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Sunday, April 30, 2006 DO YOU KNOW, TODAY IS MY BLOG'S BIRTHDAY =) 2 years ago, having had to keep my side of the bargain on winning JGs 2004, this blog was set up. and i thought then maybe my lack of self discipline would result in the closure of this blog. BUT after such a long time, 198 entries (considerably less but it's ok =)) later, this blog is still here! So here you have it, the 199th entry to celebrate this 2nd anniversary. In celebration of this fact, i will be having a 10000 word blog entry about the past one week. I'm serious. OK. That's because they say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I am going to have 10 pictures! detailing last week! last week was great. i talked about my birthday alr. so we celebrated nash's at cartel. and had a good time undoubtedly. talking. catching up. arguing haha. phototaking. laughing at each other. soaking in the atmosphere. was great. and happy belated birthday nash btw. cake from class. in my rescue mission of the ppl in the lift, it melted =( but thanks 3w! =) ![]() from jade & kwan ![]() the prezzies! =) ![]() my attempt to look retarded with my cake. haha. ok dont need to attempt lah. i look retarded. haha. ![]() CAKE IN FACE. STUPID LESLIE ![]() But thanks nav! =) ![]() ----- nash's bday celebration a domesticated me cutting the bread and samjo was too slow in taking the photo so here he takes me TAKING the bread ![]() was trying to get ays ask nash out ![]() happy birthday nash =) ![]() those who were there. granted not many. ![]() Images Gallery with PicTiger ----------- so there i hope u liked them =) on another note, it is elections fever. and i m at this point of time really very irritated by how the pap is consistently digging up the james gomez issue and seriously making a mountain out of a molehill. i mean give us a break, and i m not even saying give the opposition a break. because we r jus sick of the same character-slamming things. all that they (pap) r doing is not showing us how good they are as leaders of singapore, but really how good they are at questioning the character of others. and in fact we can see how we r just like james gomez at one point of time in our lives - not submitting homework and all. so maybe it is a genuine mistake, the james gomez issue is a red herring, let the people decide whether he is a good candidate. we have heard enough. just like how a good debater is one able to let go, they must be able to do likewise. but perhaps maybe it is the media choosing to focus on this issue, which makes it seem that the pap is overdoing it. i cant really tell i suppose. same old arguments, same old carrots - the competition is just heating up i suppose. leaving you with something from talkingcock.com ![]() have a good labour day =) junyi! posted at 11:24 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, April 27, 2006 for those of you who thought i wasnt/isnt in school to follow the nominations ... YOU ARE WRONG. because. i am SICK. and HAVE BEEN SICK. today i did intend to not heed the doctor's advice and go to sch anw cos it has always been agst my principles to skip sch unnecessarily, but i still had a headache today, and my body was ITCHING and is still ITCHING. i have contracted URTICARIA. according to the doctor anw. and i had a JAB today. an injection to stop the itching. and took sleep-inducing drugs. so basically today, i just kept sleeping. and. woke up enough to realised 37 seats are uncontested, and pap will not be in power on nomination day for the first time in ____ years. but bishan-toapayoh is still uncontested. sigh. i want covered walkways from my home to sch! so i m sorry for not going to school today. i hope none of u missed me too much. anw before the effects of this next drug kicks in i shall talk a little today about my happening birthday 24 april 2006. this is about the lift! so right, after my very fun hip and happening birthday celebration at the flagpoles, i was then the sem rm lift maybe cos it hasnt been exposed much to this kind of "external pressures", were jammed. which means the girls + lh + bin were TRAPPED. *GASP* *HORRORS* *SHOCK*. so i tried to entertain them a little. but they werent responsive to it. bin claimed it's cos they cant hear much of it. i cant believe it. CANT HEAR ME?! but nvm. but then u noe wat, the ALARM WAS NOT WORKING! wah. so junyi being the public spirited lovely person he is, together with kwan the councillor who has been trained to __(insert the oath councillors take here)_ RUSHED - this time we really rushed ok - to the GO where we were met with a lady who was caught up with talking to someone. so we waited till the lady was done. and told her OUR classmates were TRAPPED. so she started calling estate and we cld have enjoyed the aircon but being the public sprited people tt we are, and given tt i noe how it felt to b trapped in a lift, we decided to go entertain a rather unresponsive crowd in the lift. actually they were entertaining themselves we later realised, and we had video coverage of the whole incident. I HOPE PPL WLD GIVE ME THE VIDEOS. then those outside were trying to find out how they were doing but they were so unresponsive! so rite, kwan & i decided tt before their oxygen gets consumed and they have to undergo anaerobic respiration and go thru an oxygen debt, we went to bug the estate ppl, meanwhile complaining to any teacher who came our way abt the ineffeciency of the sch in handling this matter. and the estate person said, yes this person is external so we called him and he is rushing down! so soon, a striptease later by N & Wyns subsequently questioning student welfare, the man came - strolling. so i was like, "uncle uncle, the ppl r not making any noise. they might have _(i think i said fainted)_". so then he started running. and he came did a feel things while kangs the cameraman trailed his tracks and covered this rescue effort. before he closed the lift door and told us to go away. and then the door opened. and the girls came out and GLARED/IGNORED US!!! THEY WERE PISSED WITH US. WEEPS. i mean i feel so misunderstood. i was feeling so good with myself for doing a good deed. so then they were pissed with us. and then mrs lim was like making us feel so noble too. cos we were the ones calling the ppl down. of course we din tell her how it got jammed. ok. so we decided tt maybe we were guilty for making them pissed with us. with our happiness. but wat to do i always sound happy. jad too. and others caused it to jam. so we scripted an apology. a very very sincere apology tat din go qte right haha. but nvm.we even had plans ok. if they walked away, bin's job was to stop them. but continue recording. then we send them a video. if fail we make a poster. and stick on walls of classroom. BUT THEY WERE NOT PISSED WITH US. they claim lah. they claimed they were only joking. they claimed they were only pretending. lkasfdj;adjfk;akjf;lakjdf;lajf;a! but nvm. all well tt ends well. i hoped i had videos to share but unfortunately i din go to sch. i hope u enjoyed reading this entry. and i hope the girls are no longer pissed. some quotes liheng to girls. "erm so are we still supposed to be pissed" rachel "o the poor guys!" when told dnet was one of the girls trapped junyi! posted at 4:45 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, April 25, 2006 [edit] i tried to upload this ytd but to no avail. so i upload today. haha. for the first time i m taking mc from sch. shock. [/edit] 24 apr K. In a few minutes time my birthday ends. Being 18 means ... INCREASED responsibility, and the chance to exercise my discretion better haha. and of course u get to do the things that just seem so ... illegal a DAY back. haha. but i shall u noe, ensure that i use these privileges with much though ahem and because i m by nature a good kid - ok not anymore, i will very likely not succumb to these. haha. o. it is legal to smoke to. ok random. legal to drink to. haha. NVM. I AM NO LONGER A KID. haha pek said i dont look 18, but it's ok cos the people who matters look only at paper qualifications so as long as it writes tt i am EIGHTEEN, then i AM eighteen. haha. and i retain my youthful looks. whee. As you can see i am rather high at this point of time. ok. nvm. (reminds myself i am 18 alr) so i shall act 18. I TRY at least haha. anw, really really many thanks to everyone who made these one of the most enjoyable birthdays ever. ok the MOST enjoyable, memorable, interesting, happening birthday. given how the previous 2 were held over weekends haha and birthdays have never been big affairs for me for the past 17 years, really quite surprised, sometimes embarrassed, but everything made me happy. AND OMG. the photos from nav's camera super unglam. haha. so anyway, because it has been a really interesting day i shall start detailing it. i have econs to do and chem to do and bio to study. but it's my birthday! so i shall do whatever i want. haha. so anw, thanks to those with their well wishes - those who did remember and were reminded haha. congrats to dnet yap for the 2nd consecutive yr being the first person to wish me over msn haha. but she cheated. she insisted my clock was slow. haha. ok lah she wished again 2 mins later. but i dunno who was first in the end. haha. ok yups the rest of the ppl - nav, suhas, ajit, snee, jean, steph, zhu (AND FANGYAN! haha), mt hse comm - dani, leslie, james, samjo, glenL, jerry (wah everyday wish haha), bel, nash, 2so3w - kwan, amy, audris, donna, peixuan, (o my birthday officially ends here), yangbin, nadjad, wyns, kenneth nah, kanghao (after much very hilarious promting from yangbin haha), liheng, jinging, a01a, shiyun, roland, ben cai, benng, xiuwen, yanyuan, singyean, brian, jianliang, jonkang, alan, alan’s friends, aysuria, zul, junsheng, eevie, philk, soh li yan. o gosh. seriously, i m losing count. shucks. haha. ok i m sorry if ur name doesnt appear. er o yea ms chen, ms hor, mr seah, mr chan, mrs asha. o gosh. ANW ... those of you who gave ur well wishes. THANKS. =) i have a feeling i missed out many names there cos i keep adding names as i keep typing this post. but anw. yups ... special thanks esp to NAVJOTE - for doing so many really amusing things. and the banner thing - mus b u lah. omg. so embarassing. and the shirt. absolutely funny. haha. ![]() and mt hse comm + all the ppl involved in the cake. thanks a mil. so paiseh lah. dani boss madam also nv do anything like tt. wah. =S ok mus do sumthing. leslie too! and then dnet! and then james, glen too! wah. 3w. a very amusing day really. haha thanks for the medal thing. and gosh. the one in the chem lecture. 500+ ppl. i mean yes i m an attention seeker, haha, but i so hamji lah. so very malued. haha. o thanks for the cake. it melted. i tried to salvage it. And kenneth’s really unexpected cheng thng. Haha. thanks nash & jonk for the very interesting choice of books haha thanks jade & kwan for the delicious strawberry. i ate them. my family loved them too. haha. thankyou everyone else! it has been a good day. several unexpected things. plus the fact tt some ppl got trapped in the lift. ok will anyone read until here? so long alr. haha. but anw. my birthday very special u see. people got like trapped in the lift. but i shall continue this another day. and photos to b uploaded soon. grins. junyi! posted at 11:25 pm.
(0) comments Monday, April 24, 2006 OK. In a few minutes time my birthday ends. Being 18 means ... INCREASED responsibility, and the chance to exercise my discretion better haha. and of course u get to do the things that just seem so ... illegal a DAY back. haha. but i shall u noe, ensure that i use these privileges with much though ahem and because i m by nature a good kid - ok not anymore, i will very likely not succumb to these. haha. o. it is legal to smoke to. ok random. legal to drink to. haha. NVM. I AM NO LONGER A KID. haha pek said i dont look 18, but it's ok cos the people who matters look only at paper qualifications so as long as it writes tt i am EIGHTEEN, then i AM eighteen. haha. and i retain my youthful looks. whee. As you can see i am rather high at this point of time. ok. nvm. (reminds myself i am 18 alr) so i shall act 18. I TRY at least haha. anw, really really many thanks to everyone who made these one of the most enjoyable birthdays ever. ok the MOST enjoyable, memorable, interesting, happening birthday. given how the previous 2 were held over weekends haha and birthdays have never been big affairs for me for the past 17 years, really quite surprised, sometimes embarrassed, but everything made me happy. AND OMG. the photos from nav's camera super unglam. haha. so anyway, because it has been a really interesting day i shall start detailing it. i have econs to do and chem to do and bio to study. but it's my birthday! so i shall do whatever i want. haha. so anw, thanks to those with their well wishes - those who did remember and were reminded haha. congrats to dnet yap for the 2nd consecutive yr being the first person to wish me over msn haha. but she cheated. she insisted my clock was slow. haha. ok lah she wished again 2 mins later. but i dunno who was first in the end. haha. ok yups the rest of the ppl - nav, suhas, ajit, snee, jean, steph, zhu (AND FANGYAN! haha), mt hse comm - dani, leslie, james, samjo, glenL, jerry (wah everyday wish haha), bel, nash, 2so3w - kwan, amy, audris, donna, peixuan, (o my birthday officially ends here), yangbin, nadjad, wyns, kenneth nah, kanghao (after much very hilarious promting from yangbin haha), liheng, jinging, a01a, shiyun, roland, ben cai, benng, xiuwen, yanyuan, singyean, brian, jianliang, jonkang, aysuria, zul, junsheng, eevie, philk. o gosh. seriously, i m losing count. shucks. haha. ok i m sorry if ur name doesnt appear. er o yea ms chen, ms hor, mr seah, mr chan, mrs asha. o gosh. ANW ... those of you who gave ur well wishes. THANKS. =) i have a feeling i missed out many names there cos i keep adding names as i keep typing this post. but anw. yups ... special thanks esp to NAVJOTE - for doing so many really amusing things. and the banner thing - mus b u lah. omg. so embarassing. and the shirt. absolutely funny. haha. and mt hse comm + all the ppl involved in the cake. thanks a mil. so paiseh lah. dani boss madam also nv do anything like tt. wah. =S ok mus do sumthing. leslie too! and then dnet! and then james, glen too! wah. 3w. a very amusing day really. haha thanks for the medal thing. and gosh. the one in the chem lecture. 500+ ppl. i mean yes i m an attention seeker, haha, but i so hamji lah. so very malued. haha. o thanks for the cake. it melted. i tried to salvage it. and kenneth. haha the chengthng. haha. thanks nash & jonk for the very interesting choice of books haha thanks jade & kwan for the delicious strawberry. i ate them. my family loved them too. haha. thankyou everyone else! it has been a good day. several unexpected things. plus the fact tt some ppl got trapped in the lift. ok will anyone read until here? so long alr. haha. but anw. my birthday very special u see. people got like trapped in the lift. but i shall continue this another day. and photos to b uploaded soon. grins. junyi! posted at 6:46 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, April 23, 2006 because i m going on 18 in slightly less than 3 hours, i have this urge to be magnanimous and show a sense of maturity that hasn't normally been linked to me. i shall write in response to the tags and the friday post. there is nothing between amy and liheng. yet. those things that you read. it's true amy was sitting beside or near liheng. but it's not what you think it is. =D tsk. 17-year-olds. haha. except dnet. but dnet is dnet. junyi! posted at 9:10 pm.
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i spent the last day being 17 being hotter than about 70% of this country, perhaps more, of this region of this world. don't worry i din go for plastic surgery. i had a fever. but i slept and i slept so i am no longer hotter than 70% of this country. i now have a headache. and work undone. =( junyi! posted at 7:40 pm.
(0) comments Friday, April 21, 2006 JUNYI IS SO IRRITATING BECAUSE HE KEEPS SAYING 'TRUE THAT' EVERYONE WHACK `true that. :) you sucks. dnet claims she is very busy. BULLOCKS. not true that. im busier than you.stupid junyi suxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. wat is jingjing doing. she is hindering my typing. amy go keep liheng company. ihfsjdkljfkfjd amy is beating uyisejrfklsjgdbgb junyi! posted at 12:07 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, April 20, 2006 i have been studying hard! haha. ok lah. more than last term, which i suppose is a good thing. but yikes cts2 is coming in erm 2 months time! i seriously hope i do much better this time round. a levels r coming and i dont want to b scolded by mrs lim again! the year book has a damn ugly photo of me! ok all photos of me are ugly. but this is exceptionally ugly ... the national day one. at least i wasnt wearing orchids' petals. heh. haha. anw. i m exceptionally pleased with myself. because i have saved TWO months from going to ns early because FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I GOT A SILVER FOR NAPFA HAHA. so unexpected. congratulate me! and happy belated birthday peixuan, glenL & james! haha. px have a FRUITful yr ahead! class is rather interesting. tho it is not cos of the lessons. workload has definitely increased, but we have found more things to amuse ourselves over lecture =D m in a random mood. ELECTIONS IS ON 6 MAY! dance night lor. haha. junyi! posted at 9:12 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, April 16, 2006 ok ytd was gym night. the day before was r.e.d. so perhaps gym night was a good break after all the stress in planning something rather massive - did i mention before tt i felt like i opened a restaurant. haha. and of course some ppl din approve of the arrangement of chairs + balloons tt i did claiming tt it looked like some speed dating thingy. but NVM. haha. the govt wld love me for that =). ok i digress. i m supposed to be talking abt gym night. coordination, changing of scenes wasnt qte there, with the closing of curtains sometimes spoiling the mood, but i guess they r at times necessary. the very serious charity video at the start made me think i was at some nkf charity show, jus tt the emcees were not asking me to call some hotline. and i so totally din get the queing up to get a sticker on my ticket. ok ... it's for security, but i dont see how ppl cant sneak in at halftime considering tt the tix werent checked then. but nvm. those were jus some complains the bitch in me had to voice. haha. other than that, it was a good night, with rather entertaining moments. and amy being the star of the night. haha. the classroom scene was absolutely hilarious ... can u imagine amy & zhu acting cute! haha. actually can lah, they do it all the time. but they dont do it with some gym moves, SO ... tt was pretty funny. plus all the guys damn beng lah. ok lah. qte cool. haha. ok VERY cool. considering tt i wont be able to do those moves my entire lifetime. i tend to hv this overwhelming respect for ppl hu can do things i cannot do. haha. o and the rain scene. i was like asking chenwei if they wld hv water really falling down. tt wld hv been rather cool. haha. really raindrops. then when it goes raining men, the guys shld hv started flipping out. haha. but tt was also one of my favourite segments. amy was damn funny lah. wah tried to look scared. ok she was rather successful. haha. ok amy's name keeps popping up but that's cos like she is the STAR of the night lah. haha. i mean did u see the kiss kiss too haha. the shaking of the butt and all. plus the first item. haha. overall, lotsa things happened, and i was rather amused by the chain of events onstage and off stage. ali + dnet watching a certain someone on stage. a certain person who has complimentary flowers. someone being chased away from our class foto (makes me feel bad come to think of it). our constant ribbing of a certain star of the night. haha. gym night left me suitably amused and i was as usual making random comments thruout. money goes to charity. so i suppose it is rather well spent. so many other concerts coming up. and so many ppl i noe r performing in them, wld love to hv gone for all of them, but m running out of excuses, so i suppose i can only go if they r spread out and when i hv created excuses ... a 3 day break seems so short. napfa 2mr. i am SO ggxx. the bane of my life! junyi! posted at 10:29 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, April 13, 2006 i m so tired lah. R.E.D. was not as magical as we had wanted it to be, rather unfortunately. many series of screw-ups. lack of food, drinks, in program, lots of things we wanted to happen din exactly din go as we had hoped it would be, like as we spoke with most attitude at the meetings. and i screwed up too. very stressful indeed. and i do feel qte bad lah. cos this is like the last thing from us? dunno. but. i hope sincerely that everyone had fun. whether things went as planned, or whether things didnt. i jus hope they had fun. that they did have an interesting time. this has been a learning experience. something so massive. so many things were unexpected. a party is for everyone to socialise to have fun and lots of effort were put into it. we pulled through guys. and no matter how much of a bitch i am in forcing u to slave and work and till and toil and being an insensitive, cold-hearted ass who forces you to work into night even with your other commitments, or bitch abt u if you end up not taking longer than usual to do them, you have no idea how thankful i am for you mt house comm =) thanks to those who turned up, those who performed, those who showed support, those who stayed until the end, those who cheered us on and those who helped us make this possible. thank you. and to all mtians who came down, i hope you found it a great opportunity to interact with fellow mtians. =) maybe more later when i feel like. rite now. i m tired. junyi! posted at 11:59 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, April 09, 2006 haha. I AM ON THE PAPERS. wow so excited. my 2nd time alr. haha. pg 6 straits times. i thinked the editor liked me. hurhur. edmund kwok got interviewed. so did zain. and in the news, we saw wangwang & chanchan & gautam. haha. omg. i m such a cam whore. junyi! posted at 9:06 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, April 08, 2006 first things first ... happy birthday dani (belatedly) - though she doesnt noe of the existence of this haha. and. happy birthday dnet. I do hope u hv a fruitful yr ahead. =D ora today was ... i had one of the slackest job ever and was even paid $5 for my services. of course tt was jus ora coupons essentially ... but tt jus meant i had free food throughout the day! (not withstanding the fact tt this woman picked up the coupons i dropped and made me buy her fishballs. like tamade. i bought it in the end because she was being rather mean to me and was claiming how noble she was in returning the coupons and thus expect something in return) but anw, the only thing i had to do was registration. and so for like 1 hr i was kept busy registering participants and writing numbers on their hands. and then after tt i realised i had nothing to do. which was qte unexpected because they made us sound so busy during the briefing. and i wanted to enter the parade square. they said no entry. then i cldnt stand on the route leading to the parade square because i had no usher tag. haha. so i was like how unwanted. and so was ajit. and we decided to jus stick with the raffles trail ppl and get on tv when the pm flags everyone off, being the attention whore that we are. unfortunately, every1 declared they din see me on cctv. and the news did not show any of this footage at all =(. haha. everyone wants a piece of the pm. so retarded lah. some ppl were actually crowding around the canteen to watch the pm EAT. i m still sore with the fact that i m not given a red tag to talk to the pm haha. i mean i wld have the most to talk to him about mah. ok haha. but it's ok i mean in a couple of years time i will have all the opportunity that i want. the opening ceremony was not anything spectacular, tho to be fair i did not watch the whole thing. saw bits of it. but still, felt that it was something extremely contrived to boost some kind of image of rjc - multi-cultural, modern etc. Very conventional approach, that fails to show the funkier and more hippening side of rj. but having talked to maniam today, he din seem to have anything bad to say, so i suppose it was not all that bad. jus tt i happen to b a cynical piece of shit. haha. but seriously, all these play up on houses! laughable lah. you use ri, rg pictures, make it sound so big. but what really happens? who knows? everyone thinks our house system is one big cool happening thing hur. i must admit. the decor was rather well done. some criticised the colour scheme and all, but it was all in all rather good effort. spent the rest of the day rotting away. time cld definitely b put to better use. but i did not go home cos of rproject and haunted house. the latter which did really well and perpetually had long queues so i went in with the rest of the station masters after everyone else went home. haha. it was qte amusing (sorry organisers), but tt's partly cos we are how screwed up lah. laugh at everything. if i went in alone i might be scared. cos as liyana says, HUM JI PENG. haha. BUT. haunted house was really well done. being the cynical shit i am, i had doubts about it, but everything was really good so kudos to shum & her team ... and congrats to their raising a rather huge sum for this whole thing =) and rproject too. tt was singularly amusing. leslie esp. some models looked really good. some looked off. but it was good effort lah. this has to b my most amusing ora. o and i m now on the register list for bone marrow okayyyy. i was on a high actually but too bad so many ppl were away on raffles trail and cant b high with me =(. SO i was like being high at the bone marrow station. The guy was like it will not hurt that much, just a little. and i was like, "SURE, if it hurts i will scream and cry". Of course i didnt. i m a brave person and i told him that too when he asked if there was a need to scream and cry. Then at the registration counter, I was asking about the sweets on the table, and being very very random, i asked if the sweet had to be eaten before or after my finger gets pricked. like just in case i get choked. i think they all think i m weird. haha. well. u shld donate to this good cause. Thinking back, i really take my hat off to these ppl who make the effort to plan all these. For a really good cause after all. I mean all my time in rj, i spend my time being busy, planning all sorts of random stuff. and this group of people are actually planning things for the college for the people OUTSIDE. they dare, i suppose. i prolly don't. which is also y sometimes i do ask myself in undertaking the planning of something, is it worth it to actually plan it. u noe - the time used. and the opp cost as a result? shrugs. maybe one day i want to do something special. something different. like after a levels if i can. after i m released from the clutches. i hope i can. i hope i dare anw. before i forget though, congrats to group 48 - mt team! for doing exceptionally well =). Well done! tho naturally everyone remains jealous of ur really really envy-inducing prizes, i must say u guys did earn them in the end. so congrats =D and unfortunately, i din go for leslie's party last night. but lest i dont blog online anytime soon, happy bdae in advance les =) and for all u mt people. don't forget R.E.D. - MT for MT. Buy your tickets next week for MT's house party! Thursday 13 April junyi! posted at 10:34 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, April 04, 2006 politically so much is happening around the region, within this country. thaksin just stepped down. a real pity perhaps because he is in my opinion a rather outstanding leader. perhaps others might disagree, but hey, politicians are controversial. thailand's going to go into some form of turmoil again, because his shoes are really rather huge to fill and i dont really see anyone capable of bringing thailand out of this turmoil. but yet again i wldnt noe since i dont follow thai politics. jus tt thailand in chaos definitely wont be good for singapore. unfortunate, given the opposition finally had their way. How many of them truly believed he was corrupt? or were they merely riding on the storm to fan unrest? General elections seem to be looming too. with the pap introducing all their candidates. and perhaps all these candidates have been giving really politically correct answers ... saying things they know will get the people happy. "i am non-conformist"; "i speak my mind"; "i do not really agree with some of the policies but i have made it clear to the party that i don't". Boring. But the most heard line that you hear from most of the candidates "we should not have opposition for the sake of having an opposition" i see they have learnt well to have produced similar answers. but maybe it's because they share similar ideologies. That's why they were chosen. Perhaps more shocking is an opposition member saying that he would not want singapore to leave malaysia and continue merger. laughable really. because his history facts werent there and in fact, seperation was never a choice of LKY. no political entries over elections period. the rules are pretty vague. but it's ok. wat i hv said here r pretty harmless. haha. jus feeling random and felt like typing these. haha. anw. here r some photos from the day i saw the beehive destroyed! haha. ![]() ![]() ![]() Image Sharing with PicTiger junyi! posted at 10:03 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, April 02, 2006 never in my life have i seen so many excuses. i m fricking pissed right now, and some people for the record are assholes who enjoy fanciful titles but then sit back and do nothing about it. and the things they say after that. gosh. totally pisses me off. are u like that too? food for thought. And i hope i m not like that. --------------- on another note, there was a beehive outside my house today! ok in my hse, on the window grilles in my sisters' room. and my sister who often never raises the blinds only noticed it today! so the hive is like pretty developed already and my mum destroyed it. and there were like MAGGOTS (young undeveloped bees which are worms now - are they maggots?) crawling around. pretty disgusting. but i was taking photos. haha. junyi! posted at 3:15 pm.
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