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Saturday, December 31, 2005 today isnt the best way to end the ok year of 2005, but i suppose this will do. anw, as 2005 comes to an end and reminds me of many things that happen throughout the course of this year, they all remain now ... as memories. so i decided, anw, to come up with some resolutions for 2006. To be: 1. Nicer to MORE people 2. Calmer 3. Fitter (haha) 4. Smarter 5. More diligent. really boring if u ask me, but i cant think of actual actions tt i want to do ... like how the papers splash QUIT SMOKING or how i wld promise to do all my homework. cos i also happen to be practical. haha. hopefully 2006 wld b a better year. tho a levels threaten to make this wish almost pointless. well. hopefully i do well in a levels. and many other things that i seek to do. junyi! posted at 10:39 pm.
(0) comments Monday, December 26, 2005 time flies. really. cliched as it sounds, the only reason y it is sounds cliched is cos so many ppl use it, and the reason y so many ppl use it is simply cos it is true, and they lack the originality and creativity to cook up something that reflects that statement. The past few days came and went, with orientation dry run 2 being somewhat dry, given how it is more theoratical than practical, listening to one briefing after another. Yet, because of the very nature of the company present, it makes the entire 2 days+ somewat bearable =) and on the last day (which is the + day) haha where we jus listened, it also happened to b the eve of christmas! like WOW! haha. nothing much happened except tt i caught up wif sj, nash, alan, ccc, zee after such a long time of being involved in work. and it does feel good to jus sit down and crap. haha. went ard bugis and ccc led us on some kind of walk ard bugis - probably his idea of some exercise tt all of us desperately need. haha. ok kidding. nothing spectacular but a way to spend the day. and a good way =) it was jus walking ard the mall and then sitting down to enjoy my sea of gold for me. and of course photo-whoring shamelessly and talking loudly. haha. i havent exactly celebrated christmas much all these years. and after such a long time, u begin receiving cards and gifts ... haha. it is rather fun. it is good to both give and take i suppose, haha. but i do like reading the messages ppl hv written for me, jus as much as i had enjoyed writing mine for others. undoubtedly, my cards were written and bought in a rush, due to the fact tt i had no idea christmas was so near then, but at least i did send the cards to ppl hu i wanted to write to so there! haha. but indeed, it was thru the cards that i received that i realised tt it is always the little things u do that make some ppl remember. and it can b astounding really, to realise how these things make a difference to a person u noe and hv interacted with. christmas was filled with eating and sleeping, lazy me. but i worked too, how loseristic of me - completing those proposals, but at least i finished them! and then today's boxing day is filled with the buying of clothes, out of which most were jus tops ... i think i m spending too much. =( ----------------- Disclaimer: The paragraphs below consitute of mainly thoughts to round up the year so u might not want to read them unless u r o so bored so 2005 comes to an end in a week. and u begin to jus sit back and think abt the year. and compare it to the many years before this, and then compare it to 2006, to see how u want things changed. and it seems so weird. that i hv been so busy ... doing nothing. i mean, i seemed busy the whole year, but seriously, what hv i accomplished for myself or for others. I think i did make more friends this year, became closer to more ppl, i suppose. and come to think of it, in the previous years, i never did have many close friends. acquaintances yes, friends yes, and i was never hated (i think) but the most i did was to go out with big groups of people - my classes, my cca etc. i never had people or even someone i was really close to, i wld go out with. And i think that's simply cos i hv been controlled all those years, and even in the couple of years that saw the barriers being lifted, i was too busy for my own good. and perhaps i still am, but at the start of this year, the absence of a heavy workload, or rather the choice to not have one allowed me to make time for others. i was a horrible friend, maybe i still am, but i m glad that 2005 hasnt gone to waste - it had gotten me closer to qte a no. of people. =) 2005 was a year that was different from the others, i mus say. i learnt a lot, and maybe changed - a little at least. 2004 was driven by many motivations, of ambitition perhaps - the want to get the A1s, the determination to win everything. 2005 saw this change, and maybe that's cos i saw them as impossible and then i jus began to randomly try out different things, to do things i perhaps hv never done before. random things i remembered from 2005: - Storyline through both O2 & the prep for 06 - halloween! haha. - random outbursts of craziness throughout the year ... those were funny, i remembered how there was once i went into the buying over of an island and all for IHC to raise funds haha. and then during o prep the donation shit. and all the dances. haha. - high energy meetings with the rest of hse comm. haha. - debate competitions! =) those were fun times. ntus, acjc, ihl. yea. working with everyone of them was fun - FRIDAY LUNCHES! yea. a good time - coffee bean, dome & cartel. - screwing up promos =( - the random songs that were sung via the phone while i was studying! haha. tt's pretty funny. - fangyan, fangwtv haha ... thanks to miss yap and miss tan! haha - and YOU. you reading this. dont worry i wont forget. haha. (ok this sounds so lame) and then so much more! i dunno. many things hv slipped my mind. and there are definitely so much more that i want to write, and probably wld want to add over the next few days, weeks etc. but not now. because of wat my dad jus said tt pissed me off. so now i m in an angry mood again. pfffffffft. i hate it when others pretend to noe me better than i noe myself. it is irritating. ok. tt's all for now. the above can seem so cheesy come to think of it. wtv lah. i m mood-swinging and hv written all the random thoughts tt came to my mind. junyi! posted at 8:06 pm.
(0) comments Monday, December 19, 2005 it is someone's birthday today so i shall b nice and wish that very young amy happy birthday here. haha. but anw. WELCOME BACK u HARVARDIANS! haha. hurray. now they r back and there is company once again. BUT then work begins again. all tt orientation stuff. and there wld b TWO hours every dry run lah! ggxx already lah. we are hardly prepared after all. as in we nv had a full run. but things wld turn out fine. hopefully. i tried learning dance today. again. but failed miserably. i m going to die lah. haha. my dancing is bad. and it is so funny cos i walked past the dance board today and it said "if u can walk, u can dance". someone tell them it is so untrue it is not funny please. haha. there is so much schoolwork to b done i m so unprepared i m going to die when school opens. argh. i m going to die. period. but arent we all? AND our og's name is zamarathine =) junyi! posted at 10:08 pm.
(0) comments Friday, December 16, 2005 hello hello. =) i m back. haha. indeed a really really short trip. could and should have been longer, but maybe not, given tt things might not have been the same if it was longer - the entertainment value is lost, i cld hv started becoming bored. haha. let's jus say it was good while it lasted. haha. anw. the thing about cruise is tt u dont really hv to fork out much money ON the ship itself. And sicne money has been paid already, you feel that it is your responsibility to help the parental units ensure tt it is all money well spent. so you eat. and eat. and eat. haha. and check out any free facilities. well. it was relaxing and fattening i suppose. haha. a good place for a retreat. so long as someone else pays. but i guess for you to fully enjoy ur time on the cruise itself you need company to do the many activities tt require more than 2,3 teens; for the available things to do when u hv like 2 ppl is like arcade, movie watching, shows - given that another 2 ppl are of the age to go to the casino. and u arent. haha. i guess there is no point going into detail of wat was done. watched night shows staged at their theatre tt i mus say was rather well built - the school shld perhaps take a leaf out of the ship and learn to build a performing arts centre of that likes. O well. the shows were rather interesting. after all you watch shows put on displays things you can never do - and tt includes dancing. haha. (and of course doing the scorpion =p) watched movie after movie when there r no other programmes lined up. Dragon Squad was really good. Pretty impressed by all the cool moves - fighting shooting etc. their plot and story was pretty good too. Unfortunately maggie q died =( Would have inspired me to learn to fight like them had i not known better. haha. then i watched the day after tomorrow. which was really good too! haha. pretty cool, somewhat moving and it had a pretty good story and decent acting about the aftereffects of global warming and so on. the visuals were really good too. then i watched hitch as well. really good and had a good ending to it. but shall not bother to apply wat i somewat learnt in the movie. haha. and besides tt, the last one i watched was aviator. "the way of the future ..." =) cruise's basically for u to either relax or hv fun with a whole group of ppl i suppose. went cam-whoring wif my sis as well. but i suppose i wont bother putting up the pictures. Laziness takes the better of me again. haha. AND i RAN on the ship! in the morning summore. haha. =) perhaps the bad thing too is tt there is a total lack of entertainment in the wee hours of the morning. and besides, tho i really wanted to get things for ppl hu mattered back in singapore, the absence of value-for-money, nice looking or randomly useful stuff resulted in me buying anything for anybody. o wells. junyi! posted at 10:26 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, December 13, 2005 ok. i hv jus sorta finished a meeting wif leslie and an email to be sent to the hse comm which is extremely disgusting cos it is my longest email to date i think. to this hse comm at least haha. i hope they dont get too disgusted reading thru it. anw. went to watch perhaps love which i thought, frankly, was rather overrated especially after reading the review in time magazine today. i loved the visual effects, the dances were good. but the songs tended to b a little draggy, the whole movie in a movie thingy seems like a wild attempt at moulin rouge and the plot seems somewhat cliche. generally so-so. but wasnt like wowing when i came out of the cinema. ok for the seven bucks i paid lah. i m not THAT hard to please! haha anw. nothing else happened i supposed. nothing interesting at least. besides the fact tt i had a haircut. hahaa. tt too is not interesting. so anw. going off for a break for the next 3 days ... so farewell and dont miss me too much =) junyi! posted at 11:33 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, December 10, 2005 the primary reason why i have not been updating is simply cos it has been a boring week and there is absolutely nothing to blog about. unless of course u consider cleaning up my room and randomly going out wif family remotely interesting. everyone's like overseas! and just as it is window period and i hv stopped work at dad's company, there jus happens to exist a LACK of company. ppl r either in harvard (most anw!), kl - or any other part of malaysia, and the richer ones go to parts of europe, australia etc. so u see, not many ppl left in singapore and then there is really a lack of incentive to go out, cos as they always say, the more the merrier. but anw. the lack of anything to do at all stems for my laziness. for as SO3W would so clearly insist, i am SUPPOSED to WORK OUT (yea, u read it correctly), so tt i wont b one of the worse in class and wont hv the extra 2 mths bmt for failure to get a silver in tt absolutely inane test called NAPFA. such caring classmates i have, really. but i m lazy. as zul wld so agree with. then i m also supposed to STUDY. to make up for my abysmmal grades this exams. and the whole load of homework? undone as well. bio assg, econs S reading up, chem random tutorial, math random tutorial too. irksome. of course then as u take up leadership positions, the time also comes for u to make PLANS for 2006. and cos i m lazy and everyone else is busy doing something else or is away, there is no one to constantly remind me of the ever impt responsibilities i supposedly have. haha. inter hse debates proposal is undone. mt hse stuff is undone. ihc stuff is ALSO undone. and if u think the absence of company wld hv been enough reason for me to hv finished clearing up my room. then u r wrong as well. because my room remains uncleaned. and the only progress i hv made is rearranging the notes into subjects, ready to b filed. so much to b done. and can u believe it is a mere 3 weeks to the end of holidays? sigh. o yes. on a brighter note i AM going out this hols after all. aiya. i suppose i jus need a break. jus a short trip on a cruise =). a time unfortunately to get fat since the only thing to b done on a cruise ship is to EAT and SLEEP and LAZE AROUND watching shows if u r below 21 and hence cant enter the casino. so yes. argh. this is such a random entry. junyi! posted at 10:06 pm.
(0) comments Monday, December 05, 2005 goodness. i jus realised i prolly never spent one full day at home for the past one week, with orientation dry runs & storyline rehearsals taking up most of my time. And of course, DANCE PRAC! =( orientation dry runs went fine enough i wld suppose. the activities seem fairly interesting and they have allowed me to noe more people definitely! haha. which i suppose is always a good thing? one more day of orientation dry run to go! external affairs. and my co-ogl has expressed tt she wont b coming! tsk! wat a slacker. hahaa. but it's ok cos she is going to teach them the dance so tt the og wont end up to become like me =) (this is of course assuming recent rumours tt we mite b unpaired are not true) storyline rehearsals then run thru the nite, till 2230? or 2300? yea ard there. but i guess the only complain is wif regards to its lateness tho i actually do enjoy myself qte a bit. the script's cool, good & funny =) and some of the characters are really really funny! no names shall b named here tho. but one thing's for sure. nxt yr storyline wld b one of the best. ever. *grins. loads of work tho. and i mus say, i think storyline is the most unappreciated comm ard. and misunderstood. i have learnt, i think a third of the entire dance for orientation. which i, in normal circumstances wld b most proud of myself. BUT in this case, i think i m going to die =( stupid dance segment in the middle of storyline! but hai. the few private tutors i hv engaged will work me hard! haha. it's late. and we have to go to school early 2ml! argh. i hv never had a decent HOLIDAY kind of sleep this entire week. =( junyi! posted at 12:05 am.
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