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Saturday, July 22, 2006 aha i am very pleased today because i made someone's day. (: haha. it has been a somewhat plain week, brightened up by some silly events that happened during class. Like racial harmony day today. which saw only 4 guys wearing traditional costumes, though sadly all were wearing like indian, malay costumes - anything but chinese. but anw, a picture speaks a thousand words, so here goes. a few pictures ... haha. ![]() ![]() ![]() Upload Pic with PicTiger 1st pic: the guys in shock after seeing jeanne in that erm rather interesting outfit and matching makeup. haha. 2nd pic: supposedly pensive mood 3rd pic: a racial riot. acted out of course, as a key reminder to the horrible riots of 1964 that killed the lives of many --------------------- and then caught up with cc, samjo, alan, jonk & zee once again, which was pretty good, celebrating cc's bday belatedly, although jonk has proven to be as usual, very insensitive. tsk. pity i had to leave early. but the usual happens. a busy weekend ahead: 1. 3 personal best experiences (argh better get it over and done with) 2. house comm evaluation (not truly given yet but zul sent to me so might as well take a look) 3. series of assgs ... math, chem, remedial hw 4. hydroponics tests =( 5. REVISION, then RE-REVISION, then RE-RE-REVISION, ok u get my point it feels so empty without all the random cca things, but yet again, we are supposed to b so busy, with this humongous pile of work + revision to be done just. yea and i intend to improve my english within the next 5 weeks. i m sick of stagnating lah. but i dont noe, i think gp is the most under-rated subject. and tt surely, it deserves some effort. sigh. i wld have said i think the whole world hates me. but i suppose i dont noe the whole world and the whole world doesnt noe me. but o well. i think like almost everyone is angry with me. haha i thought this was qte funny. A said "maybe i shld i kill all the hot ppl in the world, then i will be the hottest person ard" and i replied "yea, but if i kill all the hot ppl in the world, i will be left alone in this world". haha. i thought tt was qte funny. ok, ie i thought i was qte funny. blah blah blah. i used to think arrogant ppl were the most cocksure confident ppl in the world. perhaps it isnt necessarily the case. i begin to now think of them more of insecure ppl and the day they become more modest, is perhaps the day they no longer are controlled by these inhibitions. after all, isnt it precisely because u have insecurities that you see a need to launch a "pre-emptive strike", to try to hide those flaws before others see them, or to hope tt ppl will nv realise it. anw, a random observation tt someone has noted. and i thought true a couple of yrs back, but din really write it down. was reminded of tt again. ------------------- from shumin: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs. 1. my legs never touch the floor when i sit down to study at home or at tuition (i.e. i sit with my legs propped up). yes my legs are on my chair now. 2. when i am bored at home i draw. and then tear those drawings up cos they're so ugly. haha. 3. i dont normally talk on the phone. despite talking a lot more in person. haha. 4. i used to put the textbook under my pillow before a major exam, hoping that knowledge can diffuse into my brain. until our textbooks were so thick that i cant really sleep on them. haha 5. i must read the life section of the straits times daily 6. i used to act, and had to cross-dress once. until i realised/decided that i sucked. and was too ugly to play a girl too. haha. tagging (most randomly): 1) zul 2) nav 3) yangbin 4) zhunian 5) alan haha like they will read this and do it like that. haha. Has it occured to you how fast time is flying? And you thought time only flies when you are enjoying yourself. much as many experiences in rj were made up of bittersweet experiences, i don't think i wld ever want to leave rj. just like how, 2 years ago, i never did want to leave ri. as in not that i want to be retained and all, but after all these years, you leave this place, which so many of us have called cold and unfriendly, and perhaps will never meet each other again. for some of us. will our paths intersect? will the person you acknowledge while rushing off for a lecture one day be your boss, or will the person sitting beside you during bio lectures choose to ignore you the day you pay a house visit to his house as a MP. or will you even ever meet the person who helped you in math? that's the thing about life, it's filled with uncertainties. if i had the power, everyone wld keep being in touch, keep BOTHERING to stay in touch. but perhaps tt will seem like we are living in a vacuum. o well, tt's for another day, maybe when i graduate or something. i suppose i shldnt b distracted by stuff like these, but be more interested in the reactions of NaOH with organic compounds. ----------------------------- quote of the day. "you are wrong, because (dramatic pause) i am right." - JonK junyi! posted at 12:14 am.
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