 pm.
(0) comments Friday, May 20, 2005 ![]() few of us. a blurred picture. ![]() All in all, to sum up founders' day. it was ok. although HOW DARE THEY TOTALLY KOPED OUR EMCEE SCRIPT FOR THE PARADE LAST YEAR! THE ONE TT RICH N I WROTE. haha. it was kinda obvious after the first few lines. i tot raffles program was supposed to teach them to b pioneers leaders n thinkers. nvm. juz one of the random things rich n i started talking abt. haha. nothing spectacular. tho i tot the plaques were rather nice. yay. tt wld b the last time the class of 2004 would b gathering as the class of 2004 ... unless there wld b a reunion. our batch, lyke zul once put it ... is such a fairytale - really. congrats to ilman for his wijey award again =) ... there was qte some bitching abt how awards shld b given out ... but let's not bother. tt's the way things r n unless i get rich n donate money to set up more scholarships / awards i guess things gotta remain very much the same. haha. really glad school week has ended. tho i still gotta go sch 4 some ccal rubbish ... grrr. but i welcome the 'break'. junyi! posted at 11:23 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, May 19, 2005 given tt i still hv a shitloads of work to do ... i shouldnt really b blogging. still, given the long chains of events tt hv been happening - here's jus a brief update acjc intercollegiates ended ytd. we lost - yea. saddening really. qte disappointed wif the way it went. partly my fault i guess, since i told them not to def challenge and din pt out all the impt stuff. yea. i dont lyke being runner-up. but seriously, the worse thing is to b told by the adjudicators tt we dont seem to b trying, tt we seem to hv given up. i think it is really unfair of them to say tt ... coz we did try our best and we never did give up. sigh. nevertheless, i guess defeat is part and parcel of life and i m juz glad to b given this opportunity and it indeed, was good experience. i guess we all have to be able to learn from our past mistakes - n from there fight on and strive on. i noe this is a small-scale competition, but yep, still gotta tk my teammates for such a good time - esp aysuria & ajit - the 2 speakers who i was sitting with on the floor (figuratively of course). Indeed, i learnt a lot - not only from the 36 minutes in total tt i hv spoken in, but also all the late night doing of cases tt somehow accounted for all the undone homework. yea ... n tks all supporters, sarala, suhas, shang etc. for all ur help in cases thruout this competition. 4th consecutive raffles defeat. i hope we win the nationals damnnit. spa went ok tho i hardly had time to study for it given tt i reached home at 10+ last nite. hse comm mtg 2day went ok. seems lyke a lot of work tt i tot the council shld b doing is going to b done by the hse comms instead. apparently hse comms collectively wld plan stuff. which shld b interesting. u14 finals went fine, no major glitches i think. ri din win. but i guess it was kind of a close debate tho i wasnt really listening given tt i was reading thru my case thruout the whole thing - which wasnt of any use in the end anw. i m burnt n i m tired. which kinda explains y i cant really think of wat happened for the rest of the week thus far. O wait. this is impt ... tues was sarala's bdae. so here's wishing her a happy belated bdae! :) founders' day 2ml. yea. i get my 2 plaques with no money for my services to ri. how exciting. haha. rp3 essay due 2ml. so's math tutorial n econs tys mcq. just a question - how m i going to do them? o wells. i tot is funny. "20 years ago, i wasn't a foetus but an idea in my parents' head' -philk junyi! posted at 7:24 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, May 14, 2005 hey. in a sense good things hv been happening this week. so i can only say tt ... tt's good. haha. got into hse comm. really glad abt it. rather surprised tt jonk din get in, but i guess given 4 votes, sometimes ppl juz assume tt he wld get enough votes n wld thus -needless to say- get in. obviously, such assumptions hv in many circumstances been proven wrong. special tks to nash n samjo for campaigning so hard 4 the group, and really glad tt the both of u got in. oso, tks to all hu voted me in - esp the ex-2a ppl n my class ppl ... yeps tks a lot. the comm consists of nash, samjo, glen liau, zwitt, belicia, jerry, james, ajit, leslie n me and wld b captained by dani. not a bad comm at all. sounds lyke loads of fun ((: N i guess in a sense this whole thing is made more interesting wif us being the 1st hse comm and thus it is ... very well history in the making. acjc cols next week. debate proper starts at 1730 at acjc (since prep starts at 1630) ... B sure to b there ((: hopefully i wont do too bad ... n hopefully i wont let the team down. founders' day next week. friday. no surprises. 2 service awards as mentioned end of last year. congrats to those hu got all the various outstanding and *MONETARY* (wow) awards. as far as i noe, ilman 4 his wijey award (he best manifests the rafflesian spirit!); serjius 4 his stamford raffles, jason ho for his sportsboy of the year ... and all the others for their AAA ... sorry if i spoilt the surprise 4 u. if only they gave money for service awards. haha. i shld get a fren of ri award too! haha. well. dance *afternoon* coming soon. looking forward to it (; looks like it's another week of squeezing debates, spa n homework and my public policy essay altogether. junyi! posted at 12:02 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, May 11, 2005 junyi is a tired man. wah. it has been a tiring 5 days since last sat ... thankfully all the effort paid of n we r now in SEMIS! yay. grrrrrr. so much work to do. House elections wld b 2ml. Hopefully i get in. Considering the amt of campaigning tt i hv done so far ... the chances of me going in wld b quite low. aiya ... i dunno. speech 2ml! grrrrr tt said. i guess i shld start campaigning now. Hey U there! r u from moorbet? If yes, vote for meeeeeeee! GOH JUN YI 3W! there. done. haha. ----------------- A conflict between yamkhoon n ter yue: CTY "changing ur results to prevent anomaly reflects a lack of integrity on your part" Class (actually, me) "but sir, mr yeo asked us to change our results" CTY "i dont want to even ask hu ur chem tutor is ... actually i noe lah ... he is my very good fren" ---------- In a separate conversation: Class "sir ... r u CTY's fren ... he has a conflict with you" YYK "no, were from same batch wat ... in same jc ... y conflict abt wat?" Class "he says tt changing anomalous results to have no anomaly is cheating" YYK "no lah, it isnt cheating, it's giving the best possible answer" ------------- junyi! posted at 10:07 pm.
(0) comments Monday, May 09, 2005 i feel so bloody hopeless. For the past 4 months or so i have been helping ppl edit their cases, shorten their cases ... and when it comes to MY OWN CASE, i cant do it. when it comes to MY OWN TEAM, i have been so hopeless at helping them. U noe, when somehow we r all left alone, with no coach, no one to advise u, u feel so bloody insecure. And i noe it for one, tt my case sucks big time. I noe it for two (ok ... this sounds lame), tt it is excessively overtime. Shit. This sucks. totally. I got an econs test tt jeanne says tt there is no need to study for. I got tons of work tt i havent done. N i need to campaign for hse comm. Thank god samjo and nash r helping me do loads of the campaigning stuff. yea. n i m now vice chair for debates. lol. Running for hse comm. Vote for samjo, nash and me! i totally hate campaigning. still. i m glad to b given the chance. c ... i told u the hse ppl r so much nicer than the council ones. junyi! posted at 11:31 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, May 08, 2005 i have finally completed my case 4 ac collegiates. it's really shit though. ARGHHHHHHHHHH. Got so much to do for it :( Besides tt, i have tons of other work to do. Feeling really stressed rite now. 2ml's the release of results for house comm nominees and debates exco. The council exco results r out. It is, simply put, the worse kept secret i have ever seen in my whole life. haha. junyi! posted at 10:31 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, May 05, 2005 i simply must blog on this historic date. 050505. how cool. went for meeting abt the hse petition. went well. no new surprises or bombshells thrown. house comm interviews too. i decided tt the group of ppl tt interviewed me were much nicer than the councillors. at least they smiled. i m not saying tt i wld get thru. after council interview, i juz m taking things as they come i guess. i juz got an email from ruimin. m in acjc collegiates ... wtv they call it. team's si yuan, caroline, ajit, ayshuria n me! it's prepped - 2 sides. looking forward to fun again. it's on 11 may. looks lyke a busy wk for me ... more later. very much later. junyi! posted at 11:45 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, May 04, 2005 in a sense, i guess there isnt any sense in moping. moping abt wat i failed to achieve, being upset abt the little things in life. lots of ppl din get the things tt they wanted, last week wasnt exactly a good time for many people - and i guess it is part and parcel of life, for us to understand failures and more importantly, accept them. Perhaps with Rj being more competitive, things had become better and perhaps given that selections r only done like 5 months after u stepped into the school, there can really b so much they can actually do to determine ur true strength as a leader ... so for those hu din get wat they had wanted in their respective ccas ... please dont b too upset about it, maybe there r indeed better things in life tt we can possibly look forward too. Maybe, tho i hv no idea wat, but when tt time comes, then all these 'failures' tt we hv faced cld b said to b indeed, blessings in disguise. I m quite pleased tt the school has taken the petition into account and r willing to talk to us about it - for those actually interested, there wld b a forum/meeting about the state of hse leadership selection at seminar room 1 at thursday (2ml) 1615 pm. Everyone can go. I cant really say now if indeed the school is moving towards a fairer and more transparent system, coz for tt i need to really listen to their justifications in the whole thing. Talking abt hse, decided to run for house comm - and my interview's actually 2ml. After the council experience, i dont noe wat to expect but i guess i shld juz go in n try my best ... there was debates elections 2day, and apparently there was a tie for chairman - i noe wat i want, but aint expecting too much anyway n wld understand y they wouldnt give it to me ... so juz accepting the outcome, watever it is :) there wld b debates finals for space agst acjc on fri. i really hope they win! it's at science centre ... so come on down if u can! :D ______________ Anywae ... some events tt i found remotely funny: (all identities r kept anonymous here to protect their identity, and to prevent others from poking fun at them again) zwitterion (not her real name) slammed a door into her head and gave this quote - "girls should have beauty rather than brains since guys see better than they think" in a conversation during lunch time, i gave a random comment - "wee kim wee died". after which, himpoh (not his real name) asked "hu's wee kim wee?". Pebbles (not her real name too!) immediately said, "U DONT NOE? HE'S OUR FIRST PRESIDENT!" ... in a separate conversation, I then said "so i wonder hu the guy on our note is?" and ct rep (not his real name too) said, "maybe it's the guy who wrote our anthem" ... somehow they dont seem so funny now. but now tt i hv typed it ... i m not deleting it. and anywae ... i found this comment on jingsong's blog ... i dont noe hu gambitch is, but i tot this comment was rather cool: "When you've lost 'em all, you've got nothing else to lose. And when you've nothing to lose, that's when your hunger will return.You'll find your touch again. Because form is temporary, but class is permanent. " sorry gambitch if i violated any copyright laws ... hoho. _____________ it's time to continue fighting on. junyi! posted at 8:08 pm.
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