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Monday, December 20, 2004 Hello every1! Yep .... i m back ... after a real eventful week. U c, i hv stopped blogging for more than a week for several reasons - the first being - the past 1 week has really been, well, eventful, and the 2nd being, i hv been really bz and tired. haha. really cliche excuses if u were to ask me. haha. In other words, I was juz being lazy
Fine. I shall cut the crap and go straight to the point ... i mean ... the week. Of course, it started wif an as per normal, uneventful Monday (juz like today) and then on to tuesday where it was the 2A gathering. U see, i really m extremely lazy, so i shall juz kope an entire entry from Sam Jo's blog detailing events happening tt day, adding in some personal opinions myself. (i m afraid tt i wld get sued, so i decided to do everything cheryl yap tot, quoting and all) OK, so here goes, a rather long entry on Sam Jo's part. Wif input from me in pink. 'woo hoo today was fun! well at least the long anticipated 2A gathering happened... (personally, when less than 1/2 the class turns up, it hardly can be called a gathering) jonK and zee came early to my house before we crossed over the road to cavendish park. and my my the place was rather posh i must say, with the roman statues and architecture. the three of us helped ms kelly aka mrs chan unload the styrofoam boxes of cooked and uncooked food. we took awhile carrying those out to the barbecue pit before realizing we actually needed someone who knew what barbecue was all about (which basically left both ms kelly and I to attempt to set up the bbq pit) ...haha so at 1215 or so the three of us walked by the long and winding canal. at dover mrt only 10 more people turned up so we formed the 13 people entourage, ready to conquer the lands of cavendish. along the way i realized my new shoe-sandals had given my naked feet blisters. darn i knew i shldve worn socks :P haha in the name of fashion, i sacrificed two limbs...lol but really i was excited that my whole outfit really matched from top to bottom. even the underwear was brown! ok nvm...but isnt orange a cool colour? isnt it isnt it? alan wore his orange hot pants today...again! and then nash did his diesel long sleeve....again! yeah so we reached there and somehow the fire got started by junyi and roland (correction ... it really was ms kelly) beforehand...so we started cooking. there were chicken wings, chicken wings, and more chicken wings. of course the lazy ones like me attacked the cooked egg noodles and garlic bread first. (while i gave up cooking after a while and left cooking to the experts in the likes of jx, roland & ben) after a while the satay came stick by stick...and yeah we were full before long. but get this, due to the rather poor turn up, we had like three half boxes full of food left. i saw prawns! *gasp* corn! *yum* stingray! *wow* fish! *slurp!* all buried in ice. around the barbecue area everyone stood around talking, eating, chatting, laughing, gossiping, drinking, and occasionally taking scandalous photoshots of each other. there was the fruit tart one (which i sportingly agreed to do wif sam jo), the sausage one (phallic innuendo fully intended by junxiang and junyi ... seriously, it wasnt my idea. But scandalous, it really was ... SAM JO, ZEE, GIVE ME THE PICTURES! of course, jonk needs to keep up to his image and totally refused to do any, even so wif u-noe-hu)...and then nash and ben cai were obsessed and obviously delusory with adamantium skewers (claws)... hmmm i guess after some time we went in to play table tennis....woo hooo nash and i were south korea, glen and ccc china, david and hongyun indonesia, alan and julio vietnam...mwhahaha obviously i wasnt getting any better but it was grreat fun anw. indonesia shocked the world by thrashing china 11-4, and the latter proved worthy by making a stunning comeback after striking all three rival nations off the table. (all this happened while i felt sorry for all the yummy food out there while the fire was almost out, and so i decided to make the best out of wat we haf and started putting my cutlinary skills to test in Ms Kelly's kitchen together wif JonK & zee. With them not helping much but continually questioning my skills and with jonK almost puking when he caught the smell coming from the pot of boiling prawns. Then there was the buttered corn tt ended up juz boiled and jonK took eons to complete the small piece of corn given to him to sample. ryan came and started fagging around, with the details to gory to be mentioned, but yea ... it was more of bitching about everything ... from the prawns to the corn to the cutlery that i used. thankfully the 3 of them left to bring the prawns down for the rest ... which ended up uneaten and thrown away ... contrary to popular belief, i wasn't really disappointed, or dismayed, for they din really look appetizing to me. At least, not as appetizing as that of those i ate at home or in some fancy restaurant) it was when i decided to go outside to wash my feet that i saw ms kelly messing around alone at the pit. it seems that she wanted to start the fire going so that we could cook another round. i mean, yeah with that amount of food left they HAD to be cooked. so guess what it was greatly hilarious when both of us, deprived of solid fuel, started tearing up newspaper and fanning the coals with plastic plates. one by one the matches were used up and in the end we just gave up. the darn coals werent smoldering enough. how disappointing. all that trouble...in vain! oh well after which we went up to her house...which i gathered junyi, zee, and jonK were there boiling prawns. by the time we went up there only junyi was left, with the corn. i tried one and was it raw or was it overcooked i didnt know. (yep, i was left all alone in her house and my hp batt went flat, so when ms kelly attempted to call me, i guess she was really worried tt i left wif half her belongings gone ... haha ... thankfully, samjo was of a better help than 3 of the rest put together, so we juz spent eons getting the corn to be finally cooked) it was hard though...so later ms kelly went back down and junyi and i continued boiling the corn. boil boil boil and toil. then we got bored we walked abt (ok ssssshhhhh ms kelly cannot know abt this!) and yeah sorta explored. but we didnt do anything to invade privacy lah (of course we did not, going only as far as to take a look at the rather nice pics she had framed and stopping short at entering any of her rooms, and the worse thing we did was merely to use her house phone to contact certain people)...as miss lindsay boobjob lohan once sang..."will you please respect my privacy"...(dunno why that silly song was ringing in our heads the whole day) then we got more bored and decided to play a prank call on ryan su. ahem...details too unbecoming to be discussed here. (of course, he hung up when i went to the break up part, fully aware later it was me, haha ... maybe coz he noes his darling never ever does it to him) then we called on mrs its-my-dog's-birthday ng hoon2. it seems she was at home, unaware where the reunion was and under the impression that it was brutally cancelled. haha...u shldve seen junyi reacting to her statements of defence.(oh, of course it is me doing the typical responses and accusations of her purposely avoiding us and questioning all her motives, screaming BLASHEMOUS at her and making her feeling of so very guilty ... she claimed she tot it was cancelled ... so i responded by saying tt she dun noe me well ... tt nothing i do wld b cancelled wif such simplicity, there wld b some big fanfare wif me apologising to every single one and providing this long email ... which she sort of felt was somewat true... haha ... but knowing all of us ... really, little ill intentions involved) oh well, i guess she promised to treat some of us after we get our results so....so she's still getting a diary from junyi? (well ... i guess so, after all, she did say to count myself in for the treat ... haha ... wif me worrying tt i would b lyke traumatised after the whole thing if i lyke fail english wif the horrible essay on uniforms tt i haf written) when we finally cooked the stubborn corn and buttered them miserably, on the way down we met kelly and gang on their way up. i had an eaten corn sutffed in my mouth it was like so caught-in-the-act. haha. oh well...so when we went back we found the barbecue pit to be incredibly clean, undoubtedly the hardwork of the rest who went back up. unfortunately for junyi, his prawns were dumped. we saw it in the dustbin it was just so outrageously comical. like nobody could eat it. (the corns thankfully were more appreciated, wif only 3-4 pieces left at the end of the whole thing) at that time some other guys were up to soccer so junyi and i just waded in the baby pool. haha quite reminiscent of cheng chai and i wading in the pool of country grandeur (gosh has it become my habit?) anw that was until junyi tried to get me wet....-_-haha when everyone gathered it was time to pack up and leave. i got my goat from ryan so i must thank him for giving us something all the way from vietnam. (following 2002 2A gathering, i gave out diaries again, with everything fully gone by the time we dispersed ... and the ever non-appreciative jonK saying 'I OWE HIM A DIARY' ... and then me lambasting him telling him tt i dont owe any1 anything and i give ppl things coz i feel like, not coz i NEED to ... haha ....guess it was typical me ... haha. then of course, some asked if they could have it every yr, i din really reply, but if those hu asked r reading this, 2 things: (1) if i continue meeting up wif u and remaining in contact wif u, yes [to give me some hints, u may want to lyke call me out for lunch, tea and/or dinner lyke near the end of the yr, haha] and (2) pure and simple, if my dad continues producing them) well so that was the gathering as it was. plain and simple. a peaceful windy day i must say. thankful it didnt rain. as we took the last picture together, our only regret was that not everyone was there...' Of course, sam jo din join us for dinner, but a few of us went for dinner after tt, and mugger jonk went to buy an A lvl bio textbook to mug coz u-noe-hu has really already started. So that was really tuesday in a nutshell. And being trained the way i always am, i do a mental debrief. was it a success? was it necessary? I guess, it really wasnt (contrary to wat some tot) a full moor comm gathering, for there were guys lyke julio & hongyun, but the numbers werent really impressive. I cant help asking myself, y really, do i bother. When 1/2 the class doesnt bother at all, can it even be called a reunion? Do they even appreciate Ms Kelly's efforts? The most appalling thing of all is that some ppl contacted prior to the gathering showed pure disinterest, providing explanations like 'too lazy' ... or 'cant b bothered' ... it really is ppl lyke these tt pisses the hell out of me. Forget it. Maybe i shouldnt bother. Yet, u always get heartened by ppl hu remain true to their former class, asking for a gathering all all. Maybe as time passes, we should juz plan a gathering for the select few. Maybe it is so much easier tt way. becoz this r the select few tt really r interested. Nevertheless, allow me to take this opportunity to really thank those who made it to the gathering, the few ppl (sam jo, jonk, zee) for going down early to help out, really appreciate it, and of course Ms Kelly, for she planned the whole thing and we merely helped out a little ... i hope i din miss any1 out. I m only until tuesday ... and haha, i do haf a few more days to cover... TO BE CONTINUED ... junyi! posted at 11:30 am.
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