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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 roar i m beginning to find prom totally overhyped and am getting irritated by it because i cannot find the proper clothes to wear! they jus dont fit. and they take a week at least to b altered. and hence the jackets r either too big or too small or too tight or the sleeves (ESP) are too long or too short. i must have weird proportions. my body proportions are unproportionate or something. extremely irritating. 3rd day of clothes hunting (it's not even shopping) and no nothing nothing nothing. i shld jus wear like what i wore for grad night 2 years back and solve the entire problem. and i still have not watched casino royale or happy feet and ended up again watching another weird show i noe nothing about. open season is the worse show i have watched this year and like seriously - the plot was weak and cliched and definitely predictable. i cld only have fallen in love with it probably if i were 5 or something where i was denser and in love with stupid things. honestly haha bear meets deer, both of which are outcasts, deer's the irritating ass, hunters come, they chase the hunters out, hurrah they win and bear's the leader, everyone loves the bear now. and they live happily ever. wow. fantastic. ok i might have missed out some details. but tt's wat the show is about. in a nutshell. past few days have been crappy with fruitless clothes-hunting. and it is scary how there r alr ppl enlisting NEXT FRIDAY!!! gasp. i cannot believe it. you know what? i cld have been the one enlisting next friday. sians. and tired. junyi! posted at 11:37 pm.
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