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Friday, June 30, 2006 yay i m happy today cos i think i spent my day well. haha i bought 5 new books (: and i finished my overdue bday shopping (= ok most of it except one. but yes yes i will get that done soon too. haha. yay back to my books. o my gosh i sound like such a nerd. haha. (/edit: gosh so many hahas. i mus b on a high today!) ----------- anw, in my time at borders today, i found this piece of advice u might want to take if ur dream has always been to make a difference or be special. if u cant be the top 1 percent in school, submit a blank script for all ur papers. or shade a for all ur mcq answers and entertain the examiners with ur life stories. basically give anything except the correct answer. when the principal announces the college results and says that 99.5% of the college received 4 passes and above, congratulate urself. you make a difference. ------------- o well whatever it is i definitely dont wish to make that kind of a difference. it scares me if i do. and yes thanks navjote! =) haha. junyi! posted at 3:57 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, June 29, 2006 aha. common tests are finally over. whew. ok i can hear the sniggerings of "hate to remind you but prelims r in TEN weeks time" YES TEN WEEKS TIME. and considering a month had not been enough, i must start like NOW. except. i gotta take a break first (: now dont ask about common tests. it wasnt the best, but i think it was better than cts1. though i m seriously ggxx confirmed die until cannot die for CHEMISTRY. o gosh. chemistry. i m never meant to take that subject. i wld hv taken history instead of that. or something else maybe. perhaps just not physics or geog. i think chemistry hates me. tt's y i hv no chemistry with anyone. hahas. yar but chem was bad lah. i opened up the paper and was like er wat the hell. but i shall practise more! AND become a chemistry expert. and have loads of chemistry with everyone around me! haha. o the other papers r fine. although i m pretty sure i will end up without an A AGAIN. i do hate it when the reason behind not doing well is due to the time factor. argh. time constraints, like chemistry, are the bane of my life. though time constraints have ALWAYS been a bane of my life. since like primary school. o well i m not making sense. anw it's good to finally come home and hv a good sleep without feeling guilty! and i still owe ppl presents, drats! happy belated birthday ajit and happy birthday in advance yangbin. and the nat team is in wales! go suhas, chere, mark! anw, m finally online and was just reading the econs s stuff on their yahoogroups (tt i din leave even though i only went for the holiday classes and was told to just join the egroups anw, haha hey - take the 10 bucks i paid as a fee to continue reading those posts) ... it is interesting, the kind of responses that came after sheng asked " how do you decide whether or not to study your notes, when their marginal value to yourselves becomes precisely apparent only after you've studied them?" so here r the responses: "By asking the guy who's already read it if its worth reading or not, of course! Its not exact, but it's a reasonable estimate. Then again, I hear a free rider problem manifesting." "the answer - wait for others to read them first and tell you if they're any good. like the springboks who wait for other springboks to jump first. i'm not sure if this is a particularly stable strategy though, since it is obviously open to cheating. but which student would be so boliao. and more importantly, which student actually reads notes till 3 hours before the exam." "I really should not have to dignify this statement with a reply. Because you have to know the person before you ask them such a question, and I make the implicit assumption that you wouldn't ask a person who: a. hates your guts b. lies perenially for his own amusement c. doesn't understand what the notes are saying because you are a rational and intelligent individual. Moreover, what benefits does he accrue to lie to you? It is not as though the Common Test grades are adjusted according to a bell curve, creating a situation where the achievement of high scores is a zero sum game. Your reading the notes, which he deems good, may improve your chances of getting an A, but in no way reduces his chances of doing so. Hence there is no impetus for him (or her) to lie." "Actually, I'd contest Mike's point about the grade curve here - the common tests aren't graded on a grade curve, but to some extent, a distinction at the common tests is a positional good. Not all the utility accrues simply from your having it - some of its value as an academic marker comes from your having it while others do not. (Thus the risk of grade inflation; it impinges on the value of the currency and the validity of its signals.)" "Adding to my previous reply: It occurs to me that, if you ask someone for advice about notes, the gains to them (your goodwill/favours if you do well) are concentrated, whereas the effects of grade inflation are dissipated, so it seems reasonably likely that those you ask will tell the truth." "> I'd posit that if reading your notes were a major > contributing factor to getting that very elusive > Distinction, that Distinction then wouldn't be all > that elusive. That in turn would suggest that grade > inflation already abounds. > > So I don't think an honest assessment of a set of > notes' worth is seriously going to factor into > someone's calculus on how special his or her > Distinction will be. Ah, but we all know humans are irrational creatures who, even if they could perform these complex calculations about maximising utility under constraints, would ignore their conclusions and fret about things like grade inflation (and do other irrational, nasty things like throwing away other people's notes). Besides, they don't learn the Lagrangian at A Level. How to maximise like that?!" "Thank you both. Well, my experience is that people tend to err on the cautious side and always tell you that the notes are useful. They do not intend to lie. One can be sure if a piece of notes is useless when: a. One takes the test and finds oneself capable of answering all the questions without reading the notes. (If one finds otherwise, oops, it's too late.) b. One reads the notes to find that one already knows all the material, though precious time has already been wasted. To many people situation (a) is unbearable and only occurs when short of time. In situation b, since you know all the material, you should read faster than usual. You probably only need to read the first few pages and the last few pages to convince yourself that you know the contents. If you ask a friend before the test and get replied that the notes are useless. Your friend should be in situation (b), ie, your friend knows the contents of the notes before reading. Whether that implies that you also know the materials I hold my doubt." haha and the discussion goes on ... so how do u decide anw? and i think i m a mutant. i hv now lost my lil finger fingerprint as well. soon i will b without fingerprints! then i wont b able to work in any high security thingy cos no fingerprint = no access! haha junyi! posted at 10:55 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, June 22, 2006 aha a quick one. yes i m alive. after 3 weeks of studying. more tv/reading/slacking than studying really. but tt's not the point. after everything, it seems like i can finish my studying (not revision, because the prefix RE suggests going through AGAIN. but nothing that i am doing suggests an AGAIN) after all. BUT that wont get me my 4As because. because i cannot remember. and because it is STUDYING, not REVISE. so yea. so next tues, let the journey begins! anw, since i last blogged, here's wishing NAVJOTE TURBZ SINGH, YEO SAM JO a happy belated birthday =) yups yups. pity tt everyone is caught up with mugging, but we will make it up somehow wont we =) and er happy fathers day to all fathers out there. haha. and yups happy birthday belicia who doesnt read this but nvm haha. and finally, i dont understand the perpetual infatuation of rj ppl chanting names out cheering so relentlessly for a person. yes i m talking abt singapore idol. wah keep chanting the name before results r announced. it's fine if she wins but er yea she didnt. hrm if the volumes of her votes were proportionate to the volume of noise made for her then she wld hv gotten in wldnt she. aha. so yea make so much noise. so fervent. lol. ok. back to the books. cts next week. GOOD LUCK. junyi! posted at 9:31 pm.
(0) comments Thursday, June 15, 2006 hrm i m in a weird mood now. maybe it's cos most of my class are at class party and i cant go, or maybe it's cos i m sneezing every 5 seconds. or it may be cos of house comm handover this morning. whatever it is, i shall refrain from blogging over the next 2 weeks i suppose. shldnt b hard since i wld b panicking this time next week haha. and so shant come online much. er exercise self control. studying sucks and i jus hope i will do well this cts2 lah. anw this morning's hse comm handover, was in many's opinions, a waste of time and rather anti-climax. and i suppose it's not the fault of anyone, but simply cos of the poor timing - smack in the middle of hols, aka cts2 revision, and given no one noes wat to expect of a handover, i guess no one was prepared to speak since no one noes what to say in the first place. but but but. the j1s were really sweet cos they were like getting us stuff - a cake, some bottle filled with red stuff and pizzas. and they said nice stuff abt us. haha. actually i feel qte bad lah, they gotta spend qte a sum on us. AND we din do much. or anything in the first place. guide them? not really. hrm we shld get them something too. anw, the handover wasnt exactly useless and tho i din say as much as i normally would, it got me thinking. reflecting as usual. and haha it has put me in a pensive mood again. but anw, i dunno. so everything is kinda official now. tho after hse party, nothing much has been done, but yea it is the new comm now, the "house councillors". and it means we are out. officially. i suppose it jus seems so weird, like after everything, this so called "handover" has just put a fullstop to all that you have done and can do. it means tt whatever you had wanted to do, you can no longer execute it anymore. so if u want to start regretting, you can from now. you cant go like opps i forgot to do _____ and i want to do ____, nvm still in charge, can. haha. in many ways, there were many things that I would have liked to do, but it was a good one year with the house comm. i remembered my pitch at the elections - to increase the house spirit, to bring it to greater heights, to win etc etc pretty much the same as the candidates this year, and i think i talked abt working closely with the hse comm to create this identity for the house. the past one year, i learnt a lot, and i had the chance to do loads of things i have never done before. and i nv imagined i had to. in ri, the comm was 30 ppl strong, with sec 2s, 3s who are all so willing to help out. there were so many talents to tap into. but here in rj, with 11 ppl and we all have a thousand and one commitments, you are often left with just 3-4 ppl who can actively contribute to an event / a project. and then u dont really have ur work cut out for u, having to reach out to lots who dont give a damn abt the house, who may not noe anything at all. being a vcapt in mt was very different from being vcapt in moor. you had to b more hands-on, you truly had to fight for what you believe in, you had to speak up. you dont have the excuse of tradition to follow on. you dont have people who are interested in house affairs and wld willingly speak up for wat they want. you dont have staff members who take an active interest in house, who know anything about the hse system, who know what to do about it. it was different. but it gave me a lot. and i guess i walk away with just the regret that i cant return just as much. in a sense starting everything anew did give us a lot of room to do crazy stuff, things never tried before and tt's the experience tt i managed to walk away with. but this room to improve meant there were many things i cld have done to make the entire system better. gosh that line seems to make myself sound so noble. the question is - how many people will leave rj remembering how they fought for the house, remembering house party, and keeping those badges and even remember which house they belong to. and something in me tells me that there was so much i cld have done, shld have done but didnt. but i guess ultimately what matters is that we are in rj to study, not to be a full time vcapt, hse commer or ihc commer. so today's supposed to b the last hse comm mtg. officially. and something in liyana's blog struck me that kinda applied for mt as well. we get on together fabulously at meetings tho we dont go out at all. and perhaps it's a big pity that a hse comm we din really get to noe each other better. but i guess handing over doesnt really mean that we stop interacting with each other. just means no more work to stress over. i think i got tired in the end. but thanks mt hse comm - it was a good yr serving the house. company has been great all the time - we din win but we had fun i suppose. (: so thanks dani - always concerned tt we r overworked haha and thus work very hard herself, lesbo lim who appeared in the papers and makes us laugh and did a good job for calligraphy! =), samjo with all those creative designs, fellow aesthetics dir nash, glenL, psch classmate bel haha, currentclassmate dnetyap, jerry who made ppl run away from him cos he keeps pleading with them to join ihc, james & ajit r.e.d ics. we did it i suppose. created an identity out of nothing when we decided we shant be moor, we shant be tarbet. but shld have this individual identity... haha, it's weird they wont read this anw. and o yar, ms chen too, always laughed at by us. and laughs with us. very hands-on. we shld hv a like dinner/lunch after cts =), no agenda (haha tho sometimes it hardly makes a difference) and if u r from moor-tarbet and reading this, i do hope whatever it is that you took part in - drama feste, sporting events, talent-time, in whatever little way you have contributed to mt, or whatever we did for u, u liked it, and u enjoyed urself, and is proud to b in mt =) it isnt exactly a fullstop in ihc since mrseah has asked us to stay on to "advise" the j1s. what kind of role this is i dont really noe, but it means less hands-on i suppose. it's like a minister-mentor haha. but i guess hafta thanks mr seah, always willing to listen and having confidence in me =). he's very very hands-on i must say. and he does work fast, rather effeciently. i guess ihc shld b left for another time, the fact tt there's still some work to be done. haha. there're so much on my mind, but this will do i guess. so here's a final long entry for this june hols. inccendio inflammarae junyi! posted at 5:36 pm.
(0) comments Tuesday, June 13, 2006 aha. i shall today, talk about my day at NS MEDICAL CHECK UP. nothing really much to talk about, since roland has covered it so comprehensively and thanks to him i was very much prepared for the check up and was, as usual a walking commentary about the staff, the stations etc. aha. the ever well-informed junyi. the problem is ... the radiation killed some of my brain cells so i m not in the mood to study. and it wasted dfjkasdlfj;asdf 7 hours of my life. waiting. stoning. being sucked. being looked at. hahas. and so not studying, with my study plan for the day destroyed (thought i cld come home by 3, ended up home at 1830, with a headache) well what roland din mention was this jaw xray test that took ONE HOUR OK!!! to wait. and i felt so noob cos they told me to bite the tip, i saw no tip so bit the whole thing. hahas. i cant see y a xray of my jaw has to be taken. and so many other ppl dont. must be cos talk too much so they have to be doubly sure tt the talking does not affect my jaw structure. or maybe the xray was a decoy. it was a machine to make me talk less. like radiate ur mouth. hrm. but i dunno i think if that's the case, it isnt working. or tt my jaw's pretty - so they have to take samples =) yes one hour wasted for that. horrible. pretty much all the same, though i m still curious what the cough test is for. BUT BUT BUT i need to come back for another check up. so meanwhile, i m in PES D! but i gotta do a lipid test. and if it's negative i will b back to pes b. aha. the IQ TEST WAS THE MOST aksfdjlajsdf OF ALL. seriously. it was a) unnecessary. b) questions that have vague instructions. firstly. seriously, if i cant b bothered and answer the question like anyhow, and based on the test, i like get a 70 for my iq will i be given a pes d, DESPITE the fact tt i m taking a levels. and it din help i had to wait 2 hours for it. but the kiasu, rj side in me is pissed with myself for not being able to complete the math!!! haha. and on questions that had vague instructions. hrm seriously, i think there r many ways to solve a question. AND for every question i have my own reasons what. so i conclude that the test is inaccurate in the first place. and right, i thought r u homosexual was a dumb enough question. and it wasnt asked (nash says can tell lah and i agree haha) so there were questions that involves this ball thing floating on the water. so they asked who used more force. like seriously, it depends what. wind conditions, water, time it started etc. they shld have put ceteris peribus or something. and like to the smallest even no., subtract 2 and use the letter above move 2 steps to the right and key in the number. but like smallest given even no. or like the smallest even no.? HRM ok i have been rubbishing all the way. IGNORE ME. it is the radiation lah. but seriously the stupidest question, have you down a similar test before? NO! obviously, no reason to waste 4 hrs of my life. ok lah i heard it's similar to the psc selection thingy. no offence. haha. aha and a quick check on google yielded results of the cough test! here's it: THE COUGH TEST (http://www.menshealth.co.uk/health/doctor/gptests/5/article.php) WHAT'S IT REALLY CALLED? This hasn't got a posh medical name. WHAT'S HE DOING THIS FOR? Coughing puts a strain on the muscles of your lower abdomen. WHAT MIGHT IT TURN UP? A hernia. This is a weakness of the muscles around the groin - allowing a bit of the gut to bulge through - and can be caused by something as simple as lifting a heavy object. A cough will encourage the hernia to pop out so the doc can spot it. This usually works best with you standing up. And no, it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your testicles. aha. i m enlightened =) junyi! posted at 8:39 pm.
(0) comments Sunday, June 11, 2006 why you can still watch the world cup assuming that you study in the day from say 0900 - 2000 (inclusive of breaks and what not) that no matter how much / little you sleep you will still be wide awake in the day and that you cannot decide whether you shld be watching the world cup or not because common tests are coming, you shouldnt even bother thinking abt tt qn! because. world cup starts after 2100, and so when you watch world cup, the opp cost is sleep. so ur studies, based on the above assumptions, WILL NOT be affected but. the 2nd assumption is one hell of a big assumption. of course there are other factors involved. but as long as the 2 assumptions hold true. u can be sure that world cup isnt y u may not do well - assuming of course u din do well. tt's y i used MAY. haha. in peace. crap logic. i m sorry u jus wasted a minute of ur life reading this. junyi! posted at 11:08 pm.
(0) comments Friday, June 09, 2006 omg. i jus saw a totally off, crude, unfair, outrageous remark. thankfully it's off some forum thingy and not from anyone i noe (i think) And thanks for reminding me that this Sylvia Lim person is single. If she can't start a family, I'm sure she would'nt be able to contribute to making family friendly policies. Women who live their lives without becoming mothers are not complete as human beings ! No, Emptycage, even if you're right I'll continue to spit at the opposition and their uneducated and stupid supporters with not a single nipple of social responsibility. Gosh. i never knew such people do exist. junyi! posted at 11:46 pm.
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ok almost 2 weeks have passed and this means that u, i mean we, shld hv completed at least half of everything that needs to be studied. but i haven't. my progess hasnt been good lah, so hopefully i can manage some excellent studying the next 2 weeks. tho books (STORYBOOKS! not textbooks unfortunately) always end up as a major source of distraction. so it looks like i m not the only one who missed 2a. haha. yea 2a was memorable what with the many diverse characters. but in a sense i hv been really lucky to b in very very interesting classes all my lives. and yea. it always makes education more memorable, bearable and interesting. haha. so it pisses me off this time tt once again i cant go out this hols for bday celebrations, for class bbq and random stuff like that. i hate it that i have so little control of a life that i live. sucks doesn't it? perhaps it wld b a good idea to have at my disposal dining, holiday vouchers, following the advice of ms dnet yap. studying / revision / mugging has been pretty bad given how someone in class ytd commented "wat have you been doing" on seeing how much i have covered this hols. er. ggxx. so yea. i m not lying okayyyyyy. but i guess in many ways being cooped up at home is not a solution. wat's the disease that is a result of sunlight deficiency. yea i might get that. then i will b even yellower too lah. i mean how is tt possible. then maybe i will get some mental illness for lack of social interaction. ok lah. i crap. freakonomics a rather good read. haha. the links it draws, rather amazing really. morality is what the world wants the world to be junyi! posted at 9:50 pm.
(0) comments Friday, June 02, 2006 This entire week has been thought provoking, to say the least, and tt kinda made studying ever so distracting. and today's conversation with zul made me realise how long i have not had a good chat with those around me. And perhaps after just ranting, just talking non stop (ok i accept tt i do tt qte a bit, but most of the time rubbish) for a while, you do indeed feel better. i think i underestimate the things ppl around me do that can affect me. quite a bit. anyway, usual ramblings go on - just decided to blog today cos i feel expressive and colourful, haha. it's a weird feeling, and it just means tt i feel like talking more than ever. and to many ppl - esp the girls in 3w who never fail to voice it out, it will cause turmoil in the world. haha. LUCKILY i m home. haha. and luckily i din feel this way in school this morning. ok maybe i did. but the cold glares by the lecturer kinda deterred me - slightly. such that it was enought to make it at the normal amount tt would come out from my mouth. Have you wondered why you go to school then? to talk? haha. it's true i guess, school is just such a wonderful excuse to get out and to talk. ok i m sorry if you e dont feel the same way but if u have been grounded for 093287450329 days and half ur life-time, then perhaps tt will be how you think. on the bright side, leslie wld support my staying at home cos tt encourages family bonding. haha. but seriously, do you ever wonder if you have spent too little time with your family? What does it mean to you anyway? will you do ANYTHING to protect your family? Going out with your family or staying with home with them, do you enjoy these trips? Or would you rather go out with your friends. Sometimes, we take our families for granted. but sometimes, dont you just blame them for the way you turn out? I do i guess. Afterall, the past 18 years, how much of that was controlled by me. Are parents your guiding light to what matters and what's important or are they the ones behind a remote control ... that controls you? whatever it is, i guess when the time comes, when we get to think for ourselves - to start being the one behind the remote control that controls us, it will be the time we will start appreciating them. Just my random thoughts. June happens to be a month of birthdays for many of my "older friends", those tt i got to know in secondary school. and the fact i m grounded means i cant do much i suppose, but i hope they all have a good birthday. whenever i can i will try to get out and do something. and thinking back, writing cards, it brings back thoughts and memories i suppose. from the sec 1 days, to the debating days, to where we are, who we are. i remember in sec 2 how i was hated by a group tt ended up being good frens with me now. over what i really cannot recall. but i do remember they really hated me then. haha. i rmb jonk's stuttering, samjo's outbursts, nash constant beating up of bryon and his dressing up as a monk, the quarrels over projectwork (they called it mdp then isnt it?)! (yes, such competitive freaks we were! and we werent even in the same group! we were competing to see how good our projects were! lol). and yes noticeboard - the amt of focus we placed on it! to think of it, wat the hell did ri give us so many noticeboards for?! we even had an opening ceremony for it! lol lol. such idealists we were. and i do remember all the dramas we went through, ms kelly's lessons, and our making fun of hoonhoon. 9-11 was then too wasnt it? And we had an american teacher. there was the making fun of teachers' costumes - how ms kelly had her favourite sunday dress; mdm cheah n her outer siberia threats; henghuijoo's constant complains on how she cant find a guy who matches her wat 50 criteria? (glad she found him - licia's uncle haha); ROSEMARY the cleaner!, nhh n her fantasies – and desire for a child of course. things have changed. they definitely have. come to think of it, i miss my class. it's one of the few classes i really enjoyed being in. it was diverse, but we kinda changed havent we. we all did. everything on hindsight seems so childish, so immature, but it seems so fun. haha. and 2a started all these planning stuff tt i kinda so choose to undertake subsequently. you could say it moulded me. planning nizar's party then ... and then class outing, and there was there was this model class award thing. haha. exchanging of notes too. we were kiasu. and i ended up doing qte badly. but tt's besides the point. haha. but house kept us close together i guess, 2a dudes formed 3/4 the house comm in moor, and as ben cai puts it i think - moor hse comm party = 2a party + 3 or so 2f ppl. haha. and i remember those debating days. debate camp - how we refused to sleep and kept talking being the noob debaters that we were - and consistently getting scolded then, how we had to endure 3 rounds of debates as newbies and then give hopelessly silly points tt caused us to get scolded. and the "torture" games we went through aimed at making us think faster and on the feet. and then suhas n i were put in the same team. i recall too tt i was the last among the 4 to be put in, replacing terence. and varun din make me forget that did he - "you speak like a robot, you deliver what chens gives you and don't forget you are a replacement". haha ok that last sentence just came to me suddenly. it's amazing my memory, it has a mind of its own! in the very first round the old ones seemed so confident of winning, we were hearing suhas' irish jokes before round one! suhas and i din really noe what we were supposed to do, so ended up preparing loads of stuff (that we found out the old ones never came to read it in the end) and we were made to arrange tables, fetch water and carry bags. so the old ones cld swagger in and look cool. haha. and those anal facial expressions our juniors see so often when they debate now? those started with round 1 in 2003, aimed at nerving those mg debaters. haha. and so we lost - it was abt hollywood i recall. it was upsetting, came back to win the next round, only to lose the last. agst cat high? on televised trials. o i remembered how they arranged a debate agst rj power team, only to realise half the team cant make it and i had to speak. so did suhas. haha. it was qte scary. and the classic. rosie smith lambasting us in the middle of some school in front of the whole debating circuit of sec schools over some very trivial matter - over benuel's accusation tt the rg girls were being fake i think. and all jus cos she scolded him and we tried to cool her down. and then we had nav, gautam, zul n shang come in. we lost everything we had that year. jgs, ncs, hc. and won nothing back - vj, sr ... it was painful, but in every way, every tournament was a fun experience. and who could forget the volatile relationship between shang & suhas. the incessant bitching so common within the debating circuit? how debaters vilified each other over blogs. the team/club pep talk at some shopping mall near vj (cant rmb) and resolution 2004. about how we will not launch personal attacks agst one another and this was subsequently broken within a week? haha. and yes how we were screwed by smith at least once every 2 weeks. o yes HOW SUHAS & I WERE ALMOST SACKED AS CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR. haha. over planning of debate camp i think. and the only reason y we werent was cos her car broke down and by the time she came. she was more pissed about the car. haha. i think it was over how we failed to inform them about the happenings. but to tell u the truth i learnt qte a bit under smith, the way things shld b done, and in many ways, it was cos of her tt i managed to deal with many other teacher-mentors subsequently. haha. and then jgs came. losing the first round wasnt easy, but it hardened us. AND HOW I WAS BACKSTABBED. haha. ok lah. suhas did what he had to do. or thought he had to do. haha. each round proved very nerve-wrecking, it din help tt i always thought i was the weakest link. this was however one of the most fun team i had managed to work with, what with songkran and running around the whole school, refusals to use the ge room on the pretext tt it was going to curse us (teams tt used the ge room have never won nationals). but i do shout a lot. i noe. esp at suhas. haha. o yes, how about the nasi goreng ikan bilis? Or the staying in school till 10? 11? Or our team bonding sessions at the mama shop. and dad and mum coming for so many of the debates, recording them. all the ridiculous things our team did. gosh. haha. i think I have talked enough about the only reason why we won was cos we wanted it very much, yada yada yada. So shan’t go into all of those. but it was fun. and i recall how it was inter-house debates that got it all started. and in a sense, it was this one time fighting for the house, and subsequently making it an annual affair that provided me with the sense of attachment i had for the house. at least it was a spark and one of the few things that kept it going over the years before i became vicecapt. i did not write this entry intending it to be a long one, and i still have no idea how writing it all started. perhaps, i was inspired by samjo's really long entry. haha. Have a feeling if i started a blog in sec 1, i wld have bitched rather than to find these incidents funny. u noe what, i think i was damn anal last time. haha. but on hindsight, with these memories flashing back, they're quite funny. interesting. it's weird, how i m typing all these with a smile. haha. whatever the case is, suhas if you are reading this, here's wishing you - an ex-teammate, chairman, friend and star debater who was yelled at by me so many times (sorry about that) a happy birthday =) good luck with _______. jcdcs i mean. Haha. wah. and i din study again today. i think i m crazy, with this long post in the middle of cts revision. i hope you din waste ur time reading till this part. o well that means no break this weekend. if you have been studying, i hope you are making better progress than i m. junyi! posted at 12:12 am.
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