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Sunday, July 31, 2005 so many things happened yesterday. i feel guilty for not studying despite the fact tt the damn spa is on monday and the damn bio lecture test is on wed. and the same applies, i hv never been so unprepared for a test b4 ... ok except for the previous chem and bio lecture tests. but i digress. have i told u how stupid spas are? i.e. school based practical assessment. but tt shld b left for another time too. so many things happened on jus one saturday - relative, as compared to my usual lazy saturdays. there was the debate finals. there was drama feste in ri. and finally, parent teacher meeting, which din have me physically present, but still affected me quite substantially. Affected becos of wat one retarded woman say. in case she chances upon this blog - since she seems quite tech-savvy, let's call her Mrs J. Well u see, Mrs J basically commented - albeit thru ct mrs L tt i m a talkative person and tt i ought to b more focused, n tt i hv too many ccas tt prevent me from focusing. which then resulted in a one-hour lecture from my dad. the thing is, i cant stand how her comments show like she noes everything. nvm lah. jus a random rant. jus dont lyke how she puts it across. in any case, i do think she is a lousy teacher. and tt i dont really give a damn abt wat she says but then unfortunately my dad does. so yea. she has now gone onto my list of condemned teachers. not like she has never been inside in the first place. on another note, rj won the JCDCs ytd!!! haha. great effort on the part of the entire team. 7-0. really well done. and of course, suhas outdid himself again - best tournament speaker & best speaker for finals. amazing really. it was a rather good debate i wld say, except tt i lost concentration cos of the silly pjc staff tt surrounded the rj contingent on grounds of too much noise, using of hand signals and all. stupid ppl. wat's the pt of watching a debate if i cant discuss it. so much for u educators hoping to create a thinking nation. and of course finally, drama feste. it was a long time since i last went back to b somewat involved in a ri thing. mus say, it has also been some time since i hv seen the house spirit come to life. so wat if we arent in top 3, moor hse. jus want to say. well done. even tho none of u wld come here (haha) ... but i mus say. ytd i saw the hse spirit come to life. i saw for the first time in qte some time, some1 inspiring a shared vision in others. i shant repeat all their words ... but i guess it has been some time since i hv last been in a team huddle ... and the bunch of them ... i mus say for all the effort tt ppl hv really put in, results of a competition is not a true reflection of hard work. it's a cruel world out there. but such losses wld probably make ppl learn from them, and emerge better and stronger. if only wat i saw last nite cld b repeated in rj. o and anw. i tot the emcees were hilarious ytd. haha. chem spa? bio test? i m sooooooooo dead. junyi! posted at 6:52 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, July 30, 2005 y do we need to bother abt promos and all tt random tests, among so many other random things? got so much to do. simply so much. ihc opening is lyke so freaking rushed. and m jus so scared tt it wld jus screw up. imagine a performance with jus no one at all. or even worse, imagine being called a failure. have spent another nite trying to work things out. This week has jus been so hectic, so rush, so tiring. SIMPLY EXHAUSTING. M in a bad mood these days. some wld have realised tt i hv been more bitchy than ever. and i so totally apologise for that. it's jus tt when i dont agree wif how a person works, and more importantly if tt person is above me, then i wld become extremely bitchy. it's jus tt i have a really hot temper lah - cant stand how some ppl work. my camera is also kinda broken, which kinda worsened my mood substantially. not very pleased with how things are going. i jus hope ihc opening wld not have or be a big screw up on something. and i hope tt my chem spa and bio test wld not b big screw ups too. Debate finals 2ml. suhas, shang, chere, jun sheng, mark. go kick ass. get us the shield. and u. be there at spring singapore auditorium 2ml ... i mean 2day. a pointless entry, this really is. argh. junyi! posted at 12:40 am.
(0) comments Sunday, July 24, 2005 i basically decided to create links to random fotos tt i hv taken. the 2005 pics u wld hv seen them all already, but i decided to jus put them up due to the meagre no. of pictures i hv in the 2006 one. partly cos of my uneventful life, haha, and partly oso due to the fact tt i havent uploaded my pics on the net and hence all pics r in a cd stacked in an obscure corner of my room. in other words i m too lazy to share them wif everyone. haha. ok. shall attempt to do some math now. junyi! posted at 4:52 pm.
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m not in a blogging mood really. but fate brought me here, haha, so yea, here i m, blogging abt some random stuff. typing random stuff i guess. yep. bz bz week. all the hse stuff tt i had to deal wif, be it ihc or moor tarbet or hse comm exco. yea. then there was interact install which i jus went and left, doing random things like ensuring tt there is food ard. and helping to shift random pieces of furniture to the amphi. and trying to jus learn the j1 item. haha. then there was banner painting over the past 2 days. really fun i guess. but it requires lots of ... patience, dedication, passion and of course talent for a big part of the whole thing (which i dont have ... and lyke i told navjote the councillors dont either :P) haha. it has got to b the prettiest banner tt i hv seen in a long time being from RI anw haha and yea. really really hv to give credit to the bright talented publicity comm (sam jo esp, and belicia very much too and zwitt hu din come on fri but was very much useful today) and of course all the rest of us hu dont hv talent but chipped in anw wif the blocks of orange, red or black... haha (tt includes nash, leslie, jerry n me!). of course the many pieces of encouragement stating the obvious (haha) of how nice the thing of was a very ... nice thing to do. haha. so m happy tt one thing on the agenda has been done. next week, we prepare the very big and special ihc opening. u noe, everything seems so nice on paper. but practically, we noe tt it isnt going to turn out the way we dream it to be. tt's the bad thing abt having to organise stuff. i think i shall jus conceptualise stuff the next time. and sell my concepts to others. the pure execution has always been the most stressful part. things seem lyke they r getting better. but i m tired. ok. random again. on another totally random note. congrats on the boys for beating the defending champions of jgs 05. u hv jus prove tt some people arent as good as they think themselves to be. haha. well done. and of course, congrats for making it top on the table in HCJC invitationals. i better start studying. sometime soon. aiya. i jus realised. such a pointless entry. junyi! posted at 12:30 am.
(0) comments Monday, July 18, 2005 jus got back home. m so glad tt my computer is finally working (at least it seems so) so special thanks to my big sister for fixing the entire thing for me. haha. jus spent the day feedbacking abt rj as a 2nd home to the teachers. found it ok lah. gave feedback as i cld. nothing special. no big news, like wat happened at tea session wif mr wong last yr - noeing abt the school's plans. no nothing spectacular this time. jus normal feedback. on another note, jus got a reply from school admin abt the ihc opening. which so totally pisses me off. DAMNNIT! WE ARE POOR. YOU R STILL GIVING US TT MEAGRE SUM OF MONEY. WHAT'S NEW? ok. at this rate, let's jus scrap it lah. u r not even giving us the BASIC monetary support. and y are they rejecting all the ideas we have. seriously. restricting ppl to cvs only to the opening ceremony is the dumbest idea i hv heard. if u do it, ppl wld jus not bother. get real. wat's wrong wif ppl wearing cvs to school. really man. instead of jus throwing our ideas out, is there not room for discussion? instead of jus saying no, the least u cld do after we spend days thinking of how to improve it is to give us a DECENT explanation. they expect us to do so much. and yet, look at the kind of treatment they subject us to. seriously. i m jus not pleased wif how things r going. and it is definitely of no fault of ours. thinkers, leaders, pioneers? get real. dont bother getting me into trouble for this. the least u cld gimme rite now, at this moment, is my freedom of expression. junyi! posted at 6:28 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, July 17, 2005 past 12, we tend to become philosophical. i found dennet's marriage philosophy really funny. [dennet] - ignorance is bliss dfm. -BAIAAG says: even though i've never met a good guy, i suppose they have to exist [dennet] - ignorance is bliss dfm. -BAIAAG says: somewhere. [dennet] - ignorance is bliss dfm. -BAIAAG says: under some rock maybe haha junyi. 7-11. the one mouth that is open 24 hours. says: hahahahahahahahahahahaha [dennet] - ignorance is bliss dfm. -BAIAAG says: okay now if you see me going around looking under rocks [dennet] - ignorance is bliss dfm. -BAIAAG says: you'll know why. junyi! posted at 12:26 am.
(0) comments Saturday, July 16, 2005 we won semi finals. we beat acjc. finals, here comes rjc! haha. yea. it feels good. i guess it really doesn't matter if u r in the team or not, it feels good to see something u r somewhat involved in do so well. :)After all this while, i really miss the adrenaline rush. haha. and at least like jon pflug said, at least we r now guaranteed a 2nd place. haha. well, i m sure the team surely isnt content wif jus that. haha. Yep. cannot b complacent. mus kick ass. 7-nil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea. m on such a high. cos i m oso happy tt the turn-out was qte good. cld have been better, definitely. but for a semi-finals, we hv never seen such a good turnout! so the publicity kinda worked. and from this i basically realised one thing - nothing beats personal touch. space debates, and many other debates tt i hv watched / taken part in - the support cld b said to b really abysmmal. so it doesnt matter if u announce or not. the ppl turn up becos u asked them. and i figured too that we shouldnt rely too much on council. it is in a way the cca's own responsibility to get supporters. wat incentive does council have to get u to turn up? how wld it benefit them even if we win? so yes. it is our own responsibility. and so we wld still try our best to get the people. for the finals. and let's start now. haha. FINALS: RJC vs HCJC, opping some copyright motion tt i cant rmb. haha. it is at spring singapore auditorium. i wonder where's tt. wtv it is keep ur saturday 30 July free. MUST GO OK!!!! i m proud of myself. haha. and yeps. really well done to the rj team lah. they worked really hard. from space debates, changed, all of them have. and am really so happy for them. now it's jus a final step. dont slack off okieeeeeeeeee well. anw. so much has happened over the past few days. the nkf thing ... tt durai stepping down among many other things. and i shant bother talking abt it since u can read it in the papers anw. on a random note, jus some peeves as to how educators in singapore really think. first we hv a man who doesnt support us at all. firstly, he doesnt believe in sponsorship. simply becos he is too proud to ask for help. simply becos he jus doesnt admit tt the school IS poor. the same man hu probably initiated the hse system or maybe approved it, but is yet totally clueless of wat's happening. hu expects us to do so much. but gives us zero support altogether. sometimes i dun even noe wat's happening. sometimes i jus feel like walking away or scream at him. since i hv never met him at all yet, i nv had a need to do that yet. secondly we have someone / people hu believe tt old buys jus so hv to be paid old boys rate. which although i might not be involved in, find it totally preposterous cos by tt reasoning, the teachers in ri or rj hu were previously old boys need a pay cut. a really big one. or even work for free! stupid lah. tt kind of logic simply befuddles me. u noe. sometimes it is frightening. cos the very ppl hu r supposed to mould us into 'thinkers, leaders and pioneers' think in such warped manners. of course we have good teachers ard. extremely nurturing and supportive ones i mus say. and in way, it's prolly cos of this tt we r all still surviving. i sometimes wonder really wat the rafflesian spirit is all about. in a sense, it is so trying to get the support of the school. and i guess it really is qte ironic - becos the very ppl hu complain abt the lack of support r oso the very ppl hu then skip every single event where possible. but yet lyke i always say, it is not always the case for every single person. a random entry this is. but today i realised tt no matter wat we all say - nav, ajit & i ... we still feel for the club. and we definitely want them to win. now in reply to all the tags: jx: to tell u the truth, i cant rmb ur bdae! wat is it ah... haha. and to tt extremely ancient tag, wat do u mean by 1 beep 2. aysuria: i read too! jingy!: meet me soon to get the plaque. or mrs smith wld soon sue me, lyke she said, according to suhas. ajit: haha. u can do it alone. and i wld stop u where necessarily. haha. let's hope ihc doesnt get postponed again drinkmilkface: i wish u wld use a more obvious name jus so that i noe hu u really ah. but then cos i m smart i sorta figured hu u really r. haha. i guess it doesnt really scare me, but more of surprised me, cos i always tot i wld noe hu were the ppl consistently reading my blog. and yep u r welcome, it has been very much a pleasure and kick ass alrite? haha. akan: eh. i m never mean to u lor. u think of examples where i m mean to u? ... after all u all all say i so bullyable ... lol. anonymous: i hv no idea who u r. but yep. tks for the msg tho i cant find the debate book still. figured maybe it jus signifies tt it's time to move on. haha. and to aysuria, navjote and the rest hu tagged jus so as to let me noe i read, the qn in the previous post was jus a rhetorical one lah. haha. nv expected anyone to tag in response. jus a qn to make me ponder if i blog for personal rants or really just for showmanship. haha. yep. but tks anw. __________________________ Do i really have a personal writing style so distinct that u wld notice straightaway that i wrote it? __________________________ Re-evolution: Raffles Reloaded. May your house be with you. junyi! posted at 9:52 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, July 13, 2005 congrats to rj swim for winning the golds. congrats to rj debates for getting to the semis -best of luck for SAT!!! AND for those of u hu can make it, must must must go support the team at PJC in the afternoon alrite! o yes. gym won too i heard. so yea. well done. i sometimes wonder y i even blog. no 1 prolly reads anything anyway. aiya. wtv lah. CTs bad. COB! and ihg is taking up qte some time. sometimes i wonder y we spend so much time an effort into this kind of stuff. cos no one appreciates them anyway. 83 ppl turned up for house meeting today. wow. i ought to celebrate. it's 12 now. ah. it's wenjie's bdae. haha. i ought to start keeping track of everyone's birthday! esp those from 4j04 ... i dont rmb any of ur bdae! junyi! posted at 11:58 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, July 10, 2005 Congrats to RJ for their double wins yesterday! The team did really well ytd. Gave really sterling performances and if only those organisers would stop being so anal! TEN SUPPORTERS. REGISTERATION. I think they are dumb really, for if you just ought to be glad that people would want to turn up! In all my years as a debater and a supporter, this has to be the first. Decided too to make the debate interactive and so i created a book-form of tagboard where supporters could comment on the debate. haha. being the usual supporter character that i was, i was -as usual- quite a bitch throughout the entire debate. Anw, today i learnt an interesting fact about humans girls. Well, actually there're only 2 of them that we are talking about here. But let's just say because i need a favour from one of them, i shall not say anything or divulge any names. haha. But it was indeed -rather- shocking but amusing. prior to that there was interact installation rehearsals which was quite a bore and thus resulted in me skipping the first part of it to talk and interact with people in the canteen. I have no idea why the school just has to lock every single gate except the common one on an extremely sane saturday. i mean if u say it is for security purposes, then wat u r indeed implying is that the school isn't safe at all on days where the gates are open! o yes, then the whole school has to feel unsafe - except on saturdays. how retarded! i had to walk an extra 10 mins worth of walk - extremely pissifying given i TAKE 10 mins to walk from home to school! O yes. And the interact j1 item - the dance - omg. They ought to come out with something for people like me who have psychomotor problems and am going to screw up all the actions big time. i think there're ppl out there hu r qte pissed with me already. but nvm. shan't talk about it. Jus read samjo's blog and found it really thought-provoking. Brought back many memories in a sense. So i will just use some of wat he said over here. How true it is. And sometimes, I do so hope that I have not said something to somebody or did something to someone. The truth is - at many points of time, i do something or say something before i think. I told myself that I had to be nicer this year, to stop saying mean things to people. But i probably did not. I probably got to make many more friends this year. But somehow, i think i made some enemies too. Given that there's so little time left. That time has flown, things have changed faster than we would have ever thought. Be it in CCAs, class and there wasn't even house then! The earlier posts in February possibly are kinda evidence that I was not enjoying myself then. But things have changed I must say. Possibly just my perception of things. But sometimes, perception's all that matter. Then if you had told me about the teams and still to help u all at 7 i would have been pissed, ranted or something. But wat's the point right now? Given all the time that's left, you might as well make it worthwhile. for me and for them. it's not like i din enjoy myself anw. And it's like i have been seeing more and more blogs commenting on their classes -not jus samjo-. And i guess all i can say is that i m just grateful to be in a class like mine. We dont top all your subjects - or any for that matter, but as a class we are fun, we have fun. and sometimes this is all that matters, for i remember wat jasmine chong once said to me - u leave ur school not remembering what you learnt in class but what you did in class - not your trigo assignments and the time you spent with those around you. I sit there at the debate yesterday and after some time found meridian's 1st speaker somewat familiar and realised that she's from my P sch after all. She was a prefect and I have spoken to her before. But we never did see each other after that. the fact of the matter is - like samjo has mentioned somewhere in his entry, very soon, we stop seeing each other almost everyday. and very soon - whether we like it or not, we lose contact with each other. that's life i guess. Soon, we could very well be just in the memories of each other. Ajit asked me too yesterday if I feel anything, watching the debate for last year, i was sitting in the first seat, with shang and suhas. He might have said it in jest, but i guess the only thing i felt was that of nostalgia. but memories would always remain as such - memories. sooner or later, everyone of us would stop what we have been doing for a long time. soon they would all stop debating - be an adjudicator, coach or something, but yes. one day they would. and one day we would all start work and one day we would all retire too. when these come, they would be memories too. I kinda realised i have been typing gibberish the last 10, 15 minutes or so. but nvm. in case u were interested in knowing, 15 ppl failed chem in my class. i should think i'm one of them but that's not confirmed anw. and i got a c for econs. i jus hope i do decently for the other 3 papers. it's time to get back to the democracy essay i m working on and to reality where next week would be a hectic week - ihg/ihc, match support, ri interhse debates adjudication, hse mtg - and not to forget, school. junyi! posted at 2:49 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, July 05, 2005 today was really bad. m in a bad mood really and it wasnt even because of the abysmmal ct results released. i lost a debate book - my first one i used. AND i realised i lost all my debate stuff - most of it at least after i tot i burnt it on cd but i din actually and went on to reformat the whole bloody computer. i dunno. great debaters wld prolly call this an overreaction since they never keep their cases anyway but to me i guess it tracks my progress, my team's (wtv team i hv been in) progress and experience. i dunno. they are memories. they are resources. and they are all really impt to me. so m really pissed with myself over how careless i can get. irksome. then there's ihg too. whereby everything seems to get wrong. whereby nothing seems to interest the school anw! spent an hour or so at council room arguing / debating / talking about it with dani and gautam. in a sense a rather heated debate it was. if anything, it only gets me more worried about how the whole thing would turn out. then there's a debate agst the school team 2ml tt suhas says we mus do well in. makes sense i guess or we wld b wasting the team's time. aiya. everything seems so bad. sometimes i shld jus b a normal student and just study and give everything up. maybe i cld b smarter that way. but yet again i would probably have committed suicide by then. sigh. sometimes i wish that something i do for once would go well. and i dont mean just well. i mean lyke an overwhelming success. EDIT: It's now 12. AND i jus realised tt the debate starts at the unearthly hour of 7 pm tomorrow. not really unearthly cos i wouldnt b asleep by then. BUT STILL ... i wouldnt want to b in sch till lyke this time especially when i hv to factor in PW... nvm it's ok. i m doing a good deed. i believe in karma. :] So junyi shant complain too much. ANW ... i was just thinking ... the day i stop becoming random and crazy and at times -bitchy- (for the lack of a better word. sorry ms D ... u got to think of a substitute word for this or i cant find a better adjective to suit it), i wld stop becoming myself. it's like suhas' moustache u know. some things are just such an integral part of u that when u charge it, u kinda lose the thing(s) that defines you. think about it - what really defines you? And will you, maybe one day, change it? junyi! posted at 10:03 pm.
(0) comments Monday, July 04, 2005 i jus applied for deferment for NS - successfully (thankfully) and so i get to stay in RJ for the next one and a half year or so. thus i dun have to make my goodbyes now and u all wont miss me :). haha. anw. it's my dad's birthday today. so happy birthday to him. haha. tho i hope he doesnt come to my blog (again). dinner was at traders' hotel. was qte good i guess. haha. my computer has been reformatted. everything is fine and good. BUT the damn wireless card is NOT receiving signals from the router!!! so i cant come online as often as i want and as late as i want. which is downright sickening i tell u. This - coupled with pw, house comm duties and so on and so forth is becoming extremely inconvenient. it's youth day holiday 2day. i feel so young. haha. And yes. today's the 4th of July too! We are so going to die for PW. I hv officially die-d for CTs. And some stuff r jus looking plain bad. I cant seem to write anything that makes sense lately, misusing words subconciously (writers' block becomes writers' blog!) Argh. irksome. lessons start tomorrow. And i feel so in the holiday mood. I think they shld jus declare a week of holiday after CTs. since no one is in the mood for anything anyway. there's so much to do. Y do ppl call us full-time students when we often spend most of our time planning stuff? junyi! posted at 11:22 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, July 03, 2005 so many things have happened since i last blogged. to start off with common tests is over. so hurray. haha. then navjote gave us a treat on fri... gave me something to do post common tests. so i m happy. yay. haha. tks navjote! sat was hse comm mtg-cum-outing. we walked around orchard. aiya. as u can c, not in the mood to blog. my comp's still spoilt! and i m using a shared pc now. cant connect to the internet. really sickening i tell u. all i can say is, i cant wait to c how badly i did for all the papers in cts. i think i did better than i tot i wld ... but the results wld b dismal (given i was expecting 4Fs when i jus started last week!) anw, my hse comm has given me the new name of 7-11 cos apparently my mouth's open 24 hours! haha. hse comm mtg wasnt exactly productive. but ms D & mr L look so retarded in the fotos taken. i shall attempt to get their permission to upload the pics here. haha. junyi! posted at 5:47 pm.
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