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Friday, May 30, 2008 much as i enjoy emceeing, i have always taken all these jobs with apprehension. because emceeing can go both ways, unless one opts to take the conventional boring route. i mean, for most who seek to entertain, there is the basic risk of offending people in the course of cracking a joke, there is the risk as well of people lacking a sense of humour in the crowd. of course there is always the risk of no one understanding you and connecting with you - which in my opinion is the biggest failure of any host. so it surprised me when i found myself enjoying the process of emceeing the post parade segment of oc coc on monday. it was like something of a release i think, saying things you have never dared or had the chance to say, performing after such a long time. but ironically enough the thing that i enjoyed most was the very thing i was complaining about just a week ago - the lack of details, which really was due to how there were no details existent in the first place! and that meant i was given room to explore how i wanted to do it, together with marcus of course, and i think for the first time really there was true ownership in what i'm doing in the ar my, for the first time i felt a true sense of achievement for something i did in the ar my as we closed the evening. it was much fun - in fact the most fun show i have hosted thus far. it was really a one hour stand-up comedy show by marcus and me. and i guess that's the difference between this show and previous ones that i have hosted. we werent just facilitating a program that others came to watch, we were being watched by others for one full hour! so there was that pressure to balance everything, to create an one-hour show. well it helped that the audience was absolutely give-face and nice in their comments, so that was an ego-booster since i always think i am boring (although those comments could be meant for marcus only) and hence that helped make the process so much more enjoyable haha. everyone loves to here praise being heaped upon them. haha. oh i love the applause and the roars of laughter. HAHA. such a whore, i am. but yea, i am quite glad that i was asked to do it and marcus is great to work with. haha. the problem now is the when your service is free you kinda become in demand. which is fine since it can be potentially interesting, challenging and fun (and adds some spice to my n s). but there's that added pressure of trying to live up to expectations, and overexposure, which i have seen backfire a number of times. and of course we cant reuse the jokes and ideas. oh well. we will see how everything goes. watched sex and the city. which did live up to its name of being huge on fashion. it was enjoyable i guess but i thought everything's a little predictable, but i guess they didnt quite want to disappoint the staunch satc fans. thought they focused a tad too much on carrie and should have explored more of the emotional distress faced by the women. but hey it's told from carrie's perspective. and if i were to tell a story from my perspective i would put the focus on me too. HAHA. but o well, it was pretty slick and fast. and so watch it for an enjoyable evening, when you don't really want to think too much IN the movie. i havent been reading much, indulging instead in mindless 8 days magazines and not-so-mindless papers. though the pm/mm vs sdp defamation suit is pretty interesting to follow i think i should be reading more and really sleeping less. though the way things seem to be, these wont be the way in the coming months. it's going to be 'fast and furious'. junyi! posted at 11:16 pm.
(0) comments Friday, May 09, 2008 so it has been some time since the last entry which happens to be on my birthday! i mean quite a lot of stuff have happened - in work, not so much in my life, haha how sad is this. the much dreaded e-tep has come and gone - it wasnt THAT bad, quite an experience in some random weird sick way; and the much dreaded involvement in the parade today has also come and gone. i still dont get why parades are necessary anyway, i mean no one (nsf at least) really likes being involved anyway, they involve a huge amount of manpower and given how they are almost the same time after time, lose their novelty. once you have watched one. and the long rehearsals and dirty uniform! ok maybe i am no officer, so i cant see the rationale; but i am sure there is one, at least i hope that there still is. so i am a little incapable of seeing things the military way. and no one really looks at you in a parade anyway. it's like you're there as some kind of pretty backdrop (or maybe not if you're ugly), filling up the numbers. so right, the blog set up by navjote for himself, ajit, imran, suhas and myself has been revived, so i thought i should just do my part in promoting it. it's quite irreverently funny and random so yea: http://no-matches-found.blogspot.com/ watched 2 movies in the past couple of weeks - harold and kumar: escape from guantanamo bay; and over her dead body. both comedies - the first was somewhat political and funny so i quite like it. it was somewhat exaggerated yes, and the romantic plot they tried to weave into the movie was somewhat predictable and cliche, but overall it was alright. over her dead body was an average movie that is reminiscent of channel 5's maggi and me. hot ghost who roams earth because she needs to accomplish some task but is visible only to one human being. eva longoria was adopting her desperate housewives persona, so there wasnt much breakthrough in her acting. jason biggs was easily the best actor in the movie, with his great comic timing - perhaps, his time with american pie served him well. script was so-so and i thought they should have showed more of eva longoria's character both emotionally and physically. it was in general an ok movie as well. on another note, i, out of pure randomness, watched my finals debate video the other day. and read old entries on this blog. (yea call it nostalgia) and i was really quite bad. how depressing. maybe it's with maturation over time, or maybe it's cos i have judged more debates, i have begun to see more clearly what is expected of me as a debater - i think. perhaps they're right when they say what really matters at the end of the day is your confidence. haha. it had served me well then. haha. thank goodness i didnt go flip through my old photos or i would have gone into depression. haha. o wells, i have finally passed the 200 day mark to my ord! wow. junyi! posted at 10:47 pm.
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