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Thursday, October 12, 2006 as tradition dictates, every significant event/date calls for a blog entry so here goes the one to close the term - farewell assembly entry, before i slip into oblivion and perhaps return with an oath to mug which worked in secondary 4 and saw it being copied and pasted over a couple of blogs haha. But yes, before i return to study, here's the entry to remember farewell assembly. there's nothing much to remember really for farewell assembly. the plaque award is really a coin with the words plaque award engrave on it, but i am not complaining because it does look pretty (and) classy. i preferred the sec4 farewell video. and as for the speeches, hodge's speech was somewhat different cos it did veer away from his usual stuff although i am peeved that he did not thank the house committee. and the guest of honour has seriously impressive credentials and a nice vibe too. haha. nothing much happened yesterday. Compared to RI's grad ceremony, this was somewhat bland, without much of an atmosphere although I would not want to go through 1000+ shaking of hands to receive the grad cert. But nonetheless, photowhoring is always fun haha and we later went to j8 and swensen to have ice-cream (: with snee, navjote, ajit and suhas who keeps spoiling the fun by insisting that we have to go back and study soon. pfffffffffft he keeps making us feel guilty. haha i can say anything i want cos he has deleted internet explorer - above msn messenger. very hardcore individual who is going to get his 4As+2Ds+1A1. o and i met ms grace ytd! how totally unexpected but yes at the supermarket haha. it was good catching up with her and she thanks the moor team for having motivated and inspired this year's batch of leaders to fight hard and lead the house to victory. FIRST PLACE AGAIN (: twice in 3 years, impressive eh. yes it is good to catch up with teachers and i wished i had gone back more the past year. =( nvm, after As! gosh what a lot to do after As! anyway, 2 years in rj have come to a close - now all we are left with is revision lectures, A levels and more pleasantly grad night. and honestly, i never knew what to expect when i came into rj. i had a lot of apprehension at first, i was thinking if i wld do better in another college - considering if i shld go hc or vj maybe, and later 2 things that made my rj life special was the same 2 things that made me choose rj over the other colleges - house, and more importantly, the people. and i am glad. because not only have i made more friends in rj, i have also gotten to know a lot of people better over the past 2 years. and house was a joy - though i still live with regrets of not having done enough, thinking back, it was perhaps a blessing to have been rejected from council for it gave me an opportunity to explore a different dimension of myself and initiate stuff. I begin to understand how i enjoy taking on new things. I have written all i had wanted about house previously so i shant dwell on that, only to say that if given a chance, i will pick house over council, no doubt about that, though there will be many things i will do differently. and so the people. 2 years ago, I would have never thought that i would be friends with certain individuals. and it nv fails to amaze me how i hv come to get to know them a lot better over the years. and the diverse group of people that they are. and i am still amazed by how sometimes you can know a person for more than 1-2 years, but u only get to know him/her better only in the last year of school. sometimes i dont even know how it happens! haha. though i may not b the most popular person around, i am just pretty thankful that they are there when i'm down or need to bitch. there's just so much i would love to say to each and everyone of them individually, but i guess when i can i will just do so in the form of cards or notes or something after As. and the class haha, it was a great time with s03w, and mr chan is right, we pulled through despite tauntings from other classes! haha. o well, academically it has been terrible the past 2 years. i have definitely slackened and perhaps grown even stupider, but whatever the case is, there will not be any regrets for the coming As! and i am going to ace it. hopefully. but hope is dangerous. so it's time to not hold anything back. and go full steam ahead. and how much have ppl changed too. most definitely. so anw, to mark the end of the last proper post in many days and perhaps weeks, i shall provide some pictures (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Photo Hosting - PicTiger more to come as i deem fit haha and to a levels. junyi! posted at 11:11 pm.
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