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Tuesday, November 30, 2004 hoho. I dunno. I really dont have much to say. Maybe coz i juz dont haf the inspiration to write any new entries. But yea, it has been quite some time since i last wrote one.
Chatting to various ppl now. Basically yes ... nothing better to do. It really is rather funky to juz slack and chat and catch up. O well. Some public announcements here: - 4j dudes, go for the class gathering @ downtown east ... if u cant make it do make it 4 at least 1 day (like me ... haha ... can't make it 2ml and the 3rd day ... sorry) - So funky. next mon got moor appreciation dinner @ jerik's house. wah ... if i had known this guy was so rich ... i would have forced him to buy me lunch. After all, we did interview him for like 45 mins. ... And it was near common test k ... OK OK ... juz kidding. I dun want ppl to doubt my credibility as a interviewer. Or a v-capt. Haha. But he has a pool! Yay! can dunk ppl there! (half-expecting myself to be dunked - but u c ... since i m expecting it, u guys can NOT dunk me to give me a surprise ... ah ...) -2A gathering ... coming soon. It will b a funky one! Contacting u guys soon ((: Wah ... helping shang out in looking for an apartment/room. Get it at braddell! It is funky. haha. Debate does rox ... learnt a few things here and there ... but lunch with them roxs more ... haha ... past few days haf been interesting. And it is my grandma's bdae 2ml ... happy bdae ((: junyi! posted at 11:39 pm.
(0) comments Saturday, November 27, 2004 Aiyo ... Today ... wat a very busy day. Trained with my dear juniors for the first time in ages and met sarala ... she is so funky... and funny ... and erm many other things (not necessarily good ... haha ... ask shang).
O well. Debate went well. Ok. May not so well. We did screwed up. But sarala said we would have won. YAY! haha. But sec 4s being the bunch of crude and wild people, took eons for the debate to end and we went to eat and came late for the kiddie debate. Of course, got screwed. AND I LOST MY FREAKING WATER BOTTLE. AGAIN. SO PISSIFYING. Thankfully we got a new one for grad nite. haha. AND WAT A FREAKING SUCKY DEBATE 3rd-4th was. it was expletive, expletive, expletive all the way. And i really, really had such a hard time trying to be so nice to those kids... Still I have a feeling certain things tt i said in oral adjudication shouldnt have come out making one side sound really, really so bad. Finals was funky. Those boys were actually rather impressive. I havent seen the sec 1s tt hv been newly recruited. But i do so believe those 11-yr-old can really kick the asses of some of the sec 1s or even 2s. At least from wat the sec 3s and sarala said. O well. Will c them on tuesday -tentatively-. Yay! so interesting. We get to help out in team line-ups. hehe. So do all the seniors (ie sec 4s) ... so if any of u juniors read this ... let's see u can start being nice to us. Hmmm ... let's see din i say about losing my water bottle jus? talk about bitchiness. Lol. It has been coming back. I have been screaming and yelling so much these days. haha. Watever. Haha. But some ppl ah ... should learn to be nicer to their seniors. They really have so much attitude problem.. And yes. They should learn more about team dynamics. And dinner was fun. Bitching. Cursing. And holding typical debate conversations. thanks js for the drink. Haha. The spilling of drinks part ... i was only kidding k... hmmm... c ... obviously u dont noe me tt well. haha. O well. dinner was fun. Today was fun. Quite lah. Not adjudicating though. Haha. Certain things were fun lah. Haha. junyi! posted at 1:10 am.
(0) comments Thursday, November 25, 2004 Wah ... grad nite is now over. so is pae. Juz finished making my choices for the JCs ...
Grad nite went well. On second thoughts, the scrapping of the skit wasnt such a bad idea. I did feel in a way - relieved - and could concentrate on presenting (or rather making fun of imran) the item. It did hit off rather well with the audience i guess. Took lots of fotos, it was really great reliving the memories as we talk to cca mates, schoolmates, mere acquaintances, friends and teachers. the atmosphere was great. The programme went rather well. And the food was rather ok and ... hmmm ... rather exquisite. If anything spoilt my night, I guess it was some rather snide comments made by certain people. I shan't go into the details for juz mentioning it gets me really pissed. But let's juz put it this way ... I HATE BEING MADE USE OF. Forget it. Let's not talk about it. O yar, thanks Shang so much for the pencilbox ((:, and navjote too for the swan and the shirt. ((: It has been nice knowing all of u, and all u guys out there. I will try to get the video done ASAP, I will try to get it done by Monday, so I can pass it to Mrs Neoh for it to be burned. Grad nite was so fun, and I reached home at 1+ all thanks to janki who was lecturing/explaining to shang about some stuff. O well. And next day was pae. so many dudes came late. Got my testimonial, and the stuff written was really nice. Wah ... touched. Haha. Alrite. Will sent u guys the fotos soon (hopefully - i havent even uploaded them). And yesh. The following ppl please note: 2A 02', Moor S4s & 4J 04' Gatherings/dinner/chalet (respectively) will be planned tentatively over the next 2 weeks. For 4J urs is 1 Dec - 3 Dec. those who can/cannot make it please tell me or zhi sen or jx For 2A, I will b contacting u ppl somehow on the date. we will settle it. This yr will b at ms kelly's house. and for moor, we will do likewise - contacting u guys. Wah ... 2ml got testimonial debate wif my dear juniors who cant wait to challenge us. Haha. then got kiddie school debate. Adjudicating. Full day in school sia... Yay! Get to wear CVs to school. Haha. junyi! posted at 11:06 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Grad Nite 2nite!
I am at Navjotoe's house now. Coz I cant find a room and obviously i am not important so i dont get a room. Nvm. His house is quite nice. Haha, Sigh. Our item got scrapped. So sorry guys, guess we were not committed enough to bring it across. Sigh. I feel quite sad and quite bad actually. Sigh. If only we have a week to prepare. If only ... And if u want 2 noe y it was cancelled. SIMPLE: WE SUCKED O well. Nvm. That wont spoil myday. Gtg now. 2nite presenting an item wif imran. Enjoy urself! Iwill blog later! junyi! posted at 4:32 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, November 21, 2004 hey guys ... spent the weekend uploading fotos.
Visit the links below: 4J photos over 2004 http://share.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=EeCOHLZm3aNnJw More 4J photos http://share.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=EeCOHLZm3aNnQQ Graduation Ceremony & Debates photos http://share.shutterfly.com/osi.jsp?i=EeCOHLZm3aNnNg ENJOY! I will try uploading the moor photos. But by virtue of the fact that the numbers are so huge, I may give the cd to those sec 4s (moor) tt want a copy. junyi! posted at 6:01 pm.
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Why i got myself into this ... i dun noe ...
first things first ... O levels has ended! FINALLY ... ((: Still my next entire week is totally packed ... with only thursday out of the next 5 days free ... monday: adjudication for primary school kids, followed by rehearsals for grad dinner tuesday: more rehearsals and grad dinner wed: pae ... fri: finals of the pri sch debates ... adjudicating 3rd-4th ... as if not enough ... haf to do the oral adjudication :S ... and one of those days ... my dear and nice juniors are challenging us nice seniors to a debate ... And now ... HELP NEEDED: Apparently m putting up a performance for grad dinner and until today i still haf problem with coming out the skit with suhas, imran, ajit & zul ... It is an anti-pb performance ... and somehow, despite all tt ranting ... i have never found enough material FUNNY enough to be staged. so all u guys reading this blog... i encourage u to tag all anti-pb rants ... asap ... i need a script quick! junyi! posted at 1:52 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, November 11, 2004 2 more sciences. 1/2 more humans. 1/2 more maths. 6 more papers. 4 more exam days. 8 more days.
I can't wait for it to end. E Maths was fine. In fact it was a lovely start to the week. But Bio was simply shitty. Absolutely. You thought paper 1 marks the start of u doing an extremely good paper. You thought it means menstruation cycle will come out in paper 2. But how wrong you, and wrong we all were. I shan't go into the nitty gritty details of how totally screwed and shitty paper 2 for the bio exam was. But let's juz put it this way - it wasn't difficult, but purely shitty and screwed. And to quote some people (in fact many) - 'it is one exam tt all studying won't do any good anyway'. So, my dear friends at cambridge, wat kind of message do you think u r sending? - For us to noe, tt there's no point studying? For us to noe, tt despite all we have learnt, the key to build a THINKING nation tt our government & Mr Tharman so urge u to help in setting up through the exams, is to set questions tt absolutely portray facts tt we all have learnt otherwise? O well. If the other science papers are anything like tt, i do so think there is no point studying. But still, I will study. why? Coz u never noe wat our dear friends at cambridge are up to. O wells. To end off, let me bring u the latest comment from Mrs Joycelene Lim, our favourite bio teacher. It came, coz i was egged to give her a call, but noeing how saggy, erm i mean naggy, she is, my bills may juz skyrocket. So i did e 2nd best, in true paparazzi spirit, and msged her like we always tell her 'Mrs Lim, this exam die already. No A1s.' To which she replied: 'Dun worry, if u all found it difficult then it may be worse 4 other schs rite? Anyway it wasnt too bad lah! I thought it was the qn on the diameter of the pupil that was abit weird - it shld be diameter decrease with increasing distance of light - dun know if it was intended to confuse students. And maybe the last qn on drug k needed some thought, but the rest was ok rite?As long as u didnt leave any blank there's hope!' - 10/11/2004 So yea. The above was taken straight from the sms. No change in text or spelling watsoever. Happy deepavali! junyi! posted at 1:20 pm.
(0) comments Friday, November 05, 2004 Prisoner 0316. Prison Centre: 2481.
Ah sigh. I m tired. 1 week of exams is gone! YAY! 3 cheers ... Another 6 days of exam, another 2 weeks to the end. O wells. Here's how the exams went: - HCL: Easier than expected. Did quite an ok paper, confident of all sections (by my standards) ... hopefully i do get an A ... but tt's cambridge-moe, they moderate up or down at their own whims and fancy. How do we noe if we can get A1 or not? ... - SS: Yay! i completed the paper for the first time ever! I think i did pretty well. If Hist is ok, then i guess it is more or less and A. Yet, I dun noe how those markers mark. I hope they like my answers. It's my only humans ... muz do well. Condolences to ben: australia instead of argentina ... hope they overlooked it for ya :) - EL: Extremely screwed. I got a writer's block for my composition, and wrote an extremely shitty essay on uniforms. Wont do well, but i do think i did ok for all the other sections. If i get an A1 (which i do so hope i will), then i guess it will b so marginal ... - E Math: An ok paper, with all practices paying off. Hoping for a 100% grade for this but apparently made some errors. A deduction of 5 marks or so. Must do well for paper 2 too. - A Math: Better than my prelims, definitely, but i screwed this question worth 9 FREAKING MARKS! A total deduction of 10 marks - plus minus 3 here there. Apparently isnt very good wif so many ppl minusing mere 2, 3 marks. and heard tt A1 grade for A math is quite high (in the 80ish region) ... will work hard for A math 2. So here it is, 5 subjects. 7 papers. 9 more papers to go. Wish me luck. There's E Math 2 & Bio next week. shant bother writing abt many other things tt happened ... it's the exam mode. 0316 junyi! posted at 1:08 pm.
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