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Sunday, February 27, 2005 I never did realise tt i was lyke damn busy the whole of this week until thursday. and tt was when i realised i couldnt complete my tutorials (only to realise tt the rest of the class din as well!) on time and was feeling really sleepy throughout the lectures and tutorials on thurs and fri. Yea. But it was been time well spent for the whole of the past one week. Had my time centred on debates once again, where I once again reprised my role as asst coach/ mentor/ helpful senior wtv u called it. I guess when u hv to do it all over again, u realised how tiring it is ... but i guess it was all worthwhile when BOTH TEAMS WON AGAIN! and of course, i din go there only helping but went away learning a lot ... from vertical and horizontal integration to issues on punishment, jail sentence and all ... which really helped in my NTU debates. How sawa does it i dunno, but really ... if i were to take tt kind of job on & make all those make-or-break really difficult decisions, i wld probably juz die. Haha. Haha. And i took my first MC in ... 3 years? when i reported sick on tues. I m reportedly sick ... had diarrhoea as u can see. After looking thru 3 cases on thursday and really taxing myself out (haha), went for df. Where zul's Saturday was really a treat, and in my opinion, juz 1 of the few even worth watching. An extremely great script, coupled with excellent and credible performances by nerdy sam jo, drama-mama ccc, jocky zul, bimbo queens and butch pek ... and of course BEST ACTOR hadri as tt extremely funny and pious muslim teacher ... i tot it really was a most fantastic play. Well done dudes! thoroughly enjoyed myself. :) Of course, after school on friday, i had to go over to ri and was subjected to much blame for their failure to catch a cab at peak hour. And those over enthusiastic marshalls subsequently distracted us in claiming a receipt when we went over to unity. I juz gave the results away (haha) but yea, hu wouldnt noe already. Congrats the 2 ri teams! a job well done. And of course 2 the 2 best speakers. Going home extremely late, despite having a competition the next day, I went to bishan mrt to wait for shnag, only to have to wait for an hour and still not having him pick up his fone. Which basically means tt i went to ntu myself coz i already m late. Yes. And i found shnag juz waking up when i reached ntu. Haha. Ok. And so saturday was NTU. And before i rant on ... I decided tt i shall not bitch abt anything abt the competition. Though i really want to. Ok ... (breathe .... breathe .... breathe ....) Alrite. Basically, having the competition only start 2 hours later, we really went in not expecting to win but to get the competition experience. After all, we hv never ever been trained Asian World Schools Style. We did relatively well, beating ACJC! and HCJC! b4 having to face ISUC ... god noes wat's tt ... but in their own words r 'professional debaters', yea and not noeing the results ... possibly until next week. All in all, a good experience having debated in the tertiary circuit this time round .... and it really was great fun working wif u dudes, Jun Sheng & Nav! Ah. tt was ntu in a nutshell. O tks sawa for coming down to support. (as u can see, w/o all the bitching, i hv basically summed up the ntu rather simply) Ok. results out 2ml. This is nerve-wrecking. Good luck to all my batchmates! junyi! posted at 12:04 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, February 20, 2005 Ok. I realised I havent blogged 4 a week or so. O well. Somehow have been really tired lately ... with so many things happening, but i shall start from the back. Today 20 Feb: Will be having the 4J cny reunion dinner in lieu of the fact that o level results is coming ... rather stupid reasoning ... but somehow, tt was y it was organised in the first place. I presume that most would turn up, but unfortunately, many teachers hv sent in a nil reply: 1. Mark Wee. Unable to elaborate on reasons. Must have been some senstive issues. 2. Saggy Doo. Busy 3. Ho Wai Lin. Busy 4. Chan Sock Chia. Celebrating a friend's 1 Month old B-dae 5. Tan Chiou Yen. Busy. 6. Neoh Terh Ling. Family in town. Family bonding time. They all send their regards and appreciation and wish you all the best for your O level results. Basically, that leaves very few teachers available, of which only Good O' Mrs Koh have confirmed her presence at the dinner. Yesterday: 19 Feb I bring you good news from debates. RI & RJC both won VCs! Congrats. Congrats to both teams. Continue to kick ass in other up-and-coming competitions! Couldn't make it and is really sorry for tt. BUT U STILL WON ANYWAE! haha. yay! O yar. Watched Chingay. Din use to watch it. But interesting to spot all the RJ ppl. Lol. 18 Feb till 19 Feb: Juz had Interact camp. Really funny cos the ppl or rather the guys in my group all know each other ... tt's me, wen jie, rrrrrramana & guang hao. But the camp was ok lah. Meant to b a leisure one and a bonding one. And we DID get to know each other better. Of course a lot of funny things happened. And we were exposed to horror films ... Shutter & another ang moh 1 tt i only watched 1/2 way coz i went on night walk. All in all, rather interesting and fun time spent. GTG ... to be continued. Will comment more on interact camp if got time. junyi! posted at 12:16 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, February 13, 2005 Happy CNY people! As u can see 2dae is the first day tt i hv been online since the new lunar year and i hv been really busy hosting visitors & relatives hu we meet only once a year on the 1st day, visiting ppl lyke grandparents and relatives and watching I do I do on 2nd day (i shall reserve my comments for jack neo's latest offers or i wld b accused of being unsupportive of local productions) and attending a dinner involving my paternal relatives and finally on 3rd day i hosted some 5-6 frens and got my treat ... haha! And then had a dinner wif grandma so had to miss OG dinner. Yea ... and then juz 2day went to support NUS CS ... congrats RJ on winning all 3 rounds. Can't make it next week but all the best! O well. Anywae ... tks sawa 4 the treat ... and all u dudes out there for the company! haha. I hope u enjoyed urself! And V-day coming ... haha. Nothing's changed. Haha. Aiya. I getting sian already. Stop here liao. junyi! posted at 12:15 am.
(0) comments Monday, February 07, 2005 Hello everyone. For 2 entries in a row, i realised tt i started rather negatively - announcing to the whole world how my eyes hurt and how my head hurts.
Nvm. I am quite not hurt now. Haha. Quite good. Rmb how i was vomitting during cny last year. Haha. Better not say too early. Anywae. Finally. Break's here ... close to a week of break and i really need it. I mean tho i dont do much work and all (haha) ... somehow i m rather stoned already and i muz say i hv been looking 4ward to this break quite a lot. And now everyone. I muz admit sch has been full of ups and downs. I hv learnt a lot all this while. And i guess they really r rite when they say we do learn quite a lot from such life experiences. I guess my life in RJ has been rather rich. The class has been great ... the company has been great and the bonds previously forged have really been strengthened. I juz hope tt my involvement in college activities will b greater, for the PEARLS thing is really demoralising. BUT SERIOUSLY man ... the PEARLS system is one screwed up piece of shit. It is basically juz advantageous to those sportsmen out there who represent the nation and end up becoming team captains. Even as they say they encourage u to toughen urself join outdoor ccas, sporting ccas ... come on lah ... wat r the odds of u getting into the team wif it being a new sport if PEARLS in the first place is WHY u decide to pick up a new cca. I think wat is more impt is how u behave in the ccas in terms of attitude and wat u hv contributed to the ccas ... the exact contributions, in terms of organisation, management and of course representation. I am not saying tt these sportsmen hv no credit ... but to put simply, this system is really really extremely biased. Simply put, the non-accumulative PEARLS system is not reflective of the exact contribution of any student. Maybe they should scrap the whole damn system and juz have testimonials and those recruiters out there in charge of scholarships can have a nice time reading wonderfully-penned essays. Probably not very feasible ... but in terms of fairness ... i think it is better. Ok ok. I intended to do a one-liner. But somehow i decided to do this whole bit of ranting. In lieu of chinese new year, i think i shall end wif a not-so-negative-cum-bitchy note. Alrite. Everybody. I am in Moortur. Yea. House. There r talks for a revamping of the fac system to one of house in tandem wif the 1st batch of raffles programmers coming to rj next year. As promised, no bitching. so i shall keep all thoughts about these new names to myself ... FOR NOW. Anywae... one other name tt i think is really really cool. RIRISSON. OK. Nothing confirmed yet. Don't take my word for it. On this note, wishing every1 a rather red, proserous new year! :] junyi! posted at 5:41 pm.
(0) comments Friday, February 04, 2005 Argh. I do have a bad headache. a rather bad one.
So much has happened in the past 10 days or so. So much to really blog about ... but really where do i start? And really, I do doubt if i hv the motivation, diligence, 1) Last Wed: I GOT TRAPPED IN A LIFT! It has been 10 days, so I can't really remember wat seriously happened. I noe i missed 25 mins of math lec and then bragging to every1 in the canteen but tt's abt it i guess. 2) For the first time in a couple of years, RI finally won both debates in JGs! I'm really happy... coz i did help out. haha. And sometimes... many think i m a fool to b doing this for nothing to help out where i can really b watching a movie or something. Maybe it's juz me. Maybe it's juz tt I can't stand standing down there watching ppl do something and when I watch the final product ... I realised tt i could hv been of some help. OR maybe it's juz the fact tt i feel so much more useful there. I dunno. It's juz the feeling i guess. It's the feeling tt i muz help if i can ... though i really, really hope tt i hv been useful and not juz a statue hu sits there and nods his head ... (though seriously, statues cant move). 3) O ... and i got into interact too! haha. Looking forward to the many CIP that i will do. And the kind of different experiences i can get. I dunno. Juz so many things happening around me. So many things tt i want to talk abt. But maybe this place isnt safe. Yea ... it isnt. I don't care. I'm tired. I shant go on. The boys hv NUS Challenge Shield 2ml. Good luck! And Chinese New Year's coming! In case i still dont hv another entry b4 cNY ... here's wishing all u dudes out there a happy chinese new year ... a year where all ur unhappy experiences r left far behind wif the monkey as u usher in the chicken wif full of surprises. (haha... this sounds crappy!) junyi! posted at 9:20 pm.
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