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Saturday, November 26, 2005 i m bored again. so at the encouragement of certain individuals, i shall blog. haha. and really, this week hasnt exactly been the most exciting of the holidays so far cos i havent seen ... ok nvm. haha. (kidding!) cos basically i hv been working. yes. the usual free labour thingy tt many hv called me mad for doing it. i really dont hv a choice u noe. and i do get some money lah. haha. so anw. this time it is rather different from previous weeks cos delivery is at hp and thus it means a full day committment and i cant run over to schools for meetings (unlike previous weeks) so yes. unlike jonk & sj, i have not been contractually bound or anything like tt to not talk abt my job so i shall talk abt it! =) ok. it hasnt exactly been tt bad. at least the first day wasnt. everything was simple, lift worked fine, ppl opened doors for us, weather was good, and the best thing was we finished early. but day 2 was a nightmare. it rained. and security screamed inefficient! and several stuff and restrictions they had JUST DID NOT MAKE SENSE! o and of course one assholic worker by the name of ZALMUND SEET ALIAS AH PUI chose not to turn up, giving a lame excuse of us being late and needing the damn courtesy to call him when he was already told to call us when he is there. seriously. so we were one man short. we had to cover his workload. we went home late. and it wasnt even because we have delaying, tt we were inefficient - it is simply the staff tt DELAYED US. at 1030 most werent at work. at 12 sharp no one is in the office. and their lunch break is TWO HOURS LONG! so there. how cld we have possibly finished faster hurrrr. rite. and some were being real bitches, looking down on us like we were some untouchables - the security guards especially. and we cldnt use this lift, cldnt take the main route, use the back door that remains locked and requires 10 minutes of waiting each time to open. seriously, i think i m going to earn ten times their pay in the future anyway. they can go screw themselves. at psa building. the buttons wont work. so we hv to go from the 8th floor to the 9th floor and then go down to the first floor. then they had silly metal bars blocking the route to the first level. rites. at hp service centre round there 438B, it took the silly security guards a bloody inefficient HALF AN HOUR (and perhaps more) to open up access for us to go to the 5th floor. and if tt wasnt enough, they had 3 lobbies, so we basically, had to go to the first level again, then back to the fifth floor, using another lift. rite. it happened qte a few times i mus say. and talk abt double standards. we first werent allowed to use the passenger lift. and later when some secretary called and asked us to use it, all of a sudden those security guards said yes. if they had said it earlier, we wld hv finished much faster k ... and those women, i tell u, cant even carry a box of diaries by themselves. i mean, the way they behave, they grumble when we ask them to collect hardly a box of diaries and take it to their desk, somebody SHOOT them. ok. there u have it. my stint as a delivery man. wif hazmi & zul. interesting experience really. i just saw the need to rant. haha. but i m not upset. anymore at least. haha. junyi! posted at 10:41 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, November 24, 2005 i am bored again. how boring really, and nothing much and spectacular has been happening unfortunately. so anw. the year is coming to an end. very soon this month would end! and the very last holidays we get to ENJOY as the teachers seem to all insist would come to an end! enjoy? really? i dont noe haha. havent exactly had a good time thus far. but perhaps it IS a break. and i welcome breaks. so there. just read samjo's blog abt next year horoscopes tt i often like to read about and i think tt my dad quite believes in. but really, are these absolutely accurate? i always used to tell my parents t if all dragons wld have a bad year in the subsequent year, then perhaps no one would win, do well etc? but we often dont see the case do we. some1 HAS to come out tops doesnt he/she? and i find it rather funny tt every year tt we take a major examinations, it seems to be that we are going to have a bad year ahead? think psle, Os & As. Yet i guess we all feel this inherent need to be better safe than sorry and perhaps STUDY DOUBLY HARDER. 2005 has been predicted to be a good year. in fact, i still have the horoscope on my board in front of me! "it will be a smooth-sailing year for people born in the year of the dragon ... you will also have many opportunities"; "every time an impasse appears, help from honourable persons will allow you to resolve the problem." ... and this "singles will find things happening effortlessly and meet their Prince charming or cinderella" ... haha. how true? the 3rd definitely isnt true haha. but for the rest, i guess 2005 has been a really interesting year. a year of many firsts, i tried many things i have never ever been through before, and i dont noe, i think i have grown ... a little? (figuratively) perhaps it isnt growing, perhaps i begin to see many things in many different lights. JC life has been interesting, different, i wldnt say more fun, as A would so like to insist it is cos of the girls. and neither is it different cos of the girls as A would ALSO like to insist. but the things they put you thru, the different kind of ppl you learn to mix with, and the failures. i guess these would better describe why 2005, the JC year IS different. i remembered distinctly tt one of the "sales" pitches i used in 2003 in my interview for v-capt for house was how i had huge social circles and hence cld reach out easily. and perhaps, now i realise that that was a lie. began to know so many more OTHER people this year. and even for those who i knew, i realised i had never known them well enough. and perhaps it is never enough. i think i begin to understand tt u can never noe a person well enuff. new day new discovery. indeed. 2005 has been interesting. different yes, but not necessarily a bad year. realised i hv been rambling on cos i m really bored and hv nothing to do. if you bothered to read till this line, you mus b as bored as i was and am. haha cupid: hello cupid. nice pink tights ... =) wheeeeee haha bin: too bad =P samk: erm ... no lah. cos i m a nice person really ... so i dont want u all to spoil an otherwise good day haha. dnet: yea dnet u r welcome =) junyi! posted at 8:44 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, November 22, 2005 let's see. wat happened since the last random and incredibly short post about harry potter and econs s. erm. had lunch wif debaters on sat. haha. it was good fun. but nothing to blog about. erm. grandfather's birthday on sun. nothing to blog abt too. haha. rites. then mon was work again. and today, well had a simple reflections session wif the IHC comm. So. nothing significant except mr s treated us to pizzas. and we. well, reflected. perhaps nothing new came out of this whole thing, jus the usual old stuff tt we always say at post-mortems. but worth mentioning is how ppl rmb u by at the end of this whole thing. so rite. mr s always remembers how i actually convinced him to get those poor dedicated house souls their trophies which have been so well deserved. and it is really interesting to note that sometimes all these that you say wld often be remembered well by those around you. and they might be good, they might b bad. and do remind me to ask him if remembering me by that is a good or bad thing. o well. haha. the interesting thing was how he even remembered my arguments. whoa. hrm perhaps. these things, seemingly insignificant to you, but often said at a time of "passion" are the times tt really make a difference in ppl's memories, impressions and ideas of u. hrm. jus a random thought i suppose. on another note. nothing significant really happening this week. storyline's script has been great =) haha. shall look forward to more of it =) junyi! posted at 10:12 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, November 17, 2005 harry potter was cool! haha. econs s lectures for hols finally finished. thanks zul for the subsidised tix to potter. a random, short entry. i hv no idea wat to write. junyi! posted at 11:45 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, November 15, 2005 total is a pretty lovely day. so i should blog indeed. haha. o yes. besides the fact of course tt i had to sit thru FOUR hours of economis s (yes i din get it but still went cos reeves said the other time to do so if u intend to appeal). dont get me wrong, i like economics and all. BUT FOUR hours of sitting thru ANYTHING isnt the best thing. especially during the holidays. but i shall jus do so for the next 2 days. hahas. but econs s DOES sound challenging. dunno if i will get it. but like many other things. perhaps i jus try i guess. went for learning journeys after tt. the uber cool and nice new national library to view the exhibits. i wanted to borrow books actually! but then the whole class didnt want. and i dont want to b left alone to rot. and get lost. and mrs lim was so nice! treated us. but we being nicer, were rather reluctant to accept it. haha. and she kept insisting! yea. how very nice of her. o well. exhibits were cool. but figured no one was actually interested in reading the things over there. tried reading the exhibits at changing faces of terrorism, but gave up when the class all went to take this uber cool and fast lift! haha. so then we went off after tea with mrs lim. deciding all of a sudden we shall go for an outing of some sort. so we walked to marina square (i think) and i was in such an insulting mood insulting xixun the whole time. haha. we reached there, and were almost tempted to Kbox (actually. they not we.) but ended up not doing so. for reasons tt i din bother finding out. some later went to play pool and some of us like me din have CVs so had to do something else. and for some reason too, we din bowl tho we wented to marina sq to bowl in the first place. very fickle yes. but then ms d decided tt she wants to watch just like heaven. and i was anything. and then she convinced jing2 to convince others to go. and so 4 of us went to watch. it was a good movie generally. forgettable. but ok. rather sweet. haha. at least it wasnt so boring tt i wld make retarded comments like how the person beside me wld warn me NOT TO. i din. which means i din get bored. which means it wasnt tt bad. haha ok. i figured tt this is all so random. went to esplanade later to meet my family for dinner. and the 2 girls went to the busstop while LH and i went to the route tt took us to the mrt and the esplanade. and we got lost. haha. how silly i noe! haha. i mean on hindsight it was sooooooo idiot proof. but nvm. haha. 2ml. another 4 hrs of econs. then orientation. then harry potter sneaks. looks like a long and reallllllllly exciting day ahead. haha. junyi! posted at 10:44 pm.
(0) comments Monday, November 14, 2005 this shall b a random entry. cos i m feeling random, no doubt worsened, perhaps triggered (i dunno which but definitely one of them) by the fact tt s paper results jus got released. and obviously, and as expected i did not get any. this is in case u wanted to know. o well. congrats to those hu got wat they wanted. cant say much for those hu din. i need some time to think. think abt really wat i want. if i really want it. and can i really get it. has been some time since i really went for something tt i had confidence of getting. and even for the many things tt i was confident for, i failed in almost each and every one of them. so really. i guess i do need to do some thinking. on a brighter side, orientation has been fun. and i m glad i hv chosen a fun area to work in. and perhaps it is cos of all the company tt exists with storyline. o well. junyi! posted at 11:33 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, November 09, 2005 life goes on. we move on. the many things tt have passed, that we can only keep in our memories. so the past week, we basically came to school every day to do pw - and i hv happily declared tt we are taking a break tomorrow cos we are working so hard. and of course, ppl normally take a break one day before the actual thing rite? so yes, practise at home! pw has been a journey. it sure ha. and perhaps it has been a journey of self-discovery. working with ppl tt u did not choose over a course of a year, frustrated at times, never pleased with the end result... i guess it was hard. doing a project and knowing it matters cos it is an ao subject. obviously it doesnt matter to many ppl out there. but i guess it is within me to feel tt it matters. so the entire journey has not ended. and the above shld hv probably gone into my i & r. haha. it only does on this coming monday. but still, i feel kinda relieved our slideshow is now done but i totally refuse to touch it until 2mr. yet sometimes i wonder, is it right to be nice. does it become a flaw? even if you arent happy about things, should you really say it out? but perhaps, sometimes these things don't matter. anw. seeing wat many of my ex-classmates hv become, i mus say tt life is indeed unpredictable. ppl tt i hv known 5 years ago, i have never expected them to become, perhaps, top sportsmen, scriptwriter, actor, leaders etc etc. and you never did expect it. who knows, one day, the very person you thought might become an air stewardess goes on to own tiger airways or sumthing. Life is so unpredictable. Then when and how can we say tt we have lived it to the fullest? One of my pointless rambles again. junyi! posted at 11:06 pm.
(0) comments Monday, November 07, 2005 i mus have heard micheal jackson's "they don't really care about us" a million times tt i m so sick of it already. o well. had to do this really interesting project work thingy with the rest of my group today - sort of anw. tho in the end only donna and i stayed the next 4 hrs to complete the wordings and animation. so much effort, HOPEFULLY it turns out really well. and then there is photo shoot 2ml. and again on wed MORE pw where the group is rehearsing. o well. we r qte crazy perhaps. haha. but i guess if u intend to do something u do it well - given tt it is indeed within your limits. o well, silly me going into one of my silly ramblings again. But have you ever wondered, if all that you have done is EVER worth it. PW oral presentation on fri. hopefully all turns out well. but perhaps this time, it really is all about self confidence. junyi! posted at 10:51 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, November 05, 2005 ok. jus came back from threesome - the series of 3 plays i mean and i guess the plays were really good, exploring different dimensions and i did thoroughly enjoy myself! =) in a way, it does give us an idea of what drama feste would be like this year wouldn't it? 3 excellent directors - all from different houses no less, and fantastic acting across the board... one was thought provoking, roadrunners was very cheng chai haha (which is not a bad thing! an excellent thing indeed =)) and zul's pistachios was extremely hilarious. haha. o well. m glad i went. haha. and across the board, thanks for the really good show. of course, some1 is gushing about another one more than the plays =). and of course, i wont say who. haha. and y dont i ever get flowers! ok. haha. sounded so loseristic. haha junyi! posted at 12:30 am.
(0) comments Tuesday, November 01, 2005 so yes. ytd was halloween! and 3W had its first party ... halloween dress up no less. ok i dont hv a costume so i basically ripped off from everyone's leftovers haha. uploaded some selected fotos --- so check them out if u want! the party was good. perhaps cos we alr meet everyday there is no sense of nostalgia. haha. but tt is comparing sec 4 and jc perhaps! no comparison lah. yea yea. it was fun... wheeeeeeeee thanks so much donna for organising it! =) rite. loads of random stuff in today's entry. feeling ill and so random. DONT QUESTION THE LINK! besides tt. i was late for the party. and tt's cos i got lost! haha. i turned right rather than turn left. took a wrong route, took two 410s and then walked on state land among many other things. whoa. haha. yea. this is y i SOOOO prefer to (a) meet ppl at mrt stations b4 going somewhere else or (b) jus take a damn cab. haha. hv been working in my daddy mummy firm. tired. any1 interested in a job there? does not necessarily pay well but good company promised! haha. and yes, more than a nsman pay! haha. random entry. updated flicker... enjoy the fotos! junyi! posted at 10:40 pm.
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