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Sunday, March 25, 2007 I just realised that this entire block leave, i didnt take a single photo with my camera. And today i feel sick again. but it's fine. class dinner was qte good, a good ole catch up session that would have been even better if more ppl were there. And we did hear some pretty interesting stories - from the girls no doubt, since they insist that we men bore them with our n s stories. not that i deny. and i conclude that vil'age or restaurants with similar concepts are good places for get-togethers because it removes the complications of change, service charge, gst etc. we shld hv a proper one with more ppl soon. which will be difficult considering how most of the guys (as miss yap would point out) made it to o c s and they will be confined for 3 weeks. hur hur. zul's party was an erm eye-opening experience, to say the very least haha. he is going to kill me for saying that but nvm. assuming the chem bio radio substances dont kill me first. but yea, he's 19 and old and i hope kamal shah you like the present we got you! haha. as ays put it, we braved through storms to choose it for you. haha. use it wisely and use it well. haha. so that's how i spent the end of my block leave - today's a rest day haha. and when i went home the gate was locked. but mummy rocks so yay. on a random note, i turn 19 in a month too! haha. it's back to serving the nation again tomorrow. a time to make new friends again. actually tt's the only thing abt n s. i havent had anything intellectual to add in a while. and i still dont. junyi! posted at 11:53 am.
(0) comments Friday, March 23, 2007 amidst all the excitement of the ns posting, I spent the day sick and sleeping half the time and feel qte bad for pangsehing the 2a ppl again. roar. i hope they had fun. block leave has otherwise been rather fulfilling cos i got to meet up with almost everyone i had intended to meet up with. it's refreshing really and i dont want block leave to end. on the bright side my posting din say tt i m expected to stay in. so there's a possibility i get to go home daily! i hope lah i hope. although combat engineers all this kind of shit sure a lot of field camp. on the bright side jon said i might just be sent to plan ndp since sce is normally in charge of that. and since ndp takes 2 years to plan, maybe i can spend the whole 2 years planning it! wooooot. i hope lah. ok i m really a chemical biological radiological engineer pioneer haha. according to jon anw haha. er i dunno how it's like. i hope tt it is interesting, fun too (all according to how I define it), at the very least. it's kamal shah's bday today! so happy bday to him (: junyi! posted at 9:21 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, March 14, 2007 POP LOH! Honestly i don't really care about POP but welcome the block leave absolutely. However, since I am actually not as cold-blooded as some people think i am, i WILL miss life at tekong somewhat - more of the people than anything else really and am pretty sure that when i get posted to another unit/school, i will, without a doubt, miss life at tekong. Anyway, being in w coy has made me objective minded - like the OC - so in this end of course review, i am truly glad to have met my objectives when i entered bmt - to make more friends and to become fitter. while ippt proved to be a disappointment, the improved results in other aspects of the test make me think tt at this point of time i am indeed fitter. either that or the army has made me deluded. but i guess in some way army has changed me for the worse or for the better. for i m now a trainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnned soldier! as for friends, i am glad to have been in wcoypl3 which is made up of a bunch of very nice ppl though whether we will subsequently keep in touch still has to be seen. i am truly thankful to have been in wcoypl3 i suppose and while 9 weeks seemed to be long, draggy and unbearable at certain points of time - like the confinement periods, i guess the weeks did fly past pretty quickly, to come to think of it. there were times it was absolutely tiring, but we did have fun and hear some great stories of which i will not bother boring you with. of course certain incidents made this experience all the more memorable - what with the commanders sneaking up to our bunks in the middle of the night and the suicide case during the point of time of which i was pl i/c. ok fine i will not ramble. my luck has been fluctuating really. i was first made a reserve guard personnel then made the actual guard duty person and then relieved of my duties. so there. and what a way to start my block leave! i cannot speak, i cannot eat. BLEARGH. and suffering from the flu. how very unfortunate to only get it now or i could have attend c. now yea sure i can attend c - except tt means i hv to cancel plans! roar. and i hope that i can tahan the pain my wisdom tooth is causing me before i get it extracted when i go to unit so i can have days off. haha. i m at this point of time surviving on painkillers, hopefully i do not become too dependent on them. and hopefully the gums, the immune system, my nasal system, everything gets better! but i m still very proud of my 100% attendance in the whole of bmt. yay!!! and hopefully my block leave gets more interesting. and i dont care which unit i get posted to for now. now it's time for me to rest. ok i dont noe what else to say. hopefully things get better overall. junyi! posted at 10:47 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, March 03, 2007 it's funny how things turn out in the end. terribly. i guess it's when you realise all your contributions, all your other awards count for nothing when you screw things up. Because remember the times they told you that CCAs remain important? Yes, that was based on the fundamental assumption (and now proven to be flawed) that you WOULD get your 4 As. That you WOULD get that damn A1. so life sucks. i guess you cant be lucky all the time. but life goes on and as i promised sg mk, i WILL book in on sunday. i suppose it's now time to straighten out my thoughts, decide where i want to go from here, desperately beef up my personal portfolio, beg for recommendations to justify those freaking Bs. On the bright side, I have 2 years to do that. And if i dont succeed. Maybe i can sign on with the army. Since it's the only place that doesnt require me to speak proper english. Congratulations to everyone else. really. junyi! posted at 12:10 am.
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