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Tuesday, September 13, 2005 i decided it's time for an update. esp since many many ppl were so concerned abt my chinese emceeing stint. haha. FOR THE RECORD, i did speak coherent chinese, contrary to wat miss yap insists! so yes, it was qte fun and mr khaw seemed amused and maybe impressed by our bilingualism, so it wasnt tt bad after all. hahas. of course speaking in front of 10 ppl isnt the best thing tt can happen to any performer - but it happened in the pre-ceremony show so n we werent exactly entertaining them when we were talking abt viriya. haha. so anw. in the post ceremony segment, chere n i had to get ppl down for the next performance and thus had this impromptu segment attempting to get as many ppl as possible. hahas. lots of rubbish came out n we got qte a crowd - only to have it gone once the next group came to perform. by then our duty was done - so we jus ran away. haha. so yes, apologies to those hu came specially for the chinese only to b dissapointed by the very little bits and pieces tt i had to say. and i mus say we shocked yangbin when he saw us there! haha. overall it was a good experience? jus tt i lost the whole sunday. tt said, i think tt my promos is screwed inside out. anw. today's break was particularly interesting as the class guys began going into a whole load of rubbish. Actually anything today wld b a good break given tt we had the extremely horrifying, traumatising and thought-provoking chem spa BEFORE break (not to mention a JL lesson - which wasnt tt bad actually lah.) and then had to write an essay for GP. i reckon tt given tt promos r coming real soon, i better start exercising my brain cells more, given papers like econs require us to finish 2 essays and 1 drq and 1 case-study at a go! anw, i digress. so we were talking abt lots of rubbish - including my plans to destroy YB over a span of 20 years or so and then a whole load of crap abt ambitions, haha. But then soon YB told us abt this RI guy writing abt short skirts and hipster pants in RJC!!! not the premier JC in the bishan-angmokio region ... but RJC. so yes. wat a retard. and i found the article on some1's blog easily ... so here goes: Sept 8, 2005 RJC students, watch your dropping pants and short skirts Raffles Junior College may have a stellar reputation for academic and sporting achievements but the way its students wear the school's uniform is hardly glamorous. Female students are invariably seen with excessively short skirts far above the knee hanging precariously from their hips, often with shirts tucked out. Many boys also opt to tuck out their shirts and wear loose trousers so low that they look as if they are going to drop off. Wearing pants or skirts low is perfectly acceptable in fashion, but a school uniform is not meant to be worn in the same way as casual clothes. Far from making a fashion statement, all the RJC students have accomplished was to portray an ill-disciplined and sloppy image to the public. It is disappointing that students of an illustrious institution like Raffles Junior College are permitted to disgrace the school by wearing their uniforms in such an appalling manner. Just because a student is out of school boundaries does not mean that the school image cannot be affected by the student's dress and actions. Are there not measures to ensure that a positive image of the school is upheld by its students? I urge the school authorities to take action. Alan Koh Kai Yang seriously, wat a retard. and i do rmb this guy, cos firstly he lives near my house and secondly he was fired from debates last yr i think or was it the yr before and then he was given the worse speaker of a debate in inter hse debates last yr, as JS kindly reminded me. so yes. wat an asshole and tho i m not guilty of hipster pants OR short skirts, i mus say he has been an ass in implicating our school - esp the student population and he has inherently dragged the name of the school down. Wat an anal piece of shit. I think it is jus tt he is worried he cant fit in when he comes to RJ. and btw, y not write into the forum abt ur own school boys since u so enjoy generalising ppl and since bringing down the raffles name doesnt mean much to u? So yes, another disturbing news is how 2 bloggers hv been charged under an act i hv hardly heard of. o gosh. is charging them in court really necessary? some things so never make sense to me. Of course i concede i do pass judgements easily, and maybe these things happen for many other reasons. but i dont and wont noe for sure. promos - dead. junyi! posted at 6:46 pm.
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