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Saturday, December 30, 2006 aha i m back (: after five days in the land of a thousand smiles. tt's qte pathetic really because out of a population of millions they only managed a thousand smiles. anw it was a fine trip, though pretty hectic and contrary to popular belief i DID NOT truly get a lot of shopping done cos tour = going to zoos, factories, beaches, rivers etc. haha there hence wasnt much time for shopping and i only got half of what i intended to get (the other half includes stuff for friends so tt's fine haha jus kidding). and i bought loads of food so i think i m going to get fat. haha. it was qte interesting lah overall, made scary when i forgot to take my luggage from the immigration at thailand. thank goodness the officials found nothing valuable in it and asked ard if ppl forgot to take their luggage. aha. and the trannies were all prettier than all the girls i saw in thailand, until they open their mouth; the tranny show however was pretty boring, nothing spectacular. thailand in and off itself wasnt as underdeveloped as i thought it would be or as polluted, so tt's good. we went to loads of factories with spokespeople who r extremely persuasive. and i find pigs racing and doing math extremely fascinating haha. pattaya was pretty fun cos i got to ride on a jetski haha i m super noob. and i nv knew they had dreamworld in thailand and ok overall did and saw some stuff tt i hv nv done before or seen before so tt's pretty cool. but the trouble with tourgroups is tt u want to go to the most no. of places in the least amt of time so u tend to not get to do everything at a place. like wat i took less than a quarter of the rides at dreamworld. i think i m uber bad at bargaining cos i m a compassionate person haha. when they go please sir please sir i need to eat and all i tend to stop bargaining haha. unfortunately for them my daddy isnt tt compassionate and see thru their tricks haha. ok tt's my trip in a nutshell. not all that spectacular but was qte an experience and it wasnt too bad either yuppers yuppers. ok debate party 2night! tt's oxymoronic haha. junyi! posted at 4:13 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, December 24, 2006 the morning started horridly. and the food wasnt too good. but the afternoon was still great! and it's great company always. haha thanks for all the cards, presents etc. haha. it was as usual a pretty nostalgic gathering haha. and jon summed it up pretty well "this time last year we were at bugis. this time next year where will we be?" haha and army seems to make ur english go slightly haywire and result in inability to do math as proven in jon. but luckily he still doesnt swear. but. it's a matter of time. haha. ok i will be off to thailand! enjoy the peace while it lasts. quoteworthy moments: "you can have sex with your good friends too" JK "holding hands is like having sex" AC "symposium's original meaning is a gay orgy gathering. according to my friend" NN "the guy you met at the symposium?" AC To protect the identity of these individuals, only their initials were used in quoting them. haha. Hope everyone is enjoying the festive cheer. Merry Christmas everyone! junyi! posted at 9:52 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, December 23, 2006 yay today has been a good day too! except i hv been stood up for -.- FOUR HOURS. tsk azizul kamal shah. we thought u were kidnapped or something. but now sarala and i r sorely dissappointed with u! haha n i thought only i din noe how to use buses. But i made it today! i found holland v ok. via bus. although yea i overshot by a bit and had to make a detour. but still i m proud of myself. haha. anw today's good cos i received some pretty good advice abt being in the law scene and all so i m kinda know more about what i want to do for the next 8 years at the very least. provided i do well enough for my a levels. well curse of the golden flower is really good! like seriously. totally worth the (1) last minute decision (2) the $0 i paid haha jk totally worth the original price in the first place and it was so good tt we ended up having leftover popcorn! gongli & chow yun fat were totally brilliant in their acting and the way they emoted themselves is totally amazing. and i m not talking abt the boobfest. the cinematography was also fantastic, with breathtaking scenes that makes you want to travel back into time to the tang dynasty to appreciate all the grandeur. from the opening scene till the end my eyes were glued to the screen cos everything was just so beautiful. (: the battle scenes especially were uber gripping! Well the only downside i guess was jay chou's acting and the truly predictable plot. so dont watch for the plot, watch for what you see. and when jay chou dominated for like 10 minutes i was like WHERE'S GONGLI. again it's not just the boobs. haha. but yes it is truly the best zhang yimou's film in the past few years. those i watched at least. so yes everyone shld go watch curse. AND WHY IS IT SO DAMN HARD TO RESERVE A PLACE TO EAT IN TOWN ON WEEKENDS?! and i hope everyone or at least almost everyone has received their christmas cards alr. and liked it (: junyi! posted at 10:26 pm.
(0) comments Friday, December 22, 2006 ok all the cards to be posted have been posted. do u think i can sue the post office if the label on the postbox says that any letter posted before 5 on a working day will be delivered by the next working day? ok so if the cards are delivered late it is not my fault! haha. more cards to be written but those can wait cos they will be hand-delivered. haha whew. i m such a cheapskate. junyi! posted at 4:38 pm.
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yay today is a happy day haha. because i went out of the mrt and was approached by a woman and then she stopped me and said "we r looking for HANDSOME guys ..." haha i was shocked so i cut her off and said "no thanks" because ignorance is bliss. haha. u nv know what else she is going to say after that - ... for our gay magazine? ... and need a not so handsome guy beside him in our advert? but anw, so exciting. haha. but then it was early and i think she was getting desperate. and she doesnt seem to have good taste. but dnet is a wet blanket n not sharing my excitement because she declared that her record is 5 times a day even on her jeans day. and also i m the perfect shopping partner haha. so entertaining somemore. i feel very accomplished without buying anything myself. and now i m in awe of snee for her shopping energy haha. in terms of christmas presents. haha. and finally because i bought another 4 books so hurray! this has nothing to do with today being a happy day for me cos this is about being a happy day for dnet (since she insists on a mention) but dnet's fever is subsiding because she is feeling happiest the past 4 days! haha. but she's being mean and telling me that i will not send my cards on time. o i think i m very glad that i have diversified my services to include making bookmarks too. i m going to open my own giftmart. very exciting indeed. junyi! posted at 1:29 am.
(0) comments Monday, December 18, 2006 It's weird kamal shah bin sohaimi complained about the photo in the previous entry, since he definitely looks the best amongst all of us in the picture. BUT to appease him, here's a picture taken at this year's prom and i hope he finds this glam enough. haha. ![]() life has been pretty normal, i wld love something to keep me busy. a focus maybe haha. or a job. (more of the money really). BUT no one wants to hire me for a week before i fly off to bangkok on christmas night. so another week to rot. although i do need to start sending cards (and prior to that actually write something in them). jonathan kang called ytd and declared tt i was impossible to contact haha. but to all his fans, he is fine and looks like NS isnt as bad as everyone purports it to be (so WHEW) haha he is burning calories the entire day but gains them back over meal times and so he is unsure if he has actually lost any weight. haha. I have been having sporadic thoughts of As, and it's pretty scary. what if. i din do as well as i hope for. it's scary and i dont really want to think about it. sigh. navjote's back! haha and i think i need more books. and i think i m getting lazier, not really wanting to move a lot. haha. junyi! posted at 4:17 pm.
(0) comments Friday, December 15, 2006 Ceding to Miss Yap's (who has become very demanding of late but ... ok nvm) demand for a blog entry, here is the entry of the week, with nothing much to write about given how my life is boring and unexciting, unlike hers. Unfortunately for her, this entry will not be about her and will be instead about my boring and unexciting life haha. So anw, i have been staying at home qte a bit this week partly due to my attempts to find something wrong with me and hence be downgraded for ns. haha. The stupid allergy test has confined me at home for 3 days due to the random things they paste on my hand. Apparently the things they paste contain the "grass juice" from the grass that i plucked downstairs. So yes they pasted weird stuff on me on wed, and ytd i had to stay at home and today i went back and guess what, the part around the plasters broke out in rashes, the area the plaster was placed had NO rashes. haha. ok maybe i m allergic to plastic or something since the area around the plasters was covered with plastic tape. or maybe i m allergic to tape. ok so since there were no rashes in the area covered by the plaster, and according to the doctor it may take a day for the rashes to break out after the plaster is removed (since u noe the plaster is antiseptic and all) i have to go back 2mr and not go under the sun. weeps. anw i ramble. the fact of the matter is i have been confined at home for the past 3 days. sleeping. working on my computer. reading. watching tv. very boring and unexciting. i told you. anw the earlier part of the week was better. although i still suck at pool. and after not playing daytona for like a number of years, i realise i suck at it too (not noting if i had sucked at it previously). HOWEVER, unlike pool and bowling and all other sporting games, i was actually improving in daytona so i m very proud of myself. haha. aiya it is always good to catch up with ppl. especially if they r enlisting. today in fact. it's scary, more and more ppl are enlisting alr. suhas, ajit and ccc enlist today; jonk enlisted last week. and i have been slacking haha. i shld start running at the very least. anw more photos today. and the latest series shall be before and after. Before (2 years back, sec 4 prom) ![]() After (J2 prom) ![]() not everyone is in this pic but this is the pic with the most debaters so i suppose we make do with it. haha. note how everyone has changed! if not in looks then perhaps dressing i guess. haha. and the most changed award goes to .... SUHAS (: haha, whose self determination is to be admired. unfortunately he is at tekong right now and will not see this for at least 2 weeks. o well debates has given me a lot and i m in a way glad that i decided to join the club towards the end of sec 2. AND i hear the coaching jobs pay very very well indeed. haha. a parttime job option (: ok no one is online these days till pretty late into the night. the following days shld be more exciting since i m not actually forced to b confined at home haha. junyi! posted at 5:13 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, December 09, 2006 ok apparently the photos in the previous post cannot be seen. so here you go. i used another of those sharing service again haha. so 3 photos for the class. an amazing class truly that has taught me loads and made my time in rj a truly truly enjoyable one. (: ![]() The class. MIA: Chenwei, kwan, jeff, peixuan, sam, mali, huimin and haha must thank amy & dnet for er making themselves shorter so i can be seen in the photo. gah i hate being short. *picture stolen from amy who in turn stole it from liheng ![]() the class girls AND me (not part of them ... no no no) *the lighting here sucks! those with this photo send me please. ![]() class guys junyi! posted at 10:41 pm.
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Have been in a pretty random mood lately so i shall add pictures from prom, er a few per post haha. Ytd was a very productive day and I have come to the conclusion that I should now shop with zul for presents, realising yesterday that I have been the most productive in buying presents when with him haha. haha. ok more about ytd later when he has sent me some photos taken, because we took photos of stuff that reminded us of certain individuals. haha. yes utterly random. and we passed ays her bday present too! haha. BDAY + CHRISTMAS present as we consistently reminded her. haha. happy bday(belated) + christmas (in advance) chang su-ya and we are expecting really really nice christmas presents. haha. or i will post pictures of you from ytd! haha. ytd was a pretty random day yes. at 2am zul & i were complaining of boredom and decided to in 10 hours meet to shop for presents lol. but yes it was good. next week is supposed to be filled with get-togethers so hopefully they will go ahead and be fun! ok the first 2 pictures are photos of my class from prom. and the lighting is really really horrible, hence the photos are not really pretty. AND i dont have the class photo! i thought we agreed to use only one cam and then in the end everyone else but me gave their photos to the guy to take photos! haha. AND still i dont have them -.- ok so i have post 2 different pictures - one of the guys &; one of the girls. HRM i wonder y i m in both. my mp is coming 2mr! haha. and i shall go talk to him. and i shall go help my grandfather at his hawker stall 2mr again! haha be a hawker assistant and yell and take orders! haha. junyi! posted at 4:29 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, December 06, 2006 it was all alright until i was told of something that happened while i was away at prom that was kinda upsetting and ruined my night/dawn and hence precious sleep. some ppl r jus plain screwed up and detestable. but putting that all aside, although the lack of sleep has made me kinda cranky, i shall attempt to relive the night haha which was indeed qte entertaining. it was all in all a rather different experience from ri's. 1) there was the presence of girls/women haha which added to the "variety" 2) guys dressed better this time round maybe/mostly cos of the presence of the former 3) the program was rather different 4) i was not involved at all this time round, so it's fun watching all the items that were all very nice haha. 5) I DID NOT WIN ANYTHING IN THE LUCKY DRAW!!!! hmph. u noe come to think of it i dont qte rmb much from sec 4 prom, except feeling a lil awkward at the table, and table hopping alot haha. and camwhoring a lot. anw in the spirit of reader-friendly test, some of the rather memorable parts of the night - in point form. haha. in no order whatsoever - ok except the time it came to my mind. 1) the rain. we wanted to go in in style but the rain made us late so too bad that means having to cut thru raffles city to reach the ballroom so damn. 2) the damn speakers placed right in front of our table that kinda made us go deaf. AND for the first time, ppl cant actually hear me speak. of course that meant ppl at my table berated me for my poor choice of table. esp amy. haha. 3) taking a long time before i cld start recognising girls with the make-up on. which was really very awkward cos i had to stare very long at ppl before making out who they were haha. (haha as i kept telling everyone, it's not that they din see dani, it's they cant recognise her haha) some looked really qte good. some looked really gorgeous. 4) having a hair crisis - so much so that i was considering purchasing a hat or something to solve the problem. it took a great deal of gel to fix it. although i think i shldnt hv bothered from the start. haha. 5) table 28 being totally off and noisy because we were cheering non stop when someone failed to collect his/her lucky draw price. haha. and the vice principal was staring at us weirdly. funny how karma works its way back and bites us in our asses given how no one on the table won anything. haha. 6) cheapo kangs nadj and i going ard the ballroom taking the souvenirs haha. if u misplaced ur souvenir. i m selling them at just 50 bucks a piece. price is negotiable. limited copies. as we all noe. limited supply. and so price is generally going to be determined by the demand. and the interaction of both curves ...... haha. o and i took the menu too. haha souvenir lah. i thought btw that the souvenir was qte nice and the frame is from ikea btw, but the photo's nice so i qte like it. haha 7) dnet's juggling! haha which was really qte nice haha. a good comic effect to the entire night haha. qte admire her courage in being able to stand there and juggle and recite pi so she shld hv won prom queen. but hey haha.' 8) thinking everyone will b late but being qte wrong when we saw so many ppl outside. and it's qte weird tt everyone wld wait outside, because there were drinks and cooler aircon inside. haha. 9) quote of the night: V: we all want to see some skin from the mr hot body. so show us some skin! JY (Jiayuan not this jy! haha): Er. can i just show my abs. V: SURE. (JY shows his abs) V: Wow. is that a 6-pack. JY: er. actually it's an 8. 10)MASSIVE photowhoring. including a super-off one at the toilet that got us qte a few weird looks haha. 11) the 2s03W whoosh! haha how cool is that caught on video! haha. and the videoing of the college anthem with ppl on table 28 consistently trying to mime the song lyrics. but somehow er getting the words wrong haha. like donna making a running action for the word "rein" haha. 12) prom queen nominess AY would rather be allergic to men than money cos this way she will not contract stds haha. D thinking she can actually find a stockbroker that will invest her one dollar. the lousy toilet salesman. the proposal. the friend before men. 13) mr shah and mr siva. and nadjad being a pioneer by pioneering a move to get ppl in front of the stage in show of support haha. which was really qte cool and "wildened" the mood haha. 14) kenneth was more interested in table bingo than all of us. haha. 15) food cleared away VERY QUICKLY. not like we ate much really but he cleared half the bowl of sharksfin!!!! 16) audris pouring "jiang you" into the sharksfine. i think she thought it was vinegar. but maybe she really wanted the soya sauce haha. 17) Seeing CTY ignored by his class! so we went to take pic with him (: 18) opening number was uber funny. sexyback. 19) being asked countless of times how many cameras did i exactly have. for the record it was only 2 and tt's cos i was afraid i was running out of batt. which was a truly astute move. cos i did run out of batt. 20) Zul! ok the band name is called zul. at least tt's wat it says on the program. and the singing was good (:. ok lah james was qte good too. haha. 21) some photos that zul showed me. haha. 22) dance queen! haha. with our support it went to zhuliana! who "fans herself to get fans" 23) our table deciding on the people we r voting even before watching the performances haha. 24) confusing the councillor on who the real mr nice guy on our table is. lots of finger pointing. and she couldnt decide which of the 2 who werent pointing was the nicer. wonder y the rest of us did not get mr nice guy? haha. 25) the way they conducted the apple top draw. still sore that i din win it. haha 26) kang's house! and the random videos that we watched haha. our quiet way of having post prom haha. 27) singing "we are the young" at the end of the party was truly truly very off. i thought whoever started it did it in poor taste without consideration of the feelings of others who were not from ri. i mean i love ri and all and i love the batch song. but this party is not about ri. is not about ri's class of 2004. it's more than that. so yea in truly very bad taste. sorry. ------------- ok at this point of time i cannot remember much of other things. and there r some things i cannot say or i will start to fear for my life haha. and mostly everything else was just camwhoring. and shouting at ppl you recognise from 10m haha. and trying to find people. as you can see i got bored of remembering so the last few recaps r pretty short. i shall try to think of more if i can, or you can comment and tag! haha. and i m still sore that they scrapped mr talkative this year! DAMN THEM. haha. o well still dunno if i shld upload photos. sorry to dissappoint! haha. pretty big files so m truly lazy haha. if u need pics from me ask me! and i m thinking of making cards for my class for the new year. hrm maybe maybe haha. junyi! posted at 5:12 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, December 02, 2006 aha i m very pleased. prom shopping is finally done and daddy bought a new camera too so yay! although the past few days were so very draining. roar i think i burned more calories in the past one week ever! like 4 consecutive days of shopping. can die i tell you. how ppl take it, as i always say, i dont noe. i mean even my sister complained today! and there were so many ppl at the sitex fair! all searching for a good bargain. but not bad the bargains were qte good. (: so yes prom shopping is finally done. and here's a preview of what i will be wearing. i will be dressed as a waiter. swissotel accepted me u see in exchange for a free bow tie. so there you have it: ![]() that picture by the way was from sarah's bday party ytd which was a perfect time to catch up with frens (: and very funny too cos we were poking fun at ppl, arguing with others and all. and accusing certain individuals of being cheapskate. and poking fun at people (or person) wearing a see-thru shirt. or being mistaken (on purpose) as the waiter. and the picture is of storyliners! haha how cool is that. cos we were talking talking then we realised we were all storyliners and decided to do the call! and the smile on my face is a very pained one too cos ajit was putting his ENTIRE weight on me. and he was very heavy. haha. yes happy belated bday sarah! (:(: haha enough random shit. freaking tired. and asia games opening ceremony is going on now. haha and o yes happy bday (18 minutes late) to ALAN CHOONG & PHILIP KWEE! (: junyi! posted at 12:10 am.
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