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Sunday, March 30, 2008 it's finally the end of the month - well technically tomorrow is, which is a relief - cos the first half came and went pretty fast which led me to remark "how quickly is the month of march going", only to take it back as i saw the second half crawling. and yet, not so much of a relief because with the end of march comes the month of april, which, as i see from the scedule, equates to more training, and other random stuff that i have conveniently chosen to forget. at this point of time. although my birthday is in april, and so are many of my friends. that i suppose shall make the month of april more bright and cheerful. while on duty yesterday, i finished season 3 of grey's and so i am happy. haha. i like grey's; and if not for the writers' strike, season 4 would have been almost completed / is completing and i would be happily watching episodes of it. it didnt occur to me how long ago the strike has been if i hadnt checked out the abc website. it's addictive i think, the way the show opens especially, makes you ponder about the many things you overlook in life, and see how things are intertwined, that "there's no black and white in relationships with people around you, just a grey area". and i like too how they write the stories based on the different themes and link those lessons to medicine, reminding us all how the workplace can be a learning ground for lessons in life. if i hadnt known better (and assuming perfect a level results), i would have gone into medicine. haha. u would actually have thought there's actually so much drama going on in a hospital. it's quite funny how recently we have been harping on the entire idea of friends vs acquaintances. but it does make you ponder when an acquaintance becomes a friend, and are they bound by some kind of code that makes them 'your person'. and what happens if you decide to make a person your friend but all along the person treats you as a mere acquaintance, a colleague. even so is your relationship to be clouded with euphemisms? why doesnt anyone just say - hold you are not my friend so stop bothering me. maybe cos acquaintances become friends the moment one takes an initiative to confide in the other and the other confides back. HRM so the person they confide in just listen first cos he/she thinks he/she wants to be your friend. so if you dont confide, does that mean you have no friends? ok i am rambling. this is so weird. it has been a tiring, six-day week and already i cant stand 5 day weeks, much less a 6 day one so the week sucks. junyi! posted at 1:25 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, March 22, 2008 ah samjo, arent you glad that your feedback created an improvement in this blog. haha. since i always complain that a certain organisation takes eons to act on feedback, i think i ought to walk the talk and not be like the things we complain about. haha. i love long weekends. i think that's really what keeps us sane when you are very much restrained in your actions, when you are stuck in a place with a spoilt antenna and when what you do is mostly at the whims and fancies of other weird individuals. generally it's only when they have no whims or fancies that you can do what you want. even then you arent exactly spoilt for choice. in essence, we all treasure our freedom. but when you're in a place for too long, perhaps you learn to deal with it. so i went to rj/ri on thursday. it was very random really. we chose to met up at this place opposite rj, and since i lived at the other opposite side of rj, i had to cut through rj to reach the eatery. so rather then just cut through rj, nav & i decided to explore the place. it has changed, and it hasnt changed. everything was still there, but there were additions to the compound - additions which make the place more, homely and pretty i suppose. it's like the things we fought for when we were around - a student lounge, more sheltered walkways, more decorations to inject more life in the school. you wonder if you helped make the difference, or it was always supposed to be, just that they never had the funds. ri has become more classy too, moving away from the grand, homely and somewhat vintage feel it always used to give me, it has become very much more modern-looking. how come the senior block is housing sec 2 kids though? haha. and it's sad, cos the debaters didnt win the nationals last year, and hence they dont have a large picture honouring them at the cca block. ah come to think of it, not a single batch won after us. it's always good to be back. i havent been back for a year actually. and it's always nice to return to see how things around you have changed, perhaps a reminder to us all that even as we hold on to the many memories and lessons we take away, we have to move on. what's good about this long break is that i get to meet up with my old friends so hurray. and chang & suhas are both coming back so double hurray. although they are coming back at a horrid month, with all the duties and things going on in april and what not. so bleargh. the most recent movie i caught was step up 2 the streets. which we saw on the opening day and really liked. i dont get why people were dissing it because while the plot is predictable, and acting not all that fantastic, it's a dance movie for goodness sake. and if you want a great script and great acting, go watch juno or something. so we liked the fast pace of the movie and the many dance sequences that they lined up. yes the rain, stereo in car, sudden appearance of torches and sudden vast improvement in dance skills is a little hard to believe and not enough for us to think that we too can be excellent dancers in a couple of months, but the dance sequences were enough to make us go wow. ah i am credited in a book that is going to be published, and although i dont have the best of army life as we all established yesterday, all is well. it's zul's birthday today, so happy birthday to him. though i suspect he doesnt come here anymore. junyi! posted at 2:44 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, March 09, 2008 i am quite amused by the way malaysian elections are turning out. on one hand the chinese and indians are pissed of with you because now they are feeling WAY too marginalised and you obviously are pretending to be oblivious to the ground sentiments (or are really oblivious) which results in many unexpected losses. on the other hand, perhaps the malays are feeling that they arent looked after enough. whoa, you sure cant please everyone. on the local front, there is a terrorist on the loose. terrible really. but i guess it is always easy for us to judge others - you ignore how a lighthouse has led many ships to their destination but are quick to blame it the one time it fails to do so. that's the way things are i guess. people are calling for the heads of those in the home team. and it isnt surprising at all, they are threatened and inconvenienced by his escape. and i am disappointed that the local press has failed to talk about the bad press singapore has received in other countries - apparently we did receive very bad press. watched the diving bell and the butterfly, as well as the waterhorse last week. since i am in a rush now, reviews another time. but generally, i liked the diving bell and the butterfly - it was emotional and the acting was simply fantastic. never mind it was in french. waterhorse was ok, a little predictable though i though. and a tad kiddish. i have a new mp3 player & speakers & books from kino! yay. on the bad side though, they cost money - so thank god for pay day tomorrow. booking in tonight. which always suck. but life goes on. junyi! posted at 7:07 pm.
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