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Friday, November 30, 2007 the past 7 days have been pretty good - of course that said, we assume life in camp will always be considered normal or bad, never good and hence never worth mentioning. pillowman last saturday night was nothing short of spectacular. great acting, good use of images and above all an excellent script that was provocative and asked many questions. what's the duty of a story-teller? - if someone kills after reading your book, is it the fault of you, the storyteller? if you are suffering now and on the verge of committing suicide and have the ability to turn back the clock, would you turn it and kill yourself so you wouldnt have to live through the suffering? What happens when you place the law in your hands? i liked it, it was a good bargain really; didnt feel like 3 hours at all and a good start in my bid to be more cultured amidst the seemingly uninspiring duty to the nation. of course the company was good and it's good to keep up with them all. a pretty interesting way of celebrating the unit's anniversary it was, to go to wild wild wet. like i said anywhere out of camp is cool. and given my you noe conservative nature haha i havent been to www before so it was pretty ok, quite fun, and interesting. though the rides were not many. and i BROKE my specs. terrible. they're only slightly more than a year old! but that's fine cos i got new specs at quite a bargain. and a ltc fetched me out of camp when i went back to get my black specs! how very nice of him. it has restored my faith of the higher higher hq. just a little. haha. sitex was fine. usual promotions. and i do need a new comp. i hope my dad doesnt take too long to consider the offers. roar. 42km in 2 days. just what have i gotten myself into. the timing doesnt quite matter, i just hope i have the endurance and the willpower to complete it. a first time. junyi! posted at 10:34 pm.
(0) comments Friday, November 23, 2007 the kite runner is a fantastic book. there's something about hosseini that draws the reader into the book and brings him into a totally separate world, and make you feel like you have known the characters for ages. that makes you feel for them; that leaves you asking for more. Written in a most touching, engaging and captivating fashion, Hosseini brings us into the world of culture-bound Afghanistan and forces us to ask ourselves many tough but pertintent questions pertaining to our past mistakes, willingness to make sacrifices, our relationships with people around us and what our friends really mean to us. o well, its a really good book so you should go read it if you havent. hosseini is like one of my favourite authors now. the past week hasnt exactly been hell, although it was hrm different but boring and tiring. stayed at shangrila and read like more than 3 books to kill the boredom, of course amidst protecting important personnel. haha omg i make myself sound so righteous. but yea. nicholas spark's the notebook's pretty touching. i thought the guy - noah, i think, is pretty sweet but unlike edwin i cant appreciate the true feelings of the book because ... well because ... haha nvm. and james patterson's beach road was pretty interesting - especially given the twist in the end that was unexpected. though i had expected A twist because of the dumb reviews in front. i find that pretty dumb really, placing comments that talk about the SPECTACULAR twist and hence making everyone EXPECT a twist. o please. this book holds special meaning to me cos i specially went to get it for my last day of duty haha. i think if i did these kind of duties for the entire month, maybe i would get a little reading badge they used to give out in my p school for being an avid reader haha. my weekends for the next 3 weeks are destroyed. but as usual its for the greater good. and its stan chart 42km NEXT WEEK. omg ggxx. and pillowman 2mr. exciting. (: junyi! posted at 11:25 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, November 11, 2007 i was on my way home today and i saw this dude entering a cab. he was clad in no.4 uniform, jockey cap and was carrying his field pack. a recruit no doubt. i am so glad i no longer have to do that. 1 year later, on this day, i would be a free man. junyi! posted at 8:51 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, November 10, 2007 yes yes i am back from a very exciting trip to sydney and i enjoyed myself quite a bit. so yea. it now seems to be a distant memory, and i suppose we all have to move on. o well. it might have become a distant memory now but i kept a diary! ok it was more of a blog since it was more or less made public reading material in the bunk. and i am glad calvin started it cos it is useful in helping us remember, in providing us with something to do in the most boring of circumstances. but i guess i shant divulge the details of the diary here, henceforth decreasing the value of it. haha. but yea you can still borrow it from me to read it. but i figured making it too accessible will reduce the mystery value of it and hence reduce its interesting value. haha "the easier it is to get something, the less you will want it". ah i have learnt well haha. but anw i was googling about my trip and realised basic details about the exercise i went for can be found online. so sexciting. it's a new lingo i found today, and omg now i feel ancient. back to the trip. it's the best thing that has happened to me in ns, thoroughly enjoyed myself and if you're a girl and are asking yourself why i seem to have it the easiest compared to other trainees who have just been to say taiwan, well maybe it's because they have been exaggerating the amount of hardships they went through to impress upon you they are a tough man who had gone through some rather tough times. haha omg how bitchy of me. most memorable would definitely be my time at the slab. well for starters i got drunk (and it was my first time haha), and it was pretty fun until i started puking and imposed on my more sober teammates. i still hate beer, and i am not very different drunk, perhaps only a little more expressive and very much louder, if that's even possible, but it's fun cos of the things other drunk people say. make that other drunk person. and if you are still alert enough to get what's happening and remember the stuff the next them. but the australian dude i got to know remembers me as the guy who cant drink and kept asking me drink subsequent times he met me haha how embarassing. loved the food, enjoyed the r&r, loved the laundry system, and you should check out facebook for the photos. so it's back to singapore - real work again, real life. for the record, it wasnt all play there, all i am saying is that minus the flies and the days of training, it was a worthwile trip and the weather made trg more bearable - when we disregarded the flies. my comp is spoilt and i am not happy. junyi! posted at 8:30 pm.
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