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Wednesday, March 30, 2005 hello. M feeling really really tired now. Happens all the time i guess. Had actual lessons kicking in with the new intakers and i guess it was really as per normal. Prolly never got to know many of them well since i dont really talk to them much anyway (partly my fault i guess) ... yep ... so i dont c myself fit to come out wif any evaluation (tho even if there were any i wld prolly not want to put such stuff up) ... all seems fine i guess. Not really extremely controversial from the looks of it. And not really noisy ... relatively as compared to me lah ... But they all seem so interesting. Maybe i shall try to know them better over the next 2 years. I feel so stupid. MY test grades r like shit and can u believe it, i din even pass a single goddamned test taken in term 1. There is really so much to study. And it's like post Os, there wasnt really a time where i cld actually made myself sit down and do some proper work. Esp for the holidays which passed so quickly and was so damn unaccomplished. O... I need to be more disciplined somehow, some way i guess. I dont have much of a life anyway. Never had. Everyone seems to b talking about the council interviews - those who r going or went for it at least. O well. Mine's on this thurs. Shall take things the way they go anyway. And to all of u hu want to get in ... all the best. ((: It's weird how more and more students are actually turning to the forum to - in a way - complain about certain school issues. And of course, using the term 'premier jc in the bishan-ang mo kio area'. Retards really. What exactly do they aim to have changed? Are there not any other mechanisms for you to bitch about something other than the forum? Maybe if the issue is pertinent to the entire nation, the forum is the mechanism to be used. But simply put, isn't it a tad too silly to bring an issue up to the national level when the issue is pertinent to only one place? yea, and like putting 'a premier jc in the bishan-ang mo ko area' in place of the actual jc's name really helps when half or even more people in this whole country know where in the blue hell you are talking about. If u seek to protect the identity of the jc, at least have the brains to make it more general. And if you seek to announce to the whole world where you r talking about, then have the balls to actually name it. O well. ballless and brainless. What a combi. Ri's got debates (rd 3) this week. All the best dudes. And it better b good. enough rants. and enough random comments. gtg to ri now. junyi! posted at 3:09 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, March 26, 2005 This was an entry I typed yesterday but was unfortunately unable to upload: Well, well … orientation has ended and quite a lot of stuff has happened over the past few … 2 days. First things first, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY AZIZUL KAMAL SHAH! ((: I’m so happy that u made it back! Alright … orientation went rather ok I guess. At least for storyline. Nothing terrible happened … unless u consider laughing/smiling when u r supposed to look sad as something unforgivable. I think only half of the school population actually bothered turning up for at least 2 or more of the scenes … and only about a quarter actually bothered watching or paying attention to the scenes. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t say that it was a bad experience. On the contrary, it actually was a rather fulfilling one … being able to know many people better, those in the O2 team, those in the cast, and those in the crew etc. And I must admit that I did have fun. Anyway, it was actually quite sad that no one actually bothered much about orientation 2. People leaving halfway, walking out, being entirely passive … it indeed was a far cry from O1 … where the OGs were practically always together throughout orientation and cheering, actively participating. And though I really wasn’t in the team, I don’t think it is much, or for all the matter, any of their fault. Any activity, big or small, thrives on participation of the target ‘audience’ … and to start of with, the people enter the indoor gym with a prejudice already … how in the blue hell would you expect the 2 days to be even remotely fun? And indeed, looking back, I wasn’t all that saintly too … I wasn’t playing any of the games or around unless it was storyline … here’s the magic of peer pressure … Just wanted to say that for all the efforts the team had put in, they probably didn’t deserve it. O well. It is amazing how low the cut-off can be so damn low for the JCs this year … It’s so amazing how ppl with 11 pts or less and so can get posted to JCs like YJC … And it is sad to see so many familiar faces all of a sudden missing. Maybe it is true that nothing in this world should be taken for granted. Maybe we should all stop crying foul with regards to this year’s posting results. It just reflects how stiff competition is for our batch… as the government says. Nonetheless, I think our batch has just shown a few things to and about the government. From the posting, to the internet JAE exercise, to how they would expect family in the whole country to have a credit card or some sort of ability to pay online. Hmmm … sometimes the feedback doesn’t matter much, does it? Of course, so much for their faith in Cambridge when this is the very same place that has pretty wrong ideas about O Level Biology with regards to the eye and the very same place that forces people to spot questions and hence regurgitate answers with the kind of time given to do papers. Yea, so much for a thinking nation. Fwits, really. Some really pointless rants here. Please don’t take offence, if there is any to be taken in the first place. Went back to RJ to check out classes after going around seeking donations for some organization that I bet ¾ of Singapore wouldn’t even know about. Far cry from the tsunami donation drive that we held. And orchard is such a bad place to ask for donations. How sickening is it to see ppl give you those ugly looks when they refuse to offer you their donations. I shall reserve my other opinions to myself. Back to the class thingy … went to check out the class we were in and since the few of us who were checking decided that we were kind of curious about those who would stay and those new classmates we had, we began to take down the IC numbers of those in 1SO3W. And despite having resigned as paparazzi, together with zwitterion and kerpan, we managed to track down the names of all 27 in our class. And of course, despite having resigned, it hasn’t made me selfish … so for those from 3W actually interested in knowing who’s still in and those new ppl coming in … here’s the list: 16 survivors Audris, Kenneth, Dennet, Amy, Malisa, Philip, me, Li Heng, Kevin, May Anne, Gwenlyn, Xi Xun, Ying Ting, Donna, Jeff, Kwan Rui 11 newbies Nadjad, chen wei, toh pei xuan, goh hui min, goh wyn sen, loo jing qin, yang bin, ng jia yuan, Samantha kwah, kang hao, wen hao If you are expecting me to even know half the newbies, no I don’t. I just know 2,3 ppl from the newbies. Haha. So proud of myself. But so nothing better to do … Tt’s all. ______________ Food for thought: Why is it that the older generation spouts vulgarities and yet they are the very ones that make such a big fuss when the younger generation ‘emulates’ them and do the very same thing that they are doing … as sarala puts it. ______________ Will put up the pictures of storyline somehow when I get it … hint, hint samjo. Haha. junyi! posted at 9:46 am.
(0) comments Tuesday, March 22, 2005 Holidays over. School juz started yesterday. And I feel so damn unaccomplished. I havent studied. My grades suck. O well. O2 begins tomorrow, and i really dunno wat to expect ... juz tt i will b acting ... though my acting kinda sux as already seen in the video shown today. How exciting. haha. Posting's out today. here i m ... stoning my life away. Got wat i wanted. And for those tt did not... I dont noe wat i can say to make u feel better. But I guess ... if u need some1 to help u, to talk to ... i guess i cld very well b there for u. :] Sigh. junyi! posted at 1:15 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, March 17, 2005 This is a declaration of resignation. It is not a joke, really. I hereby declare that Goh Jun Yi resigned from his position as paparazzi with effect from 17 March 2005. Reasons cited include the lack of information given from supporters of the paparazzi, and the inability to catch up with many people since having left RI; this is especially so for those who have left the Raffles Family to other JCs. As such, he thinks that he is and has not fulfilled his job as a paparazzi, especially in recent months. In addition, he feels that there is no longer a motivation to BE a paparazzi and that he needs to concentrate on other important projects that he has undertaken. More importantly, like all other important men out there, health is also a primary factor resulting in his decision. He thus resigned for the interest of the general public. The (ex-)paparazzi would like to thank his supporters all these 2+ years, especially Mrs Chan Sock Chia, who had in a way paved the way for its founding. He also noted that it has been a most fulfilling experience the past few years. As for news, he assures all supporters that he would update them all the same should he have any new news, but is now no longer obligated to do so as he is no longer paparazzi. Other projects recently undertaken will be released on a further date. Thank you. ______________ He will remain noisy and zwits and fwits when he feels like it. This blog will also remain open to fwit & zwit certain policies, like how the government has encouraged. And no, no referendum will not be issued with regards to his resignation. I mean ... it is not as important as the casino debate! And hello ... there is no referendum for the casino. And when was the last time (& 1st time) we had a referendum? Tt was abt merger ... and did u even bother looking at the choices provided? But i digress. _______________ School's reopening in a few days. Nothing accomplished. I feel stupid. junyi! posted at 10:33 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, March 15, 2005 ok. this is so sickening. i m trying to fwitting update my links and this damned blogger service juz and simply refuses to accept/acknowledge it ... wtv ... anywae. went to watch million dollar baby ytd ... finally after such a long time coz i juz couldnt find the time to ... but was worth the wait really ... despite all tt ppl out there hv said abt it ... wat with all the 'it's all abt boxing' ... but in my opinion, it really is more than tt ... very touching really. And the acting was, simply put, fantastic. For me to do a review abt tt wld really do it injustice ... and so i guess ... i juz wouldnt ... haha (i can sense all the 'lazy say lazy lah'). haha. alrite. feeling jobless now. maybe i shld really study. but the damned library juz refuses to loan out books. And the damned bookshop refuses to start selling the bio textbooks tt we ordered. ZWITS AND FWITS ... these ppl. Vivian Balakrishnan talked abt how there is no longer a need for another speakers' corner coz the hong lim one is underutilised and the younger generation is more net-savvy ... establishing how we r all having blogs and 'bitching' (of course he din use this word) on blogs instead. maybe so. o well. maybe i shld start bitching abt those policies here (or hv i not already ... hmmm) ok. this really is an absolutely stupid and random entry. maybe i shouldnt have even started. feeling absolutely so jobless (did i juz say tt a few moments ago?) junyi! posted at 2:14 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, March 13, 2005 hello! Wah. Within a short span of 2 days ... so much has happened ... actually not really. Ok i m getting really confused here. haha I GOT A ZEN MICRO!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! haha. but the songs i hv r really really really and i mean absolutely old! yea. So junyi shall b on a lookout for more songs. And if u r kind enough to share your songs with junyi ... send it to me via mail! junyi.cdrm@gmail.com Alrite. Yep. Went to the IT exhibition ytd ... and i do so hate crowds. the wait is irritating. the parking is terrible. but the prices r like so absolutely reasonable and much cheaper than any usual rate. Which basically explained how i got the zen micro. IT exhibitions can be really interesting. You do learn about new stuff that you normally wld not bother to find out in Digital Life. And of course, you do get to meet Mrs Koh. haha. Yeps. Met her while queuing up for a faster broadband service (which took 1 hour and gave me loads of time to catch up with her). Talked to her and found out our dear friend justin pierre got promoted to a principal! And she realised justin was asking about me ... wat with jun si and his other mispronunciations of my name. haha. And anyway ... i dont noe how reliable is this, but mrs koh said mr hodge said (ok this sounds REALLY repetitive) tt the cut off for science this year could very well b 3.5 ... but again please check reliability. mr pierre tried calling me once mrs koh figured tt the person mr pierre was looking for was very well me. so he got my contacts and tried calling me ... which i din pick up coz it was too noisy anyway. so it was really funny when he called my house (n i was not around) and my sis picked up and he was trying to pronounce my name and my sis told him 'wrong no.' But he then asked my sis if she had a bro in rj currently and previously from ri ... so my sis kinda figured it out later. Called him and jus chatted. O well. rehearsal 4 storyline 2ml. Holiday's here! FWIT! junyi! posted at 11:56 pm.
(0) comments Friday, March 11, 2005 hello. havent been blogging much for many reasons. 1 of it being that of a lack of time and there is one other reason that i shant say. Still. At least 2day is the last day of school. Having break now. and juz tot tt my blog looks so unupdated and this explains the sudden impulse to juz write an entry ... basically closing up the huge date 'disparity' tt u wld c when u happen to chance upon this blog. RI t & f finals is on today ... happening in an hour or so. Wanted & intended to go but somehow cant coz of the rehearsals for storyline. I dunno wat got into me when i agreed to act. Yep. So maybe shall sneak to go watch t & f ... showing my support for the young ones and go fashionably late? Dunno lah. Opp cost involved ... marginal benefits vs marginal cost ... Speaking of which ... finally finished the last few tests of the week. O man. Damn draining. Esp after such a long break from real studying. Not like i really did study ... but still taking test IS draining! Ok. Have been following budget reports pretty closely. And am really glad tt they finally r abolishing the damned PEARLS system. One question: WAT THE HELL TOOK THEM SO LONG?! Ok. but better late than never. Alrite. hols is finally coming. Finally a much needed rest. ZWIT! Nothing much to update i guess. Unless u want to noe tt our team got into semis of NTU last week? tt's so outdated. But still a pleasing thought. Haha. And abt the council thing. Read the entry on nash's blog n have something to say abt it. But tt is left for another day. or maybe never here. maybe juz bottled up in that brain of mine and left in a corner till something reminds me of it again. And of course, only when time permits. ZWITTERION! junyi! posted at 1:13 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, March 01, 2005 i m so happy. really. Somehow i really did want to have results tt r juz so much better ... 9 a1s and all ... but i guess when the results came ... they did come as expected. I m relieved. I m happy. I guess there is a big difference between wat u want, and wat reality brings. I m juz glad this wait is all over. This looming uncertainty that has been around since last year ... it least it is finally over. :] Anywae, to those hu got as expected or even better ... congrats :]. And to those tt din ... i really noe tt nothing i say can make u feel better... all i can say is ... let's juz move on ... which i guess in most circumstances, is easier said than done. Anywae ... food for thought: - while results cannot be released to students until 2 ... somehow being a top student naturally relieves u from the suspense of having to wait for the release of ur o level results till 2 in the afternoon. - wat is more interesting is tt somehow juz because you do not have a twin getting the same high scores as you while getting the exact same scores, ur results somehow seem to pale in comparison to the set of twins. (please note tt i m not talking about myself but juz talking abt how the media chooses to play up these sort of things. haha. i find tt interesting) * Anywae ... congrats ms kelly on ur pregnancy! And tks mrs ng for the treat! Tks teachers for all ur hard work the past 4 years! Wishing u success in wtv u set out to do! (esp u mrs ng!) ++ Doing JAE now. Amazing how long and slow it is. junyi! posted at 12:00 pm.
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