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Wednesday, August 31, 2005 decided this is the time to blog. o well. finally a break. and time flies really. i cant exactly rmb how exactly i passed this entire term. but i mus say tt some things never do change. the useless lectures, the random outbursts in class, the 'bullying of teachers'. but i mus say, somehow the feeling i get from common tests is that after CTs, the class seemed to hv become more fun, more bonded, more interesting. exp the econs ppl. amy has commented on this before, and i guess, 3w is like really cool. definitely. today's teachers' day celebrations. nothing spectacular really happened in rj. except the rush rush note churned out last nite for the moor-tarbet teachers. had hoped it cld hv been better but i guess it wld suffice. So we went back to ri after tt. the sense of attachment still there. n i do miss the teachers - everyone of them. be it those hu still called me as loud as ever, haha, or those hu forgot my name but never forgot the fact that i WAS paparazzi. haha. mrs koh announced tt she was leaving. And her tears really rolled down as we sang the batch song again. really miss her all this time. she is really a most fantastic lady. as teachers had like so little time to meet so many students, i guess it was very much touch and go for all of them. so i guess it wasnt very fulfilling to dig out the latest scandals about them - i mean to find out how they are. but i guess we cant b selfish n dont hv much of a choice. haha. Sigh. Can u imagine. Very soon u wld b missing each other, experiencing once again, the pain of seperation and having to undergo painful decision makings again. The fact that we have to slog for the very difficult a level papers (as supported by 2 other ri teachers) are definitely not going to make things better - most definitely. ok random. this whole entry lacks structure. haha. so yea, then we went cartel to eat n talk abt the most random of stuff. But it was good lunch. And i did enjoy myself. And i went home to sleep. haha. So then the debates party came. IT was essentially n unfortunately at the atrium (GOSH) so it can hardly b called a party. more of a dinner really. And it was extremely warm. Really nice of the juniors tho. but tt still din put me in the best of moods as i left. maybe i m in the wrong. but i cant see where i hv gone wrong. nvm. shant talk abt tt here. yea. and so we left - it was one of the shortest debate gatherings ever. but i guess it's ok. we wld make use of the haagen daz vouchers they got us and go haagen daz the next time. tks jingy & co. o well. let me noe answer to the tags. d-net: tks & dont b so hungry all the time! u hv already eaten so MUCH today! - tt it's not funny. haha. AND JONATHAN KANG ... I DID NOT DO HER EOM!!! bin: U R NOT FORGIVEN. HAHA. *grinz. xix: tks for the enlightenment. and yea i wld try to rmb to link u junyi! posted at 11:42 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, August 28, 2005 this is the 130th entry since the start of this blog. ok random. anw. i dont really understand y the media is making such a big fuss out of the 1967 national day parade. so wat if no1 ran away. so wat if every1 jus stayed on. the thing is every1 was prolly jus scared since they werent really given an option anw. the cabinet gave instructions to go on - who could jus drop out? it wld look bad on their cvs, dash their hopes of being promoted or get the student volunteers into trouble probably. and so, i dont see a big deal. the thing is, does this represent are the highs-and-mighties in the school, organising committee, etc. - hu got instructions from the moe etc ... definitely it is not us hu so chose to cancel something when there's rain. therefore, we shld all stop having wet-weather plans, have programs go on come rain or shine and the future generations can showcase their inner-ruggedness yea? jus being random. was something i jus randomly tot of as i read the papers today. so many ppl ard me r getting depressed. it kinda rubs off and therefore i m not exactly in a very happy mood these days. i.e. i get easily irritated for some reasons. o well. i wish i can do something to help them. i think i hv been lucky my entire life. jus a mediocre student, a mediocre leader/administrator and a mediocre debater. i hv been lucky in being able to find such outstanding coat-tails to ride on all the time. so much more to b done for pw. i fear promos. junyi! posted at 6:27 pm.
(0) comments Monday, August 22, 2005 i m in the middle of doing the fricking silly eom but m bored and tired and so i decided to blog. dont ask where's the link please. anw, nothing much happened today. unless, of course i m supposed to confess tt i din attend chem remedial cos i tot it was going to b useless anw. or the fact tt i slept thru chem. bad bad =(. So. let me talk abt ytd. we went rui's hse for the supposed annual debates party. i lost count after a while on the actual number hu actually turned up and i basically (wow) learnt how to play risk ytd! sort of anw. ok all of u mus b like wow how stupid of him, he's 17 n he doesnt noe how to play risk - yea it's true, i m stupid. but anw, millions of ppl - or perhaps billions out there probably dont either. i reckon kids in africa dont hv risk to play. i dunno abt kids in china tho. ok random. haha. i jus had to say tt. OK. of course we jus talked, ate and erm ended up playing truth or dare. n i guess for the lack of information tt i actually tend to give, i hv to b an extremely boring person to play truth or dare with. haha. so yea. i told my dad tt i wld b back at 8 (cos suhas told me it ends at 8!!) and ended up being home at 2230. which really isnt late if u come to think of it, so i really dont understand wat's the big fuss for. seriously. he din say it outright. but i think i m grounded indefinitely. haha. he said no more of such things - which kinda sucks cos there's another ri debates party on teachers' day eve. but when the time comes, i wld think of sumthing. for the record, no we dont debate at debate party. i mean tt has to b like the stupidest comment ever. i mean how does it even make sense??? o yes. talking abt debates. hv u seen tt totally horrible article in the sunday times on 21 august??? gosh. it totally spoilt my mood while reading the papers. of course tt explained y i stopped reading the papers. but u see - let's ignore the RS was downright hypocritical. the worse thing was tt youth-14 debates was said to b organised by DA!!! come on. if u had said tt rj & da jointly organised the damn thing tho the only thing done is training the adjudicators on ur part fine. but only u??? it's qte sickening when credit is not given when it is due. ok. i think i sound somewat petty and blowing things out of proportion and somewat bitchy even. maybe i m. n so please do not take offence if u happen to b any of the mentioned, involved parties. junyi! posted at 6:58 pm.
(0) comments Friday, August 19, 2005 u noe wat? i feel some sort of emptiness within me. maybe it is the feeling of a lack of achievement this year. or maybe, it is just tt promos are jus so near n i havent exactly started on anything! somehow i dont feel a sense of achievement this year. i feel as if i hv wasted the entire year - ok very much less than a year - wif all the useless things i have done, with no exact purpose, with of not much use. i havent done anything great, havent won anything, and definitely nothing impactful. very sadly. and the year seems to have gone past really really quickly! :( i feel very talentless. i have no talents whatsoever. u noe, sometimes i jus wished tt i had tried out sports when i was young - very young. then maybe i wont have the kind of psychomotor problems that i constantly face. i wonder why sports always play such a key role in everything. i look at ever sport. i dont think i can play a decent thing. but on another note, maybe the year isnt as bad as it seems after all. for i hv gotten to known many many ppl much much better over the course of this one year. at least i think so. m so lucky really, in this sense. o well, u mus think i m depressed. but i jus feel really empty. maybe it is my attempt to become more zen. i think there is too much hate in me. ok, random, but this year, i always go like i hate this person, i detest this person. aiya. there's jus so much hatred in me i guess, or cld it b jus something i say. but i do get very irritated very often. __________ Ok forget it, went out to eat today and i met the PRESIDENT'S SCHOLAR!!! haha. i feel so honoured. haha. and of course i asked her if jeanne lim is a good teacher & all she cld reply was tt jeanne's nice! haha. but she conceded tt it was self study in the end. SEE ... i wasnt being rude after all. i was merely stating facts! i feel very confused. i want to study, but i cant put myself to open my books and start doing so. =( ______________________ Edit: it's now 12:30. no 1 is online, presumably studying or sleeping. i m stuck here, doing pw. very sad. haha. anw, had random convos here and there, and as i recount statements on first impressions over the past few weeks as we try to become more philosophical, analyzing, etc, i begin asking jingsong & auyong abt their first impressions of me. and it is qte funny, cos jing song said i was stern-faced, not looking friendly, with a constant frown on my face!!! haha. and tt i hv to smile more. haha. looks like loads of so3w or ppl i met in rj wld jus so beg to differ. haha. jus a random addition cos i feel bored and tired. junyi! posted at 7:41 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, August 17, 2005 this week seems to have gone past so quickly. which means PROMOS is COMING REAL SOON!!! gosh gosh gosh. i m so going to die lah. :( everyone else is studying!!! so openly some more. which means it really is time to study. o well. but dont u find the school life structured in such a way tt besides curriculum & cca, u nv seem to have time for anything else? THAT with ur very interesting PROJECT WORK too! hrms. m quite thankful for the opportunity to b able to join IHL. really really hope we get to go geneva. but for tt we need to win. and for tt we hv to train hard i guess. kinda surprised i got in actually. after all i did think acjc collegiates wld hv been my last. but anw, thankful nonetheless. o yes. hv began to become really irritated by certain things recently ... by ppl hu call me irresponsible after some irresponsibility on his part and being a complete asshole! ppl hu totally misrepresent me! ppl hu try to make me feel bad but so totally try to make it sound so hollow and incomplete. maybe it's just me. but yet again, it cld b them too! aiya. another one of those random bored entries. junyi! posted at 9:07 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, August 13, 2005 i hv jus completed the transcript of our interview wif mr se teo. how tiring. pw pw pw. everyone (i think) has been bz wif pw ... and it's so tiring. some1 wld jus shoot me if i say i love pw. haha. i wld b the most unpopular person ard. Like someone we all noe. anw. boring week. ok. maybe not. got things going on here and there. like an interview on wed but all in all, things tt happened r all so unforgettable. anw. there wont b presidential elections after all. it's insulting i tell u - the entire process. but i shant really comment on it. said wat i had wanted to say abt it to ppl. there's still so much work to do. AND PW. and i havent studied for promos. m kinda dead. junyi! posted at 10:25 pm.
(0) comments Monday, August 08, 2005 national day celebrations. yet another thing struck off for the house comm. wasnt very much a failure. wasnt very much a success either. all in all, lots of work, involving lots of people. tiring tiring day. in the end so much leftover food left and we had to all attempt to sell it. but then i guess n hoped tt ppl DID have fun, so it shouldnt b so bad after all. well done sports carn comm! donna, licia & matthew looked hilarious today. I WANT PICTURES!!! haha. samjo do rmb ... haha. then i can upload the moments of glory of these people. haha. today, all in all, was a really retarded day. i entered the hall for the concert and then the comments went "x is damn funny ... as in spastic funny". Indeed she was. but her comments were lyke so ... x. "come nearer, i wont rape u" ?! "do u perform at parks or what shit" ... i dunno lah. maybe it's just me. but then i shld jus leave my comments to myself. well. at least she is being rmbed. haha. of course i was later forced to do telematch,and SOMEBODY jus refused to get me a proper stick. so i had whobble and then totally lost my sense of balance. all in all a good day. an ok day. totally tiring. i forgot to bring my keys. this is a random country. but again, this is singapore. where the ppl r all so random. on singapore, happy birthday. and tt too to my younger sis. a national day baby. photos photos. i did hope tt my camera wld b fixed lyke soon. but of course. we always hope. and hope. and hope. but it's ok. junyi! posted at 11:15 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, August 07, 2005 i apologise for the lack of entries post ihc opening. becos basically, after tt i feel so tired everyday, i jus dont feel like doing anything sane or logical - except probably sleep. and eat. all in all, nothing much happen. tell me wat u want me to blog about n i shall attempt to write something abt it. anw today was so exciting cos i hv never been to sch on sundays. i think. as far as i recall. public holidays yes. but cos of the presence of elangor (however u spell his name), it has always deterred me from having any meetings on sundays. anw. so i jus did all the menial work and decorated 2 pillars wif balloons ALONE after moor tarbet has been tasked wif balloons decor and somehow everyone - except me - were delegated to do other stuff. so then i went about doing one pillar, making it look somewat fugly and diseased. but then i had a bright idea for the other pillar, and began making it nice, uniform and somewat pretty. so the 2 pillars r now in start contrast of each other. i hope the balloons remain intact. and i wld try my best to rectify one of the pillars 2ml. either make one nicer or the other fuglier. we hv to turn up at the totally unearthly hour of 0630. u noe, rj hse comm is so different from ri hse comm. so i m tired. esp after doing so much work today. haha. i hv never done so much menial work in a few hours before. haha. ok. and another topic. is abt my new bio tutor. we actually met him on wed. but i din blog abt it then is simply cos i forgot abt him. and he actually wasnt tt funny on wed. jus on thurs. the worse is tt he probably din noe tt he is a true blue comedian - he makes us laugh w/o noeing it himself! haha. the thing abt him is he treats us like kids. and he reminds me of saggy doo. i shall start taking down quotes from him. beginning today. "FREEZE. PUSH IN YOUR CHAIRS. NOW THANK YOU CLASS..." junyi! posted at 10:21 pm.
(1) comments Wednesday, August 03, 2005 OMG. Please do not let it happen again. the screw ups. the last minute decisions & confirmations. i cld have killed the school admin, aka the teachers. but obviously i didnt but on second tots, their contributions probably outweighed their lack of time management ... M not going to blog much abt ihc opening cos i only slept that few hours this morning and m tired after moving around so very much. So yes, indeed i m very and extremely tired. gosh. m just relieved this whole thing is over. i had envisioned it to b perfect, to be the most talked-about thing in town. to be an overwhelming success. but of course, if it was, i would be the one directing the IOC session opening and not that glen whatever. haha. O well. screw-ups were common definitely. Everything was so last minute and coordination was so bad. in the end i had to control BOTH music and the computer and emcee at the same time, and i so m not going to do it again. Missed the cue zillions of time, actually not missed but jus couldnt get it. Then MT cld have had more atmosphere? i think within the houses, definitely the spirit was lacking. but tt cld be improved lah. N please. let's not b so last minute. not entirely of our fault ... but gosh ... it was a total nightmare at the 11th nightmare. and it's like the whole of today, i was so very tensed, afraid of screwups. thank god everything came out fine. at least to an extent. aiya shant bother going in depth wif regards to the screwups. at least we got the school excited. and i m happy! Cos i tot of a lot of the stuff ... haha. *ego* *ego* But yar lar, jus extremely thankful for all this experience and wld jus want to do it again, differently and of course better. In the past, i cld hv these ideas, but all i had to do was to tell someone else and it would be done. And i guess this whole experience added an entirely different dimension ... it was a most stressful period of my J1 life ... nv had a need to do that since last year? juggling debates wif house. just want to thank everyone hu made it possible, mite not b a success - but still possible. n i realised all this time i hv been so bitchy and all? but now, in this calm, relieved state of mind, i begin appreciating all they have done. They all cld hv done better, but so cld i ... and we all did all we cld. so yea. everyone, from mr hodge to the house comms to the performers to my class even and to delwin, jade & ajit ... it has been a really good experience. thanks so much for making it happen. DDR was amazing. Of course i failed, but tt's hardly the point. haha. when i feel like going more in depth with regards to ihc or ddr, i wld. i so want to thank so many ppl ... going into detail. but m jus so tired lah. i promised myself, after today, the next thing tt i shld b stressing most about is promos. and tt means studying. ANW ... U ... wat did u think of opening? not too bad i hope. junyi! posted at 10:01 pm.
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