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Saturday, September 24, 2005 ok. everyone is cutting down on blog-visiting, blogging in general and in general - anything tt has nothing to do wif studying - sleeping time included. so today is my first official really can mug day. shant really talk about progress, i guess it cld hv been better. n i hope the situation DOES get better or i wld jus fail fail fail. tho i really and sincerely hope to not only jus pass but pass well. sigh. i hope i can finish everything lah. and m thankful sch has closed alr =) and i mus say the hectic work schedule this whole term, coupled with many many things tt hv happened in class and outside class hv made it a very interesting few weeks of term 4 indeed. exams are based on imperfect knowledge. the more i think of this statement, the more true i find it. y do u do badly? simply cos u hv a lack of knowledge in some areas? y do some ppl do better than others? cos they hv more knowledge of the topic, of certain hints. indeed. it is rather true i guess. shld blog less and go online less unless i m reading up for GP. o well. everyone, mug hard and good luck =) junyi! posted at 9:32 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, September 22, 2005 looks like i was wrong abt no more pw when i wrote the entry at 2:35 this morning. slept at like 3:30 ... glad at least everything is over, happy to hv the 3 copies all printed, only to go to sch today, b told the due date is 2ml AND tt there r errors here n there. stupid lah. Hv been walking ard like a zombie the whole day ... but indeed. i feel very lost. lost as to wat to do. to a whole load of stuff. hai. promos in a week time. junyi! posted at 11:08 pm.
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my computer clock reads 2:35 n i m freaking tired, cant sleep not cos i dont want to but cos i cant. m printing the damned pw project - 3 freaking copies abt 100 odd pages at this unearthly hr. for the record, i need to b in sch in 5 hours. it's a long day 2ml. seriously, good luck to myself. hai. i jus hope the ink doesnt run out. hse meeting is in 5 hrs or so too! so yes. how interesting. i cant think straight. but m really glad at least no more pw until promos. junyi! posted at 2:35 am.
(0) comments Tuesday, September 13, 2005 i decided it's time for an update. esp since many many ppl were so concerned abt my chinese emceeing stint. haha. FOR THE RECORD, i did speak coherent chinese, contrary to wat miss yap insists! so yes, it was qte fun and mr khaw seemed amused and maybe impressed by our bilingualism, so it wasnt tt bad after all. hahas. of course speaking in front of 10 ppl isnt the best thing tt can happen to any performer - but it happened in the pre-ceremony show so n we werent exactly entertaining them when we were talking abt viriya. haha. so anw. in the post ceremony segment, chere n i had to get ppl down for the next performance and thus had this impromptu segment attempting to get as many ppl as possible. hahas. lots of rubbish came out n we got qte a crowd - only to have it gone once the next group came to perform. by then our duty was done - so we jus ran away. haha. so yes, apologies to those hu came specially for the chinese only to b dissapointed by the very little bits and pieces tt i had to say. and i mus say we shocked yangbin when he saw us there! haha. overall it was a good experience? jus tt i lost the whole sunday. tt said, i think tt my promos is screwed inside out. anw. today's break was particularly interesting as the class guys began going into a whole load of rubbish. Actually anything today wld b a good break given tt we had the extremely horrifying, traumatising and thought-provoking chem spa BEFORE break (not to mention a JL lesson - which wasnt tt bad actually lah.) and then had to write an essay for GP. i reckon tt given tt promos r coming real soon, i better start exercising my brain cells more, given papers like econs require us to finish 2 essays and 1 drq and 1 case-study at a go! anw, i digress. so we were talking abt lots of rubbish - including my plans to destroy YB over a span of 20 years or so and then a whole load of crap abt ambitions, haha. But then soon YB told us abt this RI guy writing abt short skirts and hipster pants in RJC!!! not the premier JC in the bishan-angmokio region ... but RJC. so yes. wat a retard. and i found the article on some1's blog easily ... so here goes: Sept 8, 2005 RJC students, watch your dropping pants and short skirts Raffles Junior College may have a stellar reputation for academic and sporting achievements but the way its students wear the school's uniform is hardly glamorous. Female students are invariably seen with excessively short skirts far above the knee hanging precariously from their hips, often with shirts tucked out. Many boys also opt to tuck out their shirts and wear loose trousers so low that they look as if they are going to drop off. Wearing pants or skirts low is perfectly acceptable in fashion, but a school uniform is not meant to be worn in the same way as casual clothes. Far from making a fashion statement, all the RJC students have accomplished was to portray an ill-disciplined and sloppy image to the public. It is disappointing that students of an illustrious institution like Raffles Junior College are permitted to disgrace the school by wearing their uniforms in such an appalling manner. Just because a student is out of school boundaries does not mean that the school image cannot be affected by the student's dress and actions. Are there not measures to ensure that a positive image of the school is upheld by its students? I urge the school authorities to take action. Alan Koh Kai Yang seriously, wat a retard. and i do rmb this guy, cos firstly he lives near my house and secondly he was fired from debates last yr i think or was it the yr before and then he was given the worse speaker of a debate in inter hse debates last yr, as JS kindly reminded me. so yes. wat an asshole and tho i m not guilty of hipster pants OR short skirts, i mus say he has been an ass in implicating our school - esp the student population and he has inherently dragged the name of the school down. Wat an anal piece of shit. I think it is jus tt he is worried he cant fit in when he comes to RJ. and btw, y not write into the forum abt ur own school boys since u so enjoy generalising ppl and since bringing down the raffles name doesnt mean much to u? So yes, another disturbing news is how 2 bloggers hv been charged under an act i hv hardly heard of. o gosh. is charging them in court really necessary? some things so never make sense to me. Of course i concede i do pass judgements easily, and maybe these things happen for many other reasons. but i dont and wont noe for sure. promos - dead. junyi! posted at 6:46 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, September 10, 2005 aiyo. the first time i m emceeing an external event i got to speak CHINESE. o gosh. haha. yea, got to emcee some lilies on the river at singapore river 2ml. doing it out of extreme kindness =) haha ... CIP leh. o wells. hopefully it all turns out well and it also means LESS TIME TO COVER EVERYTHING!!! gosh gosh. i jus hope i dont screw up 2ml. and i jus hope tt they wont mind me referring too much to the cards i hold in my hands. i really dont hv time to memorise much!!! it wld hv been so much more fun without a script n we can jus rattle off watever tt comes off our mind. haha. tt wld b fun eh? haha. o well. so yes, chere n i hv to go to uob plaza to do the emceeing thingy 2ml. the good thing is tt everyone wld b bz mugging n thus wont bother going down to uob plaza to see us make a fool out of ourselves! (= it was really funny to see the china lady cringe as we practised our chinese lines for the first time ytd! hoho. o well. i hope we wld hv fun. junyi! posted at 3:25 pm.
(0) comments Wednesday, September 07, 2005 it is one thing for one to say it right into my face. even then i only thought it was a very superficial thing to say. n probably mean but not too bad. but it's another to say it behind my back. it reflects how one really feels. and it's more than jus mean. let's jus say i m disappointed more than angry. junyi! posted at 9:13 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, September 06, 2005 I never expected this to happen today. BUT IT DID. haha. went to school to get settle some pw stuff AND SOMEONE DECIDED TO PLAY A PRANK ON ME. And so i shall give the full details here so u get the full picture: I was diligently (duh =P) doing my work and all of a sudden i got a message tt reads: >>> hello junyi. I would like you to know that I really like you :) I hope you would not be too freaked out but i just really had to let u noe. At this point i was like highly amused n so was zul. but she din leave her no. (using the 8888 function) so i jus cldnt b bothered. quickly enough, she sent another one tt said: >>> i would like to give u my number, which is _(tempted to give the no. here so u all cant play any further pranks on other ppl!!! but i m nice & shant)_ I'd understand if you dont wish to talk to me, but I would really like to make friends with you. And so I was like ... how retarded. it cant b true cos there cant b any1 tt blind or sumthing but i was curious as to hu were so jobless (n immediately somehow shortlisted tt ppl actually) and thus got zul to msg back to play along. cant rmb wat zul actually sent but i think it was to ask her name n ask if she was from rj and even to the extent of asking sex. haha. >>> My name is Fang Yan. Haha, yes i am a female. Do I sound like a male to you? And i was like erm ok. and asked how u got my no. asking random qns like tt to try to verify the person. haha. >>> I obtained it from a copy of your class list (which din sound very believable then) I noticed you that time when your class was having civics with my class. You seemed very knowledgeable. And i tot it was qte dumb cos i nv did really talked thruout tt extremely dumb civics lesson. And I needed to study. so i din bother to reply. haha. >>> are you ignoring me? and so out of pity for their joke to go on i was like fine, i wld reply and thus sent a msg asking random qns again. I was like - so i m supposed to ask qns? >>> Are u in sch now? we cld hv our first face to face meeting where I would tell you all about myself :) which sounded so freaky then. and so i ignored it. haha. and the last few were funny: >>> I hope you are not angry with me. The silence is threatening and overwhelming. and i was like crazy person. how could a joke last so long? And then the person said to meet in canteen, and after tt called me on the fone. And i got zul to pick up. n he said it sounded like dennet yap. but she hung up after tt. and altho i dont normally divulge her name when i talk about the silly things she does, this time i HAVE TO name & shame her. hoho. so yes, at dennet's plea, she asked me to go canteen to help her in econs and the library closed then and so i went to accompany zul to eat, ie go library. And we asked her hu's fang yan. i tell u. SHE HAS TO BE THE WORSE ACTRESS EVER EVER EVER. haha. she was like grinning and trying to desperately conceal it. of course. i hv very sharp eyes. so yes. but she refused to say anything. so i decided to pretend i dont noe anything. and then she decided she detested econs and dont need my help anymore. and so i asked her for help in chem instead - according to her fren rayner i mus b desperate (i shant comment on tt haha) and this resulted in a whole incident of her running ard the canteen pouring water on poor innocent rayner. but of course being the dennet tt she is, she slipped while doing so! haha. But i digress. So then after getting her help in chem, zul n i went to the lower canteen where my bag is n i was abt to go home. so she and her accomplice hu stupidly decided to call me and i got zul to pick up my fone instead. of course zul being very sharp heard dennet saying "i think they can see u" and he saw dnet's accomplice! so presto. mystery solved. very brilliant of zul. haha. but very anti-climax. haha. IT JUST HAS GOT TO BE DENNET YAP HUI SHAN. And her accomplice hu shall not b named cos i m kind but has her no. stored as secret admirer in my fone from now on tks to zul. haha. BUT it was extremely amusing i guess. for it to happen in the middle of mundane ionic equilibria i guess. haha. and it was also y SOMEBODY wasnt very productive today. so yes. the stupid things my classmates do. actually i shldnt generalise. my CLASSMATE doeS! can u imagine? she even attempted to change the direction of her smileys and the way she writes. lol. random. tot i had to share this to warn any future WOULD BE VICTIMS!!! hmph. haha. on another note, everyone's mugging so hard! i feel i m making progress. but not good enough progress! ____________________________ Edit: It wasnt explicit enough. n miss yap wants it obvious. so here's it - DENNET YAP HELPED ME IN CHEMISTRY TODAY. i am extremely thankful for her help. thank u dnet. haha. she's very smart. really. haha. junyi! posted at 8:13 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, September 03, 2005 My conscience screams "UNPRODUCTIVE!!!" Yea, despite the fact that hols has already arrived, i havent really been extremely productive - when everyone else is like so much more conscientious!!! - if the gauge used is the no. of ppl online. i m bored cos more than half the usual ppl tt usually keep me company online r NOT online!!! it cld only mean one thing - they are all studying!!! ok. i shall attempt to study after this lah. anw. random, but - have u ever wondered wat others' first impressions of you are? I was jus pretty curious after some1 asked me this question so i did some research and found the comments somewat amusing and sometimes even at opposite poles of each other. "Cold & unfriendly" "Rather nice" "No impression at all" "Irritating" "Weird" "Not one that I would associate myself with" "No impression at all" "Weird - but in a funny, interesting sort of way" "Cheena" "Noisy - jus keep talking" Obviously some begged to differ after knowing me for a longer period of time, but i jus found it rather funny lah. haha. You know, you always say ppl dont noe u well. That you put up a facade. It really doesnt matter whether ppl think highly of u or not, cos wat they see might not be the real u. But have u ever wondered, at most points of time, what becomes of you in this place is determined very much by wat OTHERS think of you. So what if what ppl see is not the real you? O well. One last question - have you ever wondered where all the lost time goes? A really clever thing mentioned by someone in a conversation i had with sometime ago. haha. A random entry done out of pure boredom, with lots of questions. junyi! posted at 10:51 pm.
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