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Saturday, November 27, 2004 Aiyo ... Today ... wat a very busy day. Trained with my dear juniors for the first time in ages and met sarala ... she is so funky... and funny ... and erm many other things (not necessarily good ... haha ... ask shang).
O well. Debate went well. Ok. May not so well. We did screwed up. But sarala said we would have won. YAY! haha. But sec 4s being the bunch of crude and wild people, took eons for the debate to end and we went to eat and came late for the kiddie debate. Of course, got screwed. AND I LOST MY FREAKING WATER BOTTLE. AGAIN. SO PISSIFYING. Thankfully we got a new one for grad nite. haha. AND WAT A FREAKING SUCKY DEBATE 3rd-4th was. it was expletive, expletive, expletive all the way. And i really, really had such a hard time trying to be so nice to those kids... Still I have a feeling certain things tt i said in oral adjudication shouldnt have come out making one side sound really, really so bad. Finals was funky. Those boys were actually rather impressive. I havent seen the sec 1s tt hv been newly recruited. But i do so believe those 11-yr-old can really kick the asses of some of the sec 1s or even 2s. At least from wat the sec 3s and sarala said. O well. Will c them on tuesday -tentatively-. Yay! so interesting. We get to help out in team line-ups. hehe. So do all the seniors (ie sec 4s) ... so if any of u juniors read this ... let's see u can start being nice to us. Hmmm ... let's see din i say about losing my water bottle jus? talk about bitchiness. Lol. It has been coming back. I have been screaming and yelling so much these days. haha. Watever. Haha. But some ppl ah ... should learn to be nicer to their seniors. They really have so much attitude problem.. And yes. They should learn more about team dynamics. And dinner was fun. Bitching. Cursing. And holding typical debate conversations. thanks js for the drink. Haha. The spilling of drinks part ... i was only kidding k... hmmm... c ... obviously u dont noe me tt well. haha. O well. dinner was fun. Today was fun. Quite lah. Not adjudicating though. Haha. Certain things were fun lah. Haha. junyi! posted at 1:10 am.
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