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Saturday, January 27, 2007 aha i am back in mainland singapore. back to civilisation. am at this point of time too tired to write much about my 2 weeks at tekong, but anw i m surviving. quite well in fact. and very weirdly am finding all sorts of things exciting and interesting haha. yet again, it's the adjustment period so we will see how it goes! the down side of everything is that i do miss loads of ppl. and loads of stuff like my bed, computer, tv, aircon. but overall it truly is better than expected. weekends however have never been so precious to me before. and after all my attempts to hide the fact tt i was once from a uniformed group, i m actually finding it rather easy to fit into ns life cos of np. hrm it's weird how all these pieces take a while to fit in. and i m very proud of the fact that i have survived the 2 weeks without falling out or being on status. so 7 more weeks till the end of bmt. and i m a good soldier (: and my section + platoon + company have all been kind to me. so tt's excellent too. although i will trade my no. 4 for my books anytime. junyi! posted at 11:42 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, January 11, 2007 aha a last post before i go in. in 14 and a half hours I will be on my way to Tekong to learn new things, to undergo the quintessential Singaporean Guy experience. Hopefully it will be an interesting one and I get to make many many friends there. Don't miss me too much! (: but yea i will miss ALL of you. I am going in with mixed feelings really, but ANW, national duty calls! Recruit GJY reporting. At your service, m'ams and sirs. junyi! posted at 11:52 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, January 09, 2007 Damn if the arena existed 3 years ago, I could have been on it. haha. but anw i m sorely dissappointed by the arena - at least based on (probably) the one and only episode i would be watching. i thought that ri's loss was purely due to a lack of strategy on their part, for they did not take the side of the opposition to their advantage and proven their case more cohesively. ri's performance wasnt impressive unfortunately and they focused on the nitty gritty rather than the big picture. and sadly they werent adapting to the format of the competition for them to be more aggressive and stylish! with usual styles of debating focussing on the technical side of things much more than the entertainment value, perhaps ri should have taken this opportunity to have fun being more funny than they would otherwise have in other competitions. o well have much to say but perhaps considering what i was like their age, perhaps i am thinking too much of what i would be doing now. rather than what i would have been doing aat 15. o well about time debates are televised again but i dont really like the format of scores cos it makes debating sound individualised than really, a team sport. as imran puts it, they have bastardized debating. but o well a different format of debating that you have to work with. the enlistment date draws nearer so =( but past few days i guess have been good cos in the past one week i have almost seen/caught up with most of the people that i would want to meet up with so that's good haha. yea the only good thing about onite was the chance to see many many members of the oteam that i havent managed to see since prom, or maybe even when school closed. so tt's good. and although house comm dinner was kinda short, it's still good to get to see most of them that night (:. O well house comm does hold many memories and i do hope they all liked the card, which is probably the last card i would be doing for quite some time, 11th card i have done - excluding the 3w bookmark and one of my favourites haha. ![]() the only complete house comm 'photo'. haha. and i am almost ready for ns! Just hair and fitness level to be settled now. but fitness no hope alr so am preparing to be slower than others. like what's new haha. army shopping was interesting to say the very least - i hv no idea y aysuria found it so funny though. and my new black specs, despite making me look weird, have allowed me entry into the black specs club. haha. good lunch too ytd haha. thanks chang and congrats on entering oxford haha (though this is pretty late)! ![]() zul shaved his hair off after that lunch + movie today was good. and thank you snee for the wonderful christmas present. and can anyone guess what the 4 letters mean? haha. guess it right and i will treat you to a drink! ![]() haha. and kangs too thank u for the prezzie haha. confessions of pain is an ok movie i suppose. predictable plotline, i managed to conclude the whole story halfway thru and the acting wasnt as spectacular as i had hoped it would be. direction i thought however was above average, and the way they pieced everything together was somewhat interesting. i liked the way they told the story, but not the story. a satisfactory movie overall, but not the best i have watched the entire year. but had a good time today, though as usual i was late haha. more than dread really, i am approaching ns with more apprehension than fear, with some tinge of excitement. it's going to be extended atc as lawrence puts it, but its more of the unknown than i am apprehensive about. it's a certainty i suppose. so rather than convince myself i am going to spend the worse 1 year 10 months of my life, why not just say it will be an interesting 1 year 10 months of my life. and the countdown will begin soon haha. junyi! posted at 11:11 pm.
(0) comments Friday, January 05, 2007 Hrm on the 3rd day of school i decide to make my way to school and it does feel good cos u get to meet up with ppl whom you have never seen since prom so it's really really fun to catch up with them! rachel still thinks i am a pain in the ass and y2k still loves our class! unfortunately these are the only teachers that I managed to catch up with in rj but nvm cos all the great company there, ri, everywhere more than made up for it. went to ri to to pay my respects to the teachers who say that i'm always too busy to entertain them and are ready to bring bgr in. but as i always say, i'm clean (: (tt's not to say relationships are dirty, but that's how the teachers put it haha) but anw it always does feel good to catch up with teachers you have worked with, or who have taught you, and i'm sure samjo & nash wld agree. so much so that we spent like 4 hours speaking to what 3-4 teachers? haha. quality conversations as samjo calls them. going back to school today was somewhat of a bittersweet experience for me and i mean i m so happy to catch up with ppl i had meant to catch up with for some time and it also brings back many many fond memories i had - especially with ms grace putting up the collage that i did (which was my first and the worse) especially walking past the places that i spent a lot of time at - yea those were great times. But with great times, there are as many bad times, not-so-fond memories that I choose not to want to remember and still return to haunt me anw. and regrets that i have had. and certain things that i shouldnt have done. or should have done but didnt. cos looking bad certain experiences were utterly childish - all the politicking for example; some looked utterly bullshit, like i was telling mrs ng today all those psls trying to look fierce with their young charges. utter bullshit. i mean psls r just what 3 years older and they are bossing ppl around, while they will b going to b bossed around a few more times. haha and i was bossing ppl around then too. some things cld hv been done differently and all. o well. today's 'experience' puts me in a nostalgic mood. haha. to think i'm still thinking about school. that's alr over. but my life is ruined because of some upsetting news haha. actually i cannot actually be bothered. unless he decides to screw my life up. haha. a random entry. about an interesting day at a place where i used to get kinda bored of. junyi! posted at 11:25 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, January 04, 2007 i am devastated because i m nowhere to be found in the grad night dvd. now no one will remember me. haha. junyi! posted at 12:44 am.
(0) comments Tuesday, January 02, 2007 it feels a little weird to not have to attend school tomorrow. and the only reason why i am complaining is because not going to school = less chance to hear the latest gossips. haha jk. but o well i m kinda missing school already (and at this point of time i hear all the SIAO!) hrm maybe if i can find enough ppl i will go crash orientation - just not 2mr haha not in the mood man. unfortunately most girls are also working so that also eliminates many fellow potential crashers. so anw, it's the new year already and i suppose there's a need for a post to round up 2006 and bring in the new year. this is however and unfortunately an extremely late entry and definitely not a good start to the new year. BUT life goes on. and here's a late entry as a form of catharsis for 2006, and perhaps a welcome to 2007. But what a way to bring in the new year! Bombs at Bangkok, leading to me feeling relieved that i actually returned to Singapore on the 29th rather than say 1st Jan. And on the 2nd day of the new year you get a plane crash in indo. and of course, as dennet puts it, i -or we- have to pay ADULT FARE!!! definitely not the best way to bring in the new year, but i suppose tt's how life's like, unpredictable and not always pleasant. many times not within our control. anw it was an interesting way to start off the year, for i remembered how 2 years back was starting the year with a gathering/party of past and present debaters. what with prank calls and a little dunking. ah we were kids then haha. and this time round it's class chalet, which also remains interesting, given how it started with dennet screaming at me upon my arrival cos i wasnt picking up my phone -.- very scary this person. ok tt's also cos i was 2 hours late. but ANW, the class then decided to walk to chenwei's house (which was half an hour walk away) and the very person who suggested walking ended up getting her princess treatment as she was being pushed around in a trolley instead. Like so: ![]() THIS earned us many stares from members of the public. anw class chalet was really the class at an old flat haha. with a stopby at chenwei's house to play pool. and i have no idea why junyi playing pool is so fascinating. do you? anw didnt sleep over but we had class bbq the next day. which was supposed to go from 2 to 7 but we got sianed of it. anw tt's in a nutshell how i spent my first 2 days of the new year, pretty interesting overall. but somehow 3w outside the class (or lt as amy didnt hesitate to add) doesnt seem like 3w. just somewhat different. not necessarily more boring. but. yea you get what i mean. haha. a pity not everyone cld turn up. with many calling in sick. but it's fun overall (: and many thanks to audris for the initiative. ![]() 2006 generally ended somewhat explosively, and i shall not bother to go into the details. It also ended with me feeling extremely bloated thanks to a buffet haha. and as usual the last day is always family day so overall it was ok. the 2nd last day was spent with debate alumni, filled with army stories that were highly interesting but i believe to be the kind that many have warned girlfriends to tolerate haha. of course however, suhas is a master storyteller with fascinating tales to tell (and spin) and we remain engaged as he tells his tales from ns. what with a psychotic individual, lazy individuals, vulgar officers and all. the highlight however was not anything but the supreme president's entrance. which came with a "Wow you guys need to learn how to dress up man". Yes. we were in slippers, shirt and all and he was ready for prom. haha. but he was dressed well. haha. ![]() so anw on 2006. it was overall a somewhat mild year. not many surprises, given that i had anticipated a lot of the things, though it's not to say that it was any less interesting than previous years, or any less tough than previous years. For A levels was not very easy, but the toughness level was as expected, and hence accounting for the ability to survive. For perhaps because 2005 was an emotional roller coaster -given the stress of competitions, having to deal with many failures, having to cope with horrid academic results; 2005 somehow made 2006 seem much milder in comparison. Maybe it was from 2005 that I managed to grow stronger, to move forward despite challenges, and perhaps 2005 was indeed a blessing a disguise. o wells. so 2006 had relatively fewer bumps or perhaps there were qte a few but these bumps were bumps that I managed to overcome faster and more easily. it's like how immunisation works you noe - development of memory cells for a quicker and faster response (OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST TYPED IT!). anw the absence of competitive debating did decrease the fun quotient but i m not that fantastic to begin with. anw the emceeing assignments were all pretty fun and all and had in a way made up for it. had a great birthday too, yes i wont forget that haha. and the plaque award was a pleasant surprise cos i was readying myself to not b awarded be it. of course there were some shockers/disappointments. screwed up gp results for prelims, the housecomm-council merger -- ultimate screw-up and the most aggressive debate i have been part of,drama feste - rather bittersweet if u were to ask me. some other things happened of course but i shall not talk about them cos i m losing momentum as i blog haha. but i suppose everything in 2006 was gearing towards As - at least for me and i was throughout the year extremely worried about surviving all the academic stuff. but once again, at the end of the day (or year in this case) as the always say, it's the memories that you carry with you, the lessons that you learn that remains most valuable to you. and for that i guess i m thankful to loads and loads of ppl, for all the great times, wise words, friendship etc. omg i sound so girl here but yea i guess 2006 wldnt hv been the way it was without navjote, suhas, ajit, imran, zul, ays, snee, samjo, alan, jonk, ccc, nash, kangs, dnet, chenwei, nadjad, amy, the rest of the class, house comm ppl, the younger debaters and many more i suppose. so thanks a lot guys. and i wonder how many ppl here will remain in touch in the next 10, 20 years. perhaps just a few. perhaps all. perhaps none. whatever the case is, i suppose if we try hard enough we will. the problem with me is that i never try hard enough. in a way 2006 was also made more significant by the fact that that's when our jc life ends and 2 years just seems so short for you to perhaps ensure that friendships made then gets sustained. it seems too short to have learnt enough stuff to get into the real world. i dont mean i intend to go to a centralised institute or something. but i suppose you do get what i mean. o well hopefully 2007 will bring in some pleasant surprises, though very soon i am going to enlist and i guess what suhas said is very right, to take everything with a positive attitude and more importantly, make friends regardless of their backgrounds. so yups, perhaps more than just becoming a man in the next 2 years, hopefully the new year brings in new friendships forged. and great a level results. i m still very very scared about it but i suppose at this point of time nothing's really within my control. NS is to be expected for this new year, but i hv no idea what is to be expected of NS. so m just hoping for the best! (: this is a very bad entry to close 2006 and open 2007, but urgh, i hv become a totally horrible writer. here's wishing all you peeps best wishes for the new year. expect the unexpected. auspicium melioris aevi. haha. junyi! posted at 10:13 pm.
(1) comments Monday, January 01, 2007 happy new year ladies and gentlemen. more about last year and what to expect in this year after the break. it's 2007. junyi! posted at 11:58 am.
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