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Saturday, December 02, 2006 aha i m very pleased. prom shopping is finally done and daddy bought a new camera too so yay! although the past few days were so very draining. roar i think i burned more calories in the past one week ever! like 4 consecutive days of shopping. can die i tell you. how ppl take it, as i always say, i dont noe. i mean even my sister complained today! and there were so many ppl at the sitex fair! all searching for a good bargain. but not bad the bargains were qte good. (: so yes prom shopping is finally done. and here's a preview of what i will be wearing. i will be dressed as a waiter. swissotel accepted me u see in exchange for a free bow tie. so there you have it: ![]() that picture by the way was from sarah's bday party ytd which was a perfect time to catch up with frens (: and very funny too cos we were poking fun at ppl, arguing with others and all. and accusing certain individuals of being cheapskate. and poking fun at people (or person) wearing a see-thru shirt. or being mistaken (on purpose) as the waiter. and the picture is of storyliners! haha how cool is that. cos we were talking talking then we realised we were all storyliners and decided to do the call! and the smile on my face is a very pained one too cos ajit was putting his ENTIRE weight on me. and he was very heavy. haha. yes happy belated bday sarah! (:(: haha enough random shit. freaking tired. and asia games opening ceremony is going on now. haha and o yes happy bday (18 minutes late) to ALAN CHOONG & PHILIP KWEE! (: junyi! posted at 12:10 am.
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