Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Ah. I am blogging at the mac lab in school now. Ah. Haha. Supposed to b giving yi hern feedback and all and help him find teachers if need be. O well. He is at SR1 scanning some shit with ms tang swee noi (sorry, philip ... too bad u r not here) ... so here i am. Nothing better to do .... actually, trying to do some SS and math.

O past few days have been quite interesting, taking part in the video production and all. Of course, there was class page too. And had it rejected like twice? so junsen is doing it again now. O well ... maybe we did put some 'sensitive' stuff inside. LoL

Now i got 8 pts. Moderation really didnt affect me much, and my heart goes out to those 7, 8 pters who see no change in their pts. tough luck guys. Some ppl really r so lucky. Have wat, 10 to 7, or even 12. O. These ppl very lucky. think i applying for science in rj. Hope i make it.

And now i m still waiting for yi hern. Or should i go home and mug ... it's already 2 ...

junyi! posted at 1:51 pm.

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24 april 1988


[x] nav+ajit+suhas+imran+me

my photos!
[x] '06 orientation storyline!
[x] '06 orientation team!
[x] drama feste!
[x] '05 random photos!
[x] '04 pictures

-friends from ns-
[x] eugene yap
[x] james teo
[x] jordan f
[x] kengfoo

-be it in the past or now-
[x] navjote
[x] terence
[x] yix

Moor-tarbetians / jj
[x] jonKie
[x] alan
[x] CCC
[x] sam jo
[x] nash
[x] zee
[x] snee
[x] teamboat

-be it in the past or now-
[x] amy lim
[x] dnet yap
[x] jefferson
[x] nadjad
[x] xix
[x] samantha kwah

-for the time being-
[x] james teo
[x] ritzley
[x] shifu
[x] liyana
[x] zhunian

say something.

previous posts!
